3. Night chat

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"And this will be your room!" Charlie finishes her small tour as her exhausted girlfriend sighs behind her.

"Alright, so can we finally rest? Hon, I know you're excited about Rio here, but I think everyone's tired from today already." Vaggie reasons, as I look out one of the windows to see the darker red Hell sky, noticing it's late by now.

"Okay, I'm sorry! Rio, I hope you have a nice night. You can ask me questions anytime, and we'll be working on your path to redemption right away!! Have a nice rest!" Charlie says, hugging my tightly before leaving, Vaggie staring at her girlfriend caringly. I smile while watching them leave.

Once I'm alone in the hallway, I look to the still closed room and my key to open it, but just get the small object inside my hoodie pocket. Guess it's time I have a little walk around by myself, I've never been one to go to sleep early anyways.

Going down the main stairs, I look around the dimly lit hotel, scanning the big rooms and halls. I pass by a room that looks like a small library, and a bigger one with some couches and a chimney. Finally reaching the main hall again, I go to sit at the end of the stairs calmly but I'm interrupted.

"Hey, new guy." My pointy ears perk up at the familiar deep voice as I walk towards the greener area, looking at the bar.

"Hi!" I wave with a small smile.

"You're up late and not for a drink? Weirdest guest yet." He points out as I giggle, sitting on one of the barstools and leaning towards him.

"So all the guests here are alcoholic? Does the princess have a thing for y'all?" I joke, raising an eyebrow.

"You already including me as an alcoholic?"

"You had a bottle of whisky when I met you. And you have another one right now. Not too hard to guess." I smirk teasingly.

"Touché." The cat chuckles, drinking some of his whisky.
"So you're friends with the Radio Freak?" He changes the subject, clearly analysing me, looking for a honest answer. I smile upon noticing this: he's pretty easy to read for a gambler, though I guess I would know about analysing people, wouldn't I?

"I'm not. He's friends with my friend though, so yeah." I shrug. He seems unsure of my answer, and I put my hands up in surrender while chuckling.
"Don't look at me like that, I really don't like Alastor either, but I just rather not be on his bad side." You would know about that. I shut my last thoughts up, not wanting him to notice how easily I'm analysing him right now. Just on cue, he frowns.

"You're weird."

"What do you mean?" I tilt my head in confusion.

"You're hard to read." I cannot stop myself from laughing at him, though I try to make sure he notices I'm not really laughing at him.

"Joder (fuck), of course I am!" I say, still laughing. He seems to perk up after hearing my words.

"Oh, you're hispanic? You don't have that much of an accent."

"Yep, born in Spain, babe." I nod, still chuckling softly.
"Anyway, nice chat and all, but I'm going to my room now. Still haven't even seen it so the curiosity will hopefully make me sleepy or whatever." I say, getting off the barstool and waving goodbye to the cat.
"Night, handsome!"

"Mhm." I catch a small, comfortable smile on his face as I brings the whisky bottle back up to his lips.

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