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ᴠ. ʙʟᴀꜱᴛ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀꜱᴛ
"Hi, Doctor. Oh! Hi. How are you doing? Good. Just talking to myself to prove I'm still alive. I was wondering. What would you say to the others if they were here?", The Doctor speaks to herself, as she takes in her surroundings. 

Large kelp like stalks continue for miles past her view, in all directions. A green hue fills the entire place as she tries not to focus on the fact that Odessa has been taken captive by her greatest enemy. Or that the others are on a plane that is destined to crash.

"Don't panic.", She breathes, partially to herself and partly to the others.

"M' coming, Odie. I promise.", She adds on as a dull ache forms in her head.
"Yaz! Hold on!", Graham shouts over the roaring wind as they all struggle to keep a hold of the seats around them.

Ryan falls on the floor and spots a small plaque with his name on it.

"What?", His eyebrows furrow in confusion, but he crawls towards it, to get a better look.
"Of course, I'm usually saying it as much to myself as I am to them."

"Always a good reminder when you're alone, in the unknown, all hope lost.", The Doctor nods to herself, before sighing loudly and dragging her hands down her face.

"Course what I really need is my- my sonic!", Her face brightens as she plucks it from her pocket, suddenly remembering she does have it. Most times she finds herself in these types of situations, the opposite is true.

Despite her relief at finding her trusty screwdriver, the Doctor struggled to ignore the pain in her head, that is only increasing in intensity. With the shake of her head, perhaps not the best idea, she carries on.
Ryan crawls along the aisle. He spots several of the same plaques along the wall. One reads: Ryan Sinclair and a left arrow.

"No way.", He gapes at it, as Tilira and Alfi yell nearby.

"That bastard!", Tilira cries, referring to the Master.

"Took Odie and the Doctor. I swear when I get out of here-"

"If we get out of here.", Alfi corrects her.

"I mean when, Alfi."

"I never apologized.", He gasps after a moment.

"To Odessa. I should never have left her there."

"It's not that big a deal, Alfi."

"But it is, Tilly. She was nervous. Said something about O, and feeling weird about him. But I ignored it. And then I lost the game and raced off. I-"

"Don't beat yourself up. She'll be okay. We'll get her back.", Tilira assures him.

Alfi nods, but she can see that he isn't convinced.
The Doctor tries the sonic screwdriver, still having a conversation with herself.

"Won't work in here. Why not? Could be a clue. A clue to what?", She is just about to give up, when a bolt of enters zips past in one of the stalks.

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