46. Hello Rosie! - 2

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The walk to Cannibal Town was... interesting, that's for sure. Maybe Alastor would describe it some other way though —annoying, would be the correct word. At first we began talking about how angels can be killed, they explained to me that we need to get the cannibal's help. I was kinda shocked, sure, but I tried not to dwell on it since I've already been pissed I didn't figure out Vaggie is an angel herself.

But that's a lie. I tried not to dwell on it, but I've been fuming the whole way to the shitass old town, grumbling and groaning with every step.

Same goes for Charlie though, apparently she didn't know about Vaggie's... little secret either, so she's been talking some trust and disappointment bullshit the whole time like she's not head over heels for the girl. For fuck's sake, it's obvious they'll make up by the time we're back at the hotel, but there she is still bitching about her girlfriend.

"Three years! Three years I've been sharing my life with her, and I tell her everything! My hopes, my dreams, my insecurities, my embarrassing habits, what fucking deodorant I like, and she keeps something, like this, from me??? Why would she lie for so long? Did she think I wouldn't accept her? What about me-me-says un-understanding? misunderstanding- dis-under, wait wh-" She pauses, finally taking in her surroundings.
"Where are we?"

"Cannibal Town." I mutter pissedly as Alastor invades my personal space swiftly placing his arm over my shoulders, gesturing around.

"There's a friend of ours I think you should meet."

"In Cannibal Town? But it's, it's... surprisingly nice here." She smiles, and my frown deepens.

"Sure, if you're not given the shittiest job there is around just so-"

"Isn't it though? And it's all thanks to a very special someone." The Radio Demon interrupts me, sliding me through the floor towards Rosie's Emporium as I pout.

A nice, fresh meat smell goes through the air right as we enter, making me drop my pout instantly as I smile upon recognition, listening to my friend's voice.

"Well who hasn't thought about eating their first husband? I certainly would have if he didn't taste so bad! Hehe, I tell ya what, you bring ol' tall dark and armless to me, and I'll straighten him right out, okay sweetie? Now here's my card a-" She gasps, noticing Alastor across the room as I subtly hide away with a wince.
"Oh, my, stars! Do my eyes deceive me? Alastor? Alastor! Where have you been??? These halls really lost some of their sparkle without your lively presence and-" She gasps again, noticing Charlie.
"Oh. Who's this ya brought with you? Come now, Alastor, she's much too young for you!" The princess rolls her eyes just to widen them at the next sentence.
"Oh I'm just kidding. I know you're an ace in the hole."

"A what now?" I snort at the confused static sound, and I hear Rosie gasp again, instantly grabbing my arm as I wince, preparing myself for what's coming.

"Oh you!! There you are, Rio! Where have you been?! Leaving without a word, probably thinking I wouldn't care?! You did, didn't you?" I put on a tight grin, furrowing my brows apologetically as I greet her.

"Hey... Rosie! How've you been? Heh-"

"Don't how've you been me, young man!! You think you can leave just like that?! Not a word to anyone, not a single letter to let me know you're fine! What were you thinking?!"

"Alright alright, I'm sorry Rosie I just-"

"You better be!! I was so worried the whole time, until Alastor told me you were staying at that one Hotel, back in the Overlord meeting." I throw said demon a glare as he just shrugs with his signature smile.
"Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for you if you're trying redemption, but you gotta warn a cannibette when you're leaving for months!!"

"Okay yeah, I will next time." I roll my eyes with a pout, and wince as I feel her squish one of my cheeks endearingly.

"That's what I like to hear." She quickly moves on from the subject, turning to scowl at Alastor and point at Charlie.
"But where are your manners mister? Introduce us why don't you?"

"Ahh, yes. Charlie, this is Rosie, the most darling, delightful and dangerous Overlord this side of the Pentagram!" The cannibal nods at her politely as a small greeting.

"Oh! Always such a charmer."

"And Rosie, it's my pleasure to introduce you to princess Charlie Morningstar. Daughter of Lucifer and heir to the throne of Hell!"

"How do you do?" The princess waves nervously.

"Well well! isn't this a regal surprise! Come in! Come in! Can I offer you somethin' to eat? I'm sure I have a leg around here or somethin'. Oh, what am I thinkin'? Small thing like you? You're probably watchin' your figure! How bout some nice pinkie fingers instead?" She offers a plate full of said treat and Charlie pushes it away slightly.

"Um...No. no, thank you, though."

"Oh look at you! So polite! Alastor, you could learn a thing o' two." She tries putting the box away after patting Charlie's head, but I try to reach out for it just for my hand to be slapped away.
"No treats for you after leaving without a word, young man. You could also learn some manners." She closes the box, then takes Charlie to a table with two chairs. Alastor chooses to stand by Charlie as I'm gestured to stand by my friend, crossing my arms obnoxiously though after being denied the treat.
"Well, sit down. Sit down. Tell Auntie Rosie what she can do for you. Ya know, Alastor. I got a premo-connect on a guy with about eight blocks of territory and not enough goons to run it. Prime pickin's for a deal to be made, my friend." She mumbles to her friend and I roll my eyes.

"Appreciate the offer but we're here on business of another kind." He explains, standing by an extremely nervous princess.

"Well don't keep me in suspense! I'm a very busy woman." She prompts, sipping some tea.

"Well, as you know... the extermination is coming early. It'll be here in a month, and they're-they're coming for my hotel and my friends first, and I-I-I-I-" Charlie stutters, panicking and picking at her hair before Alastor interrupts her.

"We need your help. Well, your cannibals' help at least, to fend off the attack."

"Wow! when you ask a favor ya don't start small, do ya, your highness? Oh now, don't fret. I didn't say I wouldn't help. But I assume there's more to this plan then a bunch of unarmed cannibals." She tilts her head with a kind smile.

"Oh, your people will be far from helpless when we're done with them. And by the end, they will be able to eat, their, fill." He says creepily, but I just perk up at that.

"Angels can be eaten?" I ask, getting ignored save for Charlie's weirded out glance.

"Well, in that case, sure! Why not?" Rosie responds cheerily.

"Really?" The blonde girl asks excitedly.

"What can I say? I like your moxie girl. And old Alastor has never done me wrong before."

"Oooh! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

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