38. Patience

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"I see this old rusty bar won't be so lonely today. Sure the few non-alcoholic drinks missed you, no one else cares for them." Husk says with a smirk as I approach the dimly lit bar at the usual ungodly hours of night.

"Sure, the drinks were the ones who missed me." I say, winking at the cat as I take my usual sit. He chuckles, reaching below the counter for an already poured coke.
"Already waiting for me, I see. Or is that you trying to drug me?" I joke, and he rolls his eyes at me, taking a whiskey bottle of his own.

"As much as this is Hell, blondie, you know I wouldn't do that."

"Hmm such a gentleman." Smiling, I take a small sip of my drink.
"So, today was one Hell of a day huh? Pun intended." He laughs at my small stupid joke.

"You mean because of the fuckin' king of Hell visitin', or that stupid bitch?"

"Both. Neither. Who knows?" I shrug, sighing delighted at the calmness of the atmosphere.
"However not everything went as smoothly as expected." He sends me a confused glance at that.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't think I didn't notice your shaky hands when you got back from disappearing from the bar, kitty." I see him tense at that, and I slip a hand close to his on the bar counter, nudging him softly.
"Not asking. I get why you wouldn't want to talk about it. I'm just, making sure you're fine?" He sighs at that, his hand beside mine relaxing. I take the chance and slip my own hand in his, watching him while doing so. He doesn't seem taken aback whatsoever, so I keep it there.

"I am. I was just... shaken. I'm guessin' you know how he can get." I nod thoughtfully, squeezing his hand slightly.
"But you... There was some shit ton of info about you spilled today." He frowns, squeezing back.
"You 'kay with that?"

"Well, nothing I can do if the tea is spilled already I guess." I say with a shrug.
"I'm just... Hoping no one asks, you know?"

"After the princess' talk about boundaries? They wouldn't." He says with a chuckle, and I smile back.

We're interrupted with the sound of a door, and I turn around to see a shivering spider come out of some room. Probably just one of the main rooms which are rarely used, he must've been napping there before actually going to sleep. To my surprise, though, he approaches us. In my stunned state my hand slips away from Husk's, tensing as Angel sits besides me. The bartender frowns at him.

"Hey, legs. The usual?"

"Yeah. I'll just take it and be off upstairs though." He side eyes me at the mention, slumping on the bar counter with shivers running down his frail body. Looking confused at this, I just shrug it off, taking a deep breath before trying to talk to him.

"Hey Angel, I-"

"Yeah yeah, yer welcome for earlier." He mumbles tiredly and dismissively.

"Uh... yeah- thank you again but that's not what I wanted to-" Husk places his drink on the counter, and he quickly takes it and gets up, instantly starting his way up to his room.

"I'm off for the night. Bye." His upper set of hands wave and hold his drink, as his bottom set wrap around his frame as he keeps shaking.

I watch him leave, confused and worried as I notice his uncomfortable state. I wonder what happened? I know he's not really... okay with me being around, but that was definitely something else. The shaking, the trembles. He almost looked in actual pain.

"Withdrawal." Husk spills, and I turn to him with a questioning gaze.


"From drugs. It's been a while since he was on them. He's been makin' some progress, since the whole Loser bit I did for him." He smiles proudly, but some concern can be seen through.

"He's... actually trying." I repeat with a barely audible whisper, but the bartender can clearly hear me in the dead of the night so he nods.

"By the way... I talked to him." I tense at the mention, and he sighs, taking a sip from his drink before explaining further.
"I think you just need to... Give him some time. Let him have his small edgy bit, let him think about it. Just... wait. I know it's not easy 'cause you care for him a lot but-"

"I don't." I mumble with a frown and pout, looking down to my drink. Hearing a small sigh, he tries again.

"Rio... You do. You don't want to, but you do. You care a lot."

"I will leave, eventually. And I'll hurt him." I run a hand through my hair, stopping my fingers from yanking on it from distress.
"...I'll hurt you."

"That's okay."

My chest constricts at the mention, stomach twisting and turning. I can almost feel bile going up my throat.

"It shouldn't be." I say weakly, my voice breaking as I start breathing heavily.

"Hey." I feel a hand on mine as I hold my head down, and he gently guides me to look up, hand on my cheek as I stare at his golden eyes, his pupils looking more dilated than usual as he looks at me.
"I trust you'll be okay. That's enough."

"Fuck, Husk." I pull my head away from his gentle hold and he lets me, smiling gently nonetheless and letting his hand fall on the counter instead.
"...I'm not a very patient person, you know?" I admit, letting a small smile slip out as I refer to the previous matter at hand.

"It'll be fine. I'm sure things will sort themselves out. You two can't stay mad at each other forever." He says, taking a glass and some bottles and starting to make a cocktail. After a small while of me just watching him in silent appreciation, he finishes it and starts closing up the bar.
"Now, I believe it's time for you to go to bed if you wanna wake up before dinner time tomorrow." He jokes, taking my already empty glass and washing it.
"And I'll bring this little treat to that dumb spider before he gets his desperate hands in one of his stashes and throws away all his efforts."

I get up from my seat at the mention, watching as he keeps closing the bar while keeping Angel's cocktail nice and ready to bring it to his room.

"Right. Nighty night, Husk."

"Sleep well, baby."

LOSERS || Husker x Angel Dust x Original Character (masc)Where stories live. Discover now