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ɪ. ᴛʜᴇ ᴏᴠᴇʀᴅᴜᴇ ʀᴇᴜɴɪᴏɴ
"Power, lights, doors.", The sexy lady mutters before turning on the light and grabbing hold of Odessa's hand at the sight of the dead woman's body.

"Poor woman."

"That thing must've killed her as it came through.", Ryan says.

"Must it? It didn't kill anyone else. Looks more like she died of shock when it smashed through the window.", The sexy lady observes.

"Either way, a woman has died here.", Yasmin reels them two of them back in.

"Maybe we should we get back to the others."

"Odessa's right. There's no more creatures, and no other passengers left on board. Let's head back to the others."
"Wait. Can you stop, please? This could be a major incident. I'm the one in charge here.", Yasmin trails behind the sexy lady, and Odessa, who is still being pulled along.

"What are you going to do?"

"Call it in to my station."

What are you going to tell them?", The sexy lady questions her.

"The facts."

"Which are?", She presses.

"The train was attacked."

"By what?"

"I need to take a look at CCTV footage."

"And why do you need to check CCTV when we all saw it with our own eyes?", Odessa suddenly pipes up as the sexy lady grins brightly at her.

"Was it an alien? Because it looked like an alien to me."

"Oh, come on.", Yasmin scoffs.

"It must be alien. Earlier, it looked like it was hunting something."

"Or someone.", The sexy lady adds as Odessa nods gravely.

"It did choose a train in the middle of a field though, so maybe it doesn't have permission to be here. Just a thought."

The sexy lady's eyes widen.

"Very good catch! Good girl!", She exclaims before grimacing.

"Ok, not saying that again."

"I.. I don't mind.", Odessa says, with pink cheeks.

They both turn back to Yasmin who doesn't look impressed. 

"What, you think she's wrong?", The sexy lady asks, suddenly sounding defensive.

"No, I dunno, but..."

"But you're worried about how you'll explain all this to a superior officer who won't believe you."

"I can't not report it.", Yasmin sighs as Odessa nods in agreement.

"You could hold off until we get the answers to the bigger questions."

"Which are?"

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