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xɪɪ. ꜰᴀᴍɪʟɪᴀʟ ᴄᴏɴꜰʀᴏɴᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ____________________________________
Durkas finds the empty vials.

"What're you doing? Adrenaline blocker? You can't take adrenaline blockers with corton fever.", He says as his sister waves him off.

"It's fine."

"You know, I knew you were up to something. I knew you were lying."

"Durkas, I would respectfully ask...", Roman attempts to butt in, but he is cut off.

"No, I would respectfully ask, don't talk to me."
"Hi. We're going to need you to...", Yaz speaks as she and Ryan enter Yoss, the pregnant man's, room again.

"Oh! Oh! Put your hand there."

"Nah, you're all right.", Ryan shakes his head, uncomfortable.

"Ah, go on. Please, both of you. Quick, it's kicking. Come on, it'll be nice to share it. Oh, wait for it, wait for it. Oh!"

The baby kicks as they touch his abdomen.


"See? He likes you guys.", Yoss smiles.

"Oh, and again."

"You know it's a boy?", Yaz asks as he stares at her like she's insane.

"Course it is. Boys give birth to boys, and girls give birth to girls. That's how it is."

"Not where we come from."

"Urgh. How does that work?", Yoss shudders for a a moment.

"Do you want to see my baby pics?"

"We all need to be in the assessment area in six minutes.", Ryan informs him, but Yoss calls up the scans on a wall screen anyway.

"Ah. One hour, three hours. End of the first day, mid second day, and... oh, three hours ago."

"Mate, you're growing a person.", Ryan gasps.


"I couldn't do that."

"No, he really couldn't do that.", Yaz interjects.

"Yeah, almost seems a shame to give him away.", Yoss says, sadly.

"That's what you're going to do?"

"Oh, I'm not fit to raise a kid. Besides, dark times right now. Turbulent worlds. I'm not sure I'm his best option. I can't even operate my oven."

"But... won't you miss him?", Ryan asks, but the man changes the subject.

"Six minutes, you said? I'll be there."

"He's the same age as me dad must have been when he had me. Same age as I am now. I never really thought about it like that. I wouldn't be able to cope having a kid now.", Ryan realises as they walk down the hallway, back to the meeting point.

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