32. Dad Beat Dad - 1

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Slumping on my usual barstool with aching muscles, I hear Husk whistle surprisedly.

"Damn. Bad night?" I sigh, my leg shaking while I tap on the bar counter.

"You could say that."

"...I'm guessin' you don't have any cigs left? You look anxious as fuck."

"Mhm." I shrug, turning away from the bar while still sitting on my usual spot, but looking at Charlie's stressed form pacing around a board full of notes.
"What's up with her?" I hear he bartender shuffling around the bar looking for something as he answers.

"Dunno. Somethin' about the hotel not workin', just the usual."

"I see." I nod absentmindedly, yawning silently.

"Hey. Have this." Turning around surprised to see Husk holding a small pack of gum.

"Gum?" I say, taking the thing and inspecting it curiously before realising.
"...nicotine gum?"

"Yeah, I uh... I thought you'd need them when you finished that package. Didn't think it would be so soon, though." He says, and I smile at the nervous movement on his ears.

"That's sweet, thanks." I reply softly, opening it and taking one of them.
"When did you get them?"

"Last night." He pauses with a frown, eyeing me.
"...the bar felt pretty empty, you know?"

"Aw, I'm sorry." I say genuinely with a smile.
"I got kinda... carried away with some other conversation."

"Was it that TV prick again?" He mumbles with a growl, just for me to hear, and I chuckle, my chest feeling warm at his worried face.

Reaching out to his hand that's resting on the bar counter, I stop myself early, opting for just a smile instead.

"No, don't worry, baby. Just bonding time with the snake." I chuckle at his surprised face, turning around to see Pentious watching Charlie worriedly.
"Hey, how about we join the idiots there? I feel like the princess could use some company." Husk nods, going around the bar and accompanying me towards the main area as I chew on the gum relaxedly, pocketing the rest of the pack.

"Nonono! That's not- That can't work!!" I cringe as I watch the princess completely freak out, moving notes around as she paces rereading everything.
"I'm just not quite understanding why it's not working. Okay, okay, think Charlie. Think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think. Okay if I do this, it's going to be- I have trust falls every single morning. We can do-"

"Yikes." Angel says, approaching our small group as he watches Charlie as well.

"Come on, come on, come on, come on."

"Charlie? Sweetie? You, uh, you good?" Vaggie says as she gets near us as well.

"Nope! No, not really. Ha ha. I've been up all night trying to figure out why the hotel isn't working." She says, crushing a paper with sleep deprived eyes.
"We've done trust falls, we've tried sharing our feelings, we only have a couple months left before the angels come." We all flinch back as she morphs into her demonic form with a deranged laugh.
"And at this rate-"

"Maybe it's time-"


"to ask-"


"your dad." Charlie groans, her head slumping in front of her girlfriend.

Ah shit, not Lucifer...

"Charlie, I know you don't want to, but we need every advantage we can get."

"He let the extermination happen to begin with! They just had a meeting and said, "Go ahead and kill everyone!"." She gasps in realisation.
"Wait, that's it!"

"...kill everyone?"

"No! He could get me a meeting with Heaven!"

"Didn't we already try that?" Vaggie asks confused.

"Well, yeah with Adam, he was an asshole!" She says, puncturing it with an exasperated voice.
"But he isn't in charge of all of Heaven. We could go to the top. There's sure to be some angels who will listen." She turns around, scrolling through her phone before stopping at her dad's contact, hesitating.

"What's the holdup? You got daddy issues?" Husk asks with a smirk and I have to hold a chuckle from escaping.

"No, we just have never been close. After he and mom split, he never really wanted to see me. He calls, sometimes, but only if he's bored or like needs me to do something." Charlie shrugs with an obvious excuse.

"Daddy issues." The cat nods.

"Well I'd like to meet the big dick in charge." Angel says with a smile, as Nifty holds a knife in front of him.

"The ultimate bad boy." She says, laughing like a gremlin as Angel takes the knife away.
"I bet he's scary."

"He's really not." I mumble with a pout as Pentious is the only one who hears me, eyeing me confused but not pointing it out.

Charlie walks a little away from us, finally pressing her dad's contact as she waits. After a while, he picks up.

"Hi, Dad." Charlie starts, with a roll of her eyes already as we all wait to see her answer to whatever Lucifer's saying.
"You know where I am dad. I've told you before." She says irritated.
"I told you when you called me five months ago, or did you not listen?" A small pause as he obviously says some lame excuse.
"Well, I'm actually running a hotel to rehabilitate sinners. Maybe you saw our commercial?" She sighs at his answer.
"Listen dad, I've got kind of a big ask. I need to speak to Heaven. Well, whoever's in charge up there, above Adam, above anybody. I need to go to the top!" She frowns at whatever his reply was -obviously a no.
"Look dad, I don't ask you for much, I never have, but this, this is really important to me." The princess says, smiling at Angel as he looks at her softly.
"It's the most important thing I've ever done. And I...need you. I need your help." Her girlfriend comforts her, smiling proudly as she asks for help.
"Please! Just come see what I'm trying to do. You'll see why it's a really good idea. And Heaven is bound to agree if I get the chance to talk to them. Please, dad." She widens her eyes suddenly at her father's answer, before she ends the call and looks at us surprised.
"Welp, we have an hour until he gets here."

"Okay people!" Vaggie starts, making Husk spill his coffee all over himself as I laugh at him, earning a snarl.
"Lucifer is on his way. So we are going to get this place presentable and we are going to make an amazing impression. ¡Vámonos! (Let's go!)"

Everyone scatters around, preparing and tidying up the place for Lucifer's arrival.

I choose to work mostly with Pentious or just around him, taking my time to steal some of his cookies as I try to make it so Nifty doesn't burn her hands while making her own cookies as well.

After a while I give up as she gets out of the oven alongside her cookies.

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