41. Welcome to Heaven - 3

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"Round 12, motherfuckers! Heels are coming off!" Cherri says, handing all of us shots.

"Ho ho yeah! Keep 'em comin'! Come on, right here! Come right here to daddy." Angel muses excitedly.

Cherri hands me my own shot, clicking her glass with mine in a small toast as we both down our drinks. She seemed to loosen up her aggressive behaviour towards me after the fifth drink. Whether that's just thanks to the alcohol or just a blooming friendship, that's for future me to figure out. The loud environment and my friend's laughs are luckily enough to get me off my thoughts right now.

"Oh, it's wonderful to have friends!" Pentious chuckles, clicking his empty glass with mine drunkenly.

"Everything's spinny!" Nifty giggles as the spider takes her drink away, giving it to Husk instead and smiling as the cat downs both his glass and hers with a pleased look.

"I think you're done, tiny." Angel tells the short maid.

"No! Gimme gimme gimme!"

"Oh come on, bitch! She can handle a little more!" Cherri groans.

"She's like 10 pounds soakin' wet and- oh shit, where'd she go?" I frown, noticing Angel's anxious form as he leaves. Sitting besides Husk, he smiles at me and I notice Cherri leaving to find her best friend, so we're left alone with an obviously wasted Pentious who I'm not even sure if he can hear us.

"Hey kitty, having fun I see?" He hums at me, reaching to the table and offering me another shot which I take with a soft smile.

"That girl's warmin' up to you pretty quickly." He points out referring to Cherri, and I shrug at the mention.

"Might be the alcohol, dunno." I say, clicking my glass with his.
"I ain't complaining though, shit's fun after all."

"Sure is." He says softly, as we both down our shots at the same time. Just on cue, Angel appears and places Nifty on Husk's head as she crawls about the cat.
"The fuck is this?"

"She's wasted, just go with it." The spider dismisses, as the girl starts playing with the cat's ears and wings.

"Really? Ugh, get the..."

Moving on my seat towards Pentious, I pinch his side slightly and he hisses at me half-heartedly, and I smile up at him.

"Hey snake, your girls' all alone over there." I point out, as he follows my eyes to notice Cherri sitting all by herself on a table. He blushes at the sight, and I push him up from the comfy sofa encouragingly.
"You go, champ." He looks back at me one last time before sliding up to her, and I watch as he talks to her nervously, too far away to hear before he apparently gets just too nervous.

"Because I'm having sex with everyone here!"

"Ugh you dumb fuck." I groan, sliding down my seat as I watch him get dragged into one of the sex rooms.

I notice both Husk and Angel get up from their seats and I follow them as they approach Cherri.

"You know, we can do this fucking shit every fuckin' night! You don't have to spend all your off hours working on yourself, you little bitch." The girl tells her friend enthusiastically, nudging him softly.

"The hotel isn't a problem in his life, it's-" Husk argues, but he gets cut off by a tense voice.

"Valentino." Angel's voice sounds way deeper and with much more of an accent than usual, and I tense as well, following his gaze and growling at the sight of him.

"Exactly. So why don't you-" The cat says obliviously, but the spider cuts him off again.

"No, Valentino."

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