56. Flares

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(Before starting this chapter, I highly recommend listening to the song above, Flares by The Script!)

"So... Is it... tasty?" Husk asks awkwardly while sitting with his legs crossed in front of me, Fat Nuggets laying on his lap and letting out soft snores every now and then. I'm sitting in front of him by the front door of the hotel, munching on an exorcist's wing while Angel tries bandaging up my severed horn.

"Honestly? Overrated." I say, my voice sounding muffled with the meat in my mouth, before I swallow.
"Nothing can compare to nice goat meat." I state, hearing Angel chuckle while getting another damp towel to wipe all the blood excess away.

"Sure, honey. I'm almost done with this, by the way." He says, carefully putting the last towel away before grabbing some medic supplies and I pout at the sight. He laughs slightly, giving me a reassuring smile.
"It'll be alright, baby. I already gave ya a shit ton of tranquilizers, you must be drugged outta yer mind by now." Noticing my unsure look, he chuckles.
"Look, I already asked Charlie for info on horns, and I'm always patchin' myself up after work! I know what I'm doin'."

"...if you say so." I say, sighing as I bite the angel wing again, wincing a bit at the taste.
"They really are just overrated chicken wings."

"I'm goin' to start cleanin' around the open wound now, might sting but shouldn't hurt a lot. Is that okay, doll?" Angel asks carefully, and I smile softly at his thoughtfulness.

"Yeah, you do whatever you need to." I then feel a sting in my let horn, wincing as I feel as though there's pressure in my skull, sign of my headache returning. Closing my eyes and breathing deeply, I try to ground myself by playing with my own fingers rather harshly.

"Hey." I open my eyes with a pained frown, just to see Husk offering me Fat Nuggets with an understanding smile. The pig crawls on my lap, starting to snore as it instantly goes back to sleeping soundly. I smile thankfully towards Husk, who just winks back at me as I close my eyes again, fiddling with the pig's ears and petting it softly.

"Sorry toots, won't take long." Angel reassures me as well, feeling his hands work faster, but just as carefully.
"Charlie said it would've been fine if the horn was just a bit chipped, but apparently this is worse as the fracture went all the way to the nerve. When that happens, usually goat demons tend to feel weaker? Not like ya really lose yer powers, but it's harder for ya to control them." He explains as he works, before I hear him grab something else.
"She also gave me this blood-stopping powder? Said it works wonderful, so I'll try this now." He warns me before applying it, and then I feel a weird and unknown texture on my horn. It feels nice though, and I sigh in deep content.

"Oh, that helped." Husk points out, and I can almost hear the pleased smile as I'm still closing my eyes. Angel sighs delighted at the news.

"Great! Now I'll bandage it. The pressure might feel uncomfy at first but it needs to be wrapped up neatly." Angel says, his whole explanation grounding me through the process as he finishes wrapping me up, and I finally feel him secure the bandage around my horn.
"There's that! How ya feelin', babe?" The spider asks softly, leaning down and placing two of his lower hands on my shoulders, and I finally open my eyes to look at him, noticing his face pretty close to mine. I widen my eyes, blush spreading on my cheeks as I laugh nervously at him before answering.

"It's... It's great. Thanks, Angie."

"Oh? The nickname's new. I like that, toots." He boops my nose softly before standing up straight and grabbing the medic supplies.
"Be right back, I'll get this back in its place."

I watch him leave, sitting there dumbfounded at his actions as the blush is still spread all out in my cheeks. Husk, who's still sitting in front of me, chuckles as he notices my very obvious gay panic.

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