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x. ᴅᴀʏ ɪɴ ᴘᴀʀᴀᴅɪꜱᴇ
Author's Note:
Hiya everyone! I just wanted to give a brief content warning for this chapter.
- I will but another brief note prior to this scene , so you can read the rest of this chapter.

- Sincerely, Emily. Love you lots!
The fam stumbles back onto the Tardis, after another 'short' trip. That was how it started, but Graham accidentally accepted one too many gifts from the queen of the planet. She declared that they would be married and he was locked in her castle.

The rest of the fam had to sneak inside and rescue him, only to be chased down by the royal guard as they raced back to the Tardis.

The Doctor quickly pulled some levers and parked the Tardis in a relatively empty part of space, to drift for a while.

"Right, you lot. Get some rest.", The Doctor tells the fam.

"Where will be going next?", Tilira yawns.

"The Almafi Coast. Italy."

Odessa's eyes widen as she grins brightly.


"Really really.", The Doctor grins back with the same enthusiasm.

The others chuckle.

"I'm taking Odie on a date. But we'll be there for a while. You guys can explore. How does that sound?"



"No complaints here."

"Sounds perfect!", Come their scattered replies.

"Well then. I guess we'd better get some sleep so we'll all be ready."

The console room clears out quickly, leaving Odessa and the Doctor alone.

"Finally going on that date, then?", Odessa asks.

"Yes. I'm sorry about the 'short trips'."

"It's fine, Love. I'm willing to wait. Anything for you.", Odessa mutters as she walks over to wrap her arms around the time lady's waist.

"Ready for bed?"


The Doctor flashes a playful smirk before she drops her hands down to rest on Odessa's waist. With ease, she lifts the girl up.

In her surprise, Odessa firmly wraps her legs around her lover's waist.

"Good.", The time lady smirks as she carries her to their shared bedroom.
A few hours pass by before the Doctor lightly shakes Odessa awake.

"Time to get ready, Princess.", She winks at the tired woman who groans.

"Are you trying to get me all riled up?"

"Maybe. See you in the console room. Take all the time you need."

Odessa sits up after the Doctor lightly kisses her forehead and leaves the room.

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