20. Scrambled Eggs - 2

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"Hi, guys. Thanks for coming! It's been brought to our attention that there may be a little, tension in the hotel." We all stare unbothered at Charlie as she explains, though Sir Pentious almost shoots Nifty before Vaggie takes the gun away.

"Tension that can be counterproductive to what we're trying to do here." She remarks.

"We think that this group could really benefit from..." Both the princess and her girlfriend jump excitedly.

"Trust exercises!" They try to say in unison though failing miserably, and then Vaggie falls down to the floor.

"Ah, shit!"

"Vaggie! We rehearsed this!" The blonde girl sighs before looking at everyone else.
"We're doing trust exercises!"

And that's when it finally hits me.

"Ah wait what now?" I mumble under my breath, my chest feeling just a bit too tight.

"So, uh, what's with the whole uhh... this?" Husk asks after eyeing me shortly, gesturing to their Trusting 101 banner and stage behind the girls.
"I'm not about to put on some show for these fuckin' chumps."

"Oh, I will." Angel starts, putting his legs over Husk's as the cat scowls, and winking at me.
"But it's cash up front, and I know that one can't afford me." He says pointing towards Pentious teasingly.

"Gross! I'd never think of it, ssspider!"

"Right, well, let's get started. Charlie?" Vaggie starts.

"Actually! I thought maybe you could take the lead on this one. I trust everyone, so maybe you know better on how to build it properly!" The princess says, as we all stand up in front of the stage now.

"What? Uhh, I don't know if I'm qualified, uh..."

"Oh, come on. It'll be easy! I'm sure you can handle this." Charlie encourages her.

"Yeah, um... sure, I can handle this. No problem." She mumbles before taking a deep breath and walking in front of us military style.
"All, right, so we are starting with trust falls! Each of you are going to share something vulnerable with the group about yourself and then fall backwards, while the rest of the group catches you. Got it? Who wants to go first?" I frown at the mention, hugging myself slightly.

"Ooh, ooh, me me me! Me! Me! Me!" Charlie raises her hand and jumps excitedly.

"All right, get on up here." As the princess runs up the stage, I feel a small nudge on my elbow as I look up to Angel confused.

"Ya've been awfully quiet, toots." Getting a bit surprised at his words, I just dismiss it with a shrug, looking back up the stage instead.

"I... I love you guys. Like, really, really love you." The princess says as I smile up at her as she falls down, her girlfriend catching her swiftly.


"That... felt... good! Angel, why don't you go next?" Charlie says cheerily as the mentioned sinner sighs.

"Fine..." He whines.

"This time everyone needs to catch him, okay? Unless you want me to hurt you." We all walk forward at Vaggie's words, and I get prepared to catch the spider.

"Somethin' about myself, huh? How about this? I love to suck-"

"I swear to fuck if you say dicks!" Husk threatens from beside me as I chuckle, tension leaving my shoulders at the small display.

"-popsicles, ya sicko! Get your mind outta the gutter!" He winks at the cat before falling down the stage, as I try to catch him but Husk does first. Though, when the spider notices this he willingly places his legs on my ready hands too, winking at me too before looking back to the bartender teasingly.
"But, you know, dicks too!" I can't manage to catch him before Husk has already dropped him at the words. The spider winces slightly before looking up at the snake resident.
"All, right, new guy, you're up."

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