43. Valentino

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"Yeah yeah, you missed me I know." I say dismissively with an eyeroll as he grins.

"But of course I did, my friend!" I groan internally at his familiarity, but just send him an eyeroll instead.
"I thought you were out eating people or whatever... could be a kink, if you really put your mind to it." He licks his lips playfully, and my eye twitches in disgust.

"Get your mind out of the gutter, Val. We need to talk."

"Oh, talk? We can talk! Someone get us drinks!!" He says with a giggle, moving his cigarette playfully and telling me to follow but I just stand still.

"No. Let's have some privacy, eh?" I say, pointing to one of the sex rooms. His eyebrows shoot up in surprise and interest.

"Ah I see!! I can get behind a talk like that!" He says suggestively, walking towards me with happy steps. Rolling my eyes at him, I feel a two hands grab my elbow and turn me around slightly, and I widen my eyes as Angel places his four arms on mine when I'm finally looking at him.

"Rio, what the fuck?" His voice sounds panicky while also a bit angry, the deepness to it never fading with his nerves.

"Angel, leave it. I just want to talk."

"No!! You- fuck, Rio! Why are you so difficult?!" He puts one of his hands away from my arm to comb through his hair nervously.
"Look, ya don't get to meddle in my shit, alright? You don't-"

"Who said it's about you, Angel? I know Val, I just wanna talk to him."

"I figured ya know him... somehow! I just-" He groans in frustration, setting his arms around himself instead, searching for comfort and taking a step back away from me.
"Don't ya fuckin' dare get hurt, alright?"

"I'm waiting baby~" Val muses from his leaning position against the door to one of the sex rooms, looking amused while watching our interaction. Looking back to Angel for just a moment, I decide I won't entertain this prick's shit anymore.

"It'll be fine, Angel. I promise." I say, slipping on a smile as I swiftly approach the grinning Overlord.
"Don't you dare smoke that shit in front of me Val, I dropped it a while ago."

"You actually did?!" He laughs, setting his cigarette away as I hold the door to the room for him, watching him pass by me with a smile as I close the door behind us.

Just as the door is shut and secured, he walks to the huge bed, sitting on it with his legs crossed and an amused look as I just lean on the door with my arms crossed instead.

"Tense as ever, I see! Leaving Velvette didn't do you any good, you were much more fun back then!!" He says, tilting his head and scrutinizign me, though I know the asshole has shit sight anyway.

"Don't you dare think I've changed one bit, Val." I say, putting on a smirk and walking towards him.

"Ah that's what I was waiting for." He says, voice low as I stand just in front of me, placing my finger below his chin and making him look up to me.

"I think you know what I want." I say, voice low with a smirk as I pull away from him, dragging my finger slowly before letting go and standing with my arms crossed again.
"And you also know I don't take no for an answer." He hums playfully, leaning back just a bit on the bed with his upper arms supporting his weight, placed back on the silk sheets.

"I missed you showing this side of you, chiquito, but I'm sure you're aware I don't just give up what's mine." He smirks up at me from my taller stance as he's sitting down.
"I won't give up my best toy, and I won't stop treating him like the plaything he is. So, what's it you really want?"

"For one I want you to stop talking about Angel like that." I snarl.
"You don't gotta show off your power to me and you know that, so cut the shit." I giggles slightly at me, looking amused.

"And for two?"

"You won't hurt him because of what he just did. You get to treat him like you usually do otherwise, sadly I'm not the one who owns his soul." I explain, and watch his face morph into an angered one at the mention.
"But if this night ever comes to mind and you feel like hurting, fucking him or doing any harm at all to him because of his behaviour, you just don't get to lay a hand on him."

"I don't like the sound of this, gorgeous. Tell me what I get and I'll maybe consider it."

"I'll talk to Velvette." I say nonchalantly, and he laughs loudly at this, looking at me confused.

"And what does that have to do with me?" He says with a disbelieving chuckle.

"Oh please Val, you and Vox have been taking any chance possible to get on my nerves since I left. Me talking to her is a like a win for you guys." I say with a roll of my eyes.

"I don't care that much." He argues, and my anger raises as my eyes flare green in the dark room.

"Val." I snap, taking a deep breath and stopping my eyes from glowing green as I smirk up at him again after the small outburst.
"Cut the shit already, we both know you're lying. So, let's make a deal."

My smile widens, offering my hand as my horns grow, rolling slightly in a goat form as my eyes glow again, the room filling with a dark green aura.

"Hold on now, when will you talk to her?" He questions with a frown as I keep smiling as I shrug.

"Soon enough. I will, I'm bound to if we make a deal." I press, and just as he's about to shake his hand I pull back.
"Don't play me, you overrated pimp." He groans, the aura around him turning red, pinkish and heart-like as he finally shakes my hand, sealing the deal.

"Are we done now?" He asks, growing impatient as I hear loud murmur coming from outside the locked room.

"Sure. Pleasure to see you again after so long, cariño mío (my dear)." I say sarcastically as he groans and I unlock the door with a grin.

"You better not have played me, you manipulative shit." I let him out first as he grumbles past me, and I instantly get tackled by a panicky spider once the door is back closed.

"Ya made a fuckin' deal?!" He says, voice breaking as he breaths heavily.

"Well yeah- kinda- not for my soul! It's fine, Angel." I explain, frowning at his panicked state. He seems to calm down just a little as he lets go of my arms as he was grabbing them roughly, and I look at him stunned.

"Ya stupid little shit!" He mumbles with a low and shaky voice, breathing deeply before walking toward a surprised and confused Husk whose gaze is directly set on me.
"Let's leave."

During the walk back to the hotel, I learned apparently Cherri had left with some guy to a sex room, much to my dismay as Pentious slumps slightly. Nifty kept showing off the small tuft of Valentino's fur proudly, talking about some collection of hers.

And for Angel and Husk, they were both just awkwardly off to the side. Husk seemed to be concerned for both of us just frowning deeply and completely silent. And for Angel... the spider was anything but silent. He kept grumbling and mumbling the whole way back, unintelligible words leaving his angered mouth as Val's name rolls off his tongue frequently, the same as mine.

Once we finally get to the hotel though, Pentious and Nifty leave pretty quickly to their own doings, and Husk hesitates slightly looking in between the spider and I worriedly.

My breath just hitches as Angel addresses me.

"Rio, let's talk."


!!! Small author note
Hey so um... Guess who likes leaving people on edge? Me! And who's also going on a trip for a whole week? Also me! Sooo sorry to leave y'all hanging like this, but I promise I'll try my best while writing the next chapter so it pays up!

Until then, I hope you liked this chapter and keep being excited for the next! Thank you for your support :)

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