36. Dad Beat Dad - 5

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My eyes widen upon hearing the spider address me with a bewildered expression.

"Radio Creep apparently killed yer father and ya just, what, agreed with that being funny?" He asks confused, as I stare at him surprised that he's even so much as looking my way before composing myself with a shrug.

"The bitch had it coming." Angel's next question is interrupted by some grumbling as we all notice Husk walking back to the bar, looking rather tense as he just goes straight in for a drink.

"Oh look the kitty's back to serve me my drink!" Mimzy smiles. Noticing the bartender's tremblig hands as he takes a huge gulp from a bottle, I frown, deciding to finally step in.

"Screw off already, Mimzy."

"Oh please~, Rio-"

"I mean it. Shut your ass, no one wants to hear your shitty voice spill crap anymore." She pouts with a frown, looking like she wants to retort before Husk eventually talks after a few more gulps.

"Who had it comin'?" He asks me, referring to the previous conversation as I just dismiss it.

"Oh nothing important, just my dad."

"Nothing impor- Creepy Static Voice killed yer dad!!" Angel says exasperated and I just shrug, noticing the bartender's eyes widen as well at the mention.

"Just like I said, nothing important." Taking a sip from my drink, I hear Husk sigh.

"That's... confusin' but funny 'cause of the daddy issues. Enough emotions for the day, I'm not goin' to ask." He says, rubbing his temple as I frown at his obviously distressed facade. Before anyone else can get a word in the conversation, a loud crack is heard from the door before people yell from outside.

"Mimzy! We know you're in there you lousy bitch!"

"Oh shit." The woman winces, and Husk and I share a knowing eyeroll at her. A portal from Lucifer opens up as he appears in the lobby alongside his daughter and her girlfriend.

"¡¿Qué carajo?! (What the fuck?!)" Vaggie swears confused before Charlie asks us about it as well.

"What's going on?!"

"I may be in trouble with some loan sharks. I may or may not have borrowed 50 grand from- Eep!" Mimzy cowards behind the bar counter to hide before peeking up again.

"You better come out!"

"And I may have also stolen a car... and crashed it... into the loan shark's girlfriend, but that bitch had it coming!" She says angrily.

"I say we give her to them so they leave." I grumble.

A fireball suddenly breaks through the windows and walls, with Nifty freaking out about it as Pentious tries to go get her away from danger.

"Wait, you snake dumbass you'll get hurt!!" I try running behind him but two pairs of hands preventing from doing so as a fireball is just about to hit me. I look back confused as Angel lets me go right away, avoiding my eyes.

Huffing at the sight, I look away and start to run away to Pentious, but stop for just a moment.

"Thanks, Angel." Out of the corner of my eye, I can see him just run away to help Nifty so I go ahead and do the same for the snake as he keeps screaming and running around, after having just saved the short girl from being crushed by a fireball.
"Pen, you bastard you could get hurt!" I say, running up to his freaking out form as he stops upon spotting me.

"Rio! You're okay!!" He says, sliding towards me as I just take his arm to lead him away from the fireballs, spotting Husk putting out some fire that's just a bit too near the bar.

Out of all the chaos, I can hear Lucifer ranting to Charlie before Vaggie decides to step in, being stopped by Alastor.

"No, my dear, leave it to me. It's time I remind everyone why I am here. A reminder to all, not to mess with the radio demon!" Turning to his demon form with radio dials for pupils, we all watch as his limbs become larger.
"I will devour each and every one of you!" And he quite literally starts doing so. Lucifer and Charlie watch the bloodbath and start talking with all of our eyes on them.

"Mhm, you see? What'd I tell you? Charlie, sinners are violent psychopaths, hell bent on causing as much pain and destruction as they can. There's really no point in trying."

"Dad! Stop! He's defending this hotel! It may be a bit more sadistic than I'd hoped, but he's doing it for me! How come he can have faith in me but my own father can't?"

"Oof low blow!" I smirk at the sight, as I see Angel pull out some popcorn.

"Ooh, drama." He says, as Husk takes some popcorn from the spider, giving me some as well.

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