21. Scrambled Eggs - 3

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Both Pentious and I look around the room and the various toys with a small grimace.

"These are..."

"Yeah. I'm not big on this kinda thing either. Wouldn't mind trying but... eh..." I shrug at the snake, pushing some random demon away as they try to approach me while wearing a whole BDSM costume. Looking off to the side though, Husk seems to be enjoying this as someone massages his back as he purrs.

"Is thisss what we're going to do for... trussst building?" Pentious asks while holding a whip between two fingers, eyeing it wearily.

"Eh I don't know...? It was Angel's idea." Looking back towards the spider demon by the door, I notice how Vaggie just can't hold her anger anymore.

"Angel! What the actual fuck?!" I turn back around, cringing at her scream and looking at how Sir Pentious is still scanning the toy.

"Don't touch that." I slap his wrist slightly as he lets it down.
"I'm going to see what's up with them." Turning around towards the small group discussing Angel's idea, I halt for just a second, looking back to the snake.
"Don't touch the toys, dumbass."

Passing by various people trying to try their kinks on me and almost groping me, I push them away and finally reach Angel, greeting him with a small tap on his shoulder.

"Oh hey! How's this goin' for ya, sugar?" He says with a smirk, noticing the whole lot of people I passed by to get to him.

"Not... great?" I say unsurely, looking at how Husk has already left his purring as he eyes Nifty who's now wearing a whole BDSM outfit while wielding a whip.
"Is this really what we're doing?" I ask with raised eyebrows.

"No! No, we're not." Vaggie declares.
"We're leaving now. You're all going to learn the way I learned."



"Ohoho- okay no... nonono- I'm really not- ha... Nope." I chuckle nervously while looking down the balcony at all the chaos that's going on in the street.

"There is nothing stronger than the trust between comrades in arms. Buckle up, buttercups, because today you boys become men!" She says as something explodes behind her, before going to pick up Sir Pentious.


"Wait, wait! I can't fight without my minions-" The snake tries before he's thrown down.

"Are gonna survive together! And you-" She goes towards Angel then, as he puts his four arms out trying to stop her.

"D-don't you even think about it-" Before he can finish, he's already screaming as he's thrown as well.

"Are gonna make this hotel work!" She then turns around, looking at me menacingly.

"Nope! No way!! I can't fight! I'm all bark no bite, you see? I-" I step away from her before she sweeps me off my feet, picking me up and throwing me down. I gasp, closing my eyes and bracing an impact that does come this time.

"Help meeee!!!" Sir Pentious screams as I open my eyes and watch as he's being dragged around by some imp.

"Get up and fight, dumbass!!" Angel appears by me suddenly, taking my arm and forcing me on my feet as his upper arms hold two huge guns.

"Why the fuck do you have guns now?!" I ask hysterically as he stands in front of me, shooting the imp dragging Pentious.
"Did you get those out your ass?! The fuck is going on?!"

"Shit, Rio! Handle yourself, will ya? Pentious is too fucking helpless!" Angel says, wincing as the snake is picked up again by some other demon.

"I am too!! I can't fight!" I flinch as an imp's dead body falls from the literal sky just beside me.

"Are ya for real right now?! Take this!" The spider passes by me, giving me one huge gun and getting a new one out of nowhere before running off to help Pentious.

"Shit shit shit..." I mumble, scanning the gun as something explodes off to my left.
"Fuck! Whatever!" I scream, just pulling the trigger and shooting mindlessly towards the side where I know Angel and Pentious aren't.

"Yeah! Ya gettem', baby!!" The spider cheers and I smile, turning around to him just on cue to see some buff guy punch Pentious. Angels snorts and chuckles at the sight before running to help him.

Suddenly an explosion goes off way too close, throwing me off my feet and a few meters back. I grunt as I hit the ground, still gripping Angel's gun close. Wincing in pain, I quickly get up and notice some guy approaching me, but before I can shoot him, someone else does instead. Looking to the source of the accurate bullet, I see a spider dragging a whiny snake behind him, looking at me with slight concern.

"Ya okay, horns?" He asks, groaning from the effort while dragging Pentious.

"Yeah." I say, still a bit shaken from the explosion.

"So help me with this whiny bitch, yeah?" He grunts, his lanky form struggling with the snake's bigger body. I quickly approach him at the sight, going to pick up his lower half but I cringe right after a single touch.

"You're so fucking slimy, what the hell?!" I cringe, cleaning my hands on my own clothes.

"I'm a snake!!" Pentious whines.

"It's gross!" I argue.

"You're gross!!"

"Oh you prick-"

"Guys!" Angel cuts us off, dragging Pentious again and pointing towards the door to the building we were thrown off earlier.

"Ugh. Okay." I roll my eyes, picking up the snake with a grimace.

Finally we get up the balcony again, and I immediately drop the snake, using his own clothes to clean my hands in disgust.

"Made it!" The pornstar says, breathing heavily from the effort.

"Let's go home, guys." Charlie says looking a bit too down, passing by us and down the stairs.

"Ugh! I just walked up those stairs!" Angel whines, then looks at me, pointing to the snake on the floor.
"Come on, Rio." He says, trying to get me to pick him back up. I instantly get away, starting to run down the stairs.

"Ha! Nope."

"Ugh!! Please fall down the stairs and shatter yer skull!" Angel rages behind me as I keep running while giggling.

"I'm already dead anyways, babe!"

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