44. Heart to heart

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Groaning, I run a hand through my hair nervously before turning to look at Angel with a frown.

"Look, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have stepped in. But at least he won't bother you because of what happened tonight, okay? I promise I won't do that again."

"No, Rio wait-" He tries to reach out to me, but step back before he can even touch me, averting my eyes.

"Shit Angel I get it! You don't have to repeat the whole manipulative bullshit again. I told you, I won't do this again-"

"Rio ya dumbass listen to me!!" He snaps, his voice desperate and my eyes widen at the sound, faltering.

"Just please don't- I get that I'm a fucking manipulative shit and-"

"Rio. Baby, please just listen." He tries again, putting on a small smile and a soft look in his eyes that makes me shut up and wait for him to explain.
"I... I need to apologize."

Husk, who's been watching us the whole time as if on edge and trying to stop us from spiralling into an argument, seems pleased at the truthful voice that escapes Angel, and he nods approvingly before leaving us.

The spider offers one of his upper hands, not forcing me but waiting patiently for me to choose. With a sigh, I take it as he leads me to sit on one of the couches. Sitting beside me, he takes a deep breath before he starts talking.

"We can talk about what happened today later... For now, please just let me explain." I can hear him audibly gulp nervously while staring at his lower set of hands on his lap, his upper set hugging himself for comfort.
"The other day, when ya said all that shit about manipulation, I didn't mean what I said." I raise an eyebrow questioningly, and he shakes his head before explaining further.
"No wait- I did. I really did. But, that's not your fault."

Tilting my head in confusion, he rolls his shoulders back, trying to ease some of the tension. He's clearly not used to talking things out -don't get me wrong, I ain't either.

"I've had some shitty experiences with manipulative people, but I'm pretty sure ya already figured that much." I nod, and he frowns, shaking his head again and breathing deeply as if to ignore that fact.
"My deal with that whole shit is, I don't like it. No one would, obviously. But having dealt with that kinda stuff is awful, and I'm just..." He pauses, his voice going deeper at the mention.
"I'm scared."

There's a pause, in which I'm almost afraid to breath as to not stop his running thoughts. I really don't want him to stop explaining now, because him being scared of me? Well that's a whole new thing to digest.

"I'm terrified that all of this is just fake. Because, honestly, it might as well be. Who knows? I fucking don't, that's the thing!" He chuckles humourlessly at the mention, sighing after.
"Ya could just use me after making me attached. Ya could have me make a deal I don't actually agree with." He groans, as I just stare at him stiffly, listening intently.
"My problem is I have no idea if it's just another manipulative trick or some other shit, but I've grown to care about ya somehow. And that fucking sucks because I'm quite literally scared of ya."

He slumps on the couch slightly, looking up at the high ceilings tiredly, and I do the same. Both our breaths are all that's heard in the big halls of the hotel for a while, with the occasional scream of some sinner from the city downhill.

"Ya ain't gonna disagree? Why aren't ya trying some cheap trick so I can at least feel like I ain't goin' insane? If I haven't already, that is." He asks with a chuckle, almost asking to be manipulated, and I feel something stir in my chest at that.

"I... I understand." He chuckles again, though it sounds more like a pained groan, something in between slightly tired and completely drained.

"Why are ya like this, Rio?"

"What do you mean?"

"You're good. Like, actually. Or at least that's what ya make it feel like, I don't fucking know. But you're just... a good person... demon... whatever." He shrugs, and I sigh.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For confusing you so much. You could just forget about me instead, it would be easier. I'm fine with that." He groans again, throwing his upper set of hands over his head in frustration.

"See! You're doin' it again! I just..." Letting his hands fall down again and looking at me tiredly while still leaning his head on the couch, he smiles slightly.
"It's not yer fault, Rio. It really isn't."

And that sentence hurts just too much, constricting my chest and making me sit up and force down the lump in my throat. Angel sits up as well, looking at me with concern but not stopping himself from explaining further.

"It's the fault of the assholes that fucked with my brain before ya came along, but knowing ya could be doing that to me just brings the insecurities back. Still... After what ya did for me today, I'm choosing to trust you."

There's a pause, a gulp as I down the lump in my throat.


"Don't get me wrong, I don't know what's goin' on in that brain of yours-"

"Lucky you."

"-but you helped me nonetheless, whether that helps just me or both of us. I'm pretty sure you have some manipulative plan going on against the Vee's, but I ain't goin' to ask." He chuckles with a shrug, truthfully this time and I smile at the sound.
"There you go! Your smile is pretty, dollface."

"Shut up or my stupid ass will have a gay panic right after almost breaking down." I roll my eyes, half-heartedly flirting back, the smile not faltering.

"Oh wouldn't that be awful~ A handsome guy fallin' for poor ol' me 'cause I caused him gay panic, whatever shall I do!!" He keeps flirting, throwing himself on me playfully as I laugh at him.

But somehow, this time is different from how he used to throw himself over me before the whole Loser bit and the problems that came with that night. It looks genuinely playful, not all flirty and invasive.

And honestly? I could get used to this.


!!! Small author note
Hey! First of all, thanks for waiting a whole week for this! Also, just wanted to remind you this is a Canon x OC story, not a Canon x y/n one. So please don't treat Rio as yourself as he's his own self with his own story which I really put effort in to think about it!
Thank you <3

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