49. Hello Rosie! - 5

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Finally approaching the hotel while trying to ignore Susan's presence, and having been chatting with Alastor about how shitty TV is the whole time we spent on our way, I widen my eyes as I see Vaggie near the main gates as well, lots of boxes and ammunition being carried behind her. I'm quick to recognise the logo on the boxes and the two girls guiding the trail of weapons right behind my angel friend.

Right as I start smiling with light mischief, I feel Alastor placing a hand over my shoulder.

"Don't be too harsh on those kids." He says halfheartedly before letting me go, and I roll my eyes playfully, smiling as I go meet Carmilla Carmine's daughters.

"Well! But if it isn't my dear friend's daughters!!" I chime right as I approach them, placing an arm over Odette's shoulder just for her to shove me off with a scoff.
"Where's my lovely Miss Carmine, huh? Too busy trying to get that damn stick out of her-"

"You can stop it already, we finished the delivery and need to be back soon." The blonde girl says as Clara, her sister just stares at me with light disgust but more curiosity.

"Oh don't be like that, I missed you guys!! Surely you missed me as well at that last Overlord meeting~" I chuckle as Odette starts dragging her sister back towards Carmilla's domain, and I notice how Charlie and Vaggie finally made up and they're already walking up the hill to the hotel.

"Your Vee friend made enough of an annoying show for the lack of your presence, don't worry about that." Odette jabs and I just laugh at her, leaning on the main gates as I watch them walk away.

"Sounds fun! Sad to have missed it. You girls tell your senile mother you saw me, send my regards or something, tell her to have fun getting that stick out her ass!!" I tease one last time, laughing at the grumbling from the older of the sisters.

I always liked those girls. They never liked me, nor did their mother, but I just enjoy teasing them! Not my fault they're all pussies! I smile thinking about how each of them got a bit of her mother's personality, with Clara's caring self and Odette's hot-tempered attitude. It's sweet, really. Cute to watch, at least while Carmilla's not glaring at me.

Finally getting through the main doors to the hotel, I smile noticing Angel hugging both Husk and Pentious close to him from up the stairs. The cat looks up at him with an endearing smile, and I can't help but feel fuzzy at the sight.

"I just got used to you guys. I ain't finding no new drinking buddies." He says, smile widening upon noticing me staring up at them, and Angel winks at me from upstairs.

"I've named all the stains on the carpet." Nifty quickly throws herself on me, almost making me stumble backwards as she points to a stain.
"That one's Fred."

"Ah, that's... sweet, Nif." I say unsurely, and I hear Charlie sigh happily besides her girlfriend.

"Well, looks like we have a lot of work to do."

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