19. Scrambled Eggs - 1

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Days passed, and eventually a whole week too. The hotel has been working just as always, with some redemption exercises, and not too many fights whatsoever. Though, to be fair, everything's been definitely more tense lately.

First off: Angel. He's keeping up with his usual antics, of course, but he's also now taken a liking to teasing Sir Pentious in his own different way. Every time he flirts with anyone, he also makes sure to slip a few jabs for the snake in-between, talking about he could never afford his services or how he's not even hot. Something about two dicks too, which I chose to ignore.

Then there's Alastor, though he's also just the usual. Likes being all creepy and dramatic, same old. With the hotel's new resident, though, he likes to make sure to spook him just a bit too much at times.

Vaggie and Charlie are just their usual selves. The first girl, though, has been looking even more pissed than normal lately, looking wearily at Sir Pentious every two seconds to make sure he's not trying to burn down the hotel. Charlie just tries to calm her down with her usual warm and cheery self.

There's also Nifty. She's... yeah. You know.

And of course, there's Husk. Things with him have been weird since he listened in on mine and Vox's conversation. The tension was high at the start, as even Vaggie seemed to notice, telling me to "stop being a whiny hijo de puta (son of a bitch) and fix things with the cat". I obviously ignored her pissed remarks, choosing to ignore the problem instead. A little procrastination can't be too bad.

And, as surprising as that is, it really worked better than anything else. A few days after the incident I finally went down to the bar at night again, having a small conversation with him. He talked about how empty the bar was for the last days, and I just chuckled awkwardly. With a small sigh and roll of his eyes, he then poured me a drink, telling me how much of a dumbass I am.

I'm glad things worked out this good, really, with how he didn't push me to tell him about what happened.


"Nope." I chuckle.

"Aw come on! I've already mentioned every damn soul at this hotel!! I told ya it's against the game's rules to choose people I don't know." Angel whines beside me, and I giggle as he's incredibly bad at guessing games. Husk also chuckles softly from the other side of the bar, bringing his glass up to his lips.

"Oh you definitely know them!"

"Rio I swear if ya chose a fucking sofa or somethin'." He says with a pout.

"I didn't!! I swear. You're just too stupid to guess it, you know?" I shrug playfully.

"What?! I'm not!!" He whines again.

"Sure, you dummy. Just keep guessing." I tease, drinking some of my soda.

"But I already mentioned everyone! This isn't fair!! Yer cheating for sure!"

"Am not. Kitty knows." I shrug, and Angel's head whips at the mention.

"Oh, Kitty knows~?" The spider asks flirtily, a little too close to Husk's face as the cat pushes him away.

"Ye, it's pretty obvious." He says nonetheless before pointing towards me.
"It's just him."

"You?!" Pink and mismatched eyes quickly get right in front of me as I start laughing mockingly.
"That's no fair!! I knew you were cheating!"

"It's not cheating!! You said it has to be someone from the hotel, and not an object. You never said I can make you get myself." I reason with a laugh.

Shortly after, though, my ear twitches as I notice eyes on me. Looking towards the front door I notice Pentious hiding behind a sofa eyeing us wearily, and all three of us by the bar flip him off, then ignore him again.

"What was that about?" I say confused, eyeing Nifty as she laughs like a maniac while looking at the snake too.

"Dunno. He still feels off tho." Angel says, sipping from his cocktail.

"He doesn't seem too bad." Husk drops his opinion and the spider tilts his head at him.

"Didn't ya hear about what he did? With the Vee's and all that crap?" He asks with a frown.

"Sure, but he's not working for them anymore, is he?" The bartender shrugs.
"He's still annoying, ain't like I'm tryna defend him." Angel seems to ponder over the words before letting the cat off the hook understandingly.

Sipping from my drink again, I almost choke on it as I feel static and a shadow right behind me.

"For f-" I cough, whipping around to look at the Radio Demon's smile.
"For fuck's sake Al." I say, coughing some more as he starts talking.

"Rio! Sorry about that, may we have a small talk?" He tilts his head in an awkward angle, and I just nod, rasping out some more and following him away from the bar and to the front door, where I notice Charlie, Vaggie and Pentious have already left.

"What's up?" I ask wearily once we're out of earshot, eyeing him up and down and noticing Sir Pentious' eggs following him around.

"You know what kind of day it is, don't you?" He asks, and I think about it for a moment before remembering the date, though it's usually easy to lose track of time in Hell.

Today's when one of the Overlord meetings will take place. They're held every few months, usually just to make sure they're all still powerful and that crap. Carmilla's just overly protective and likes to make sure everything's in line.

"Oh. Yeah. So?" Frowning up at his wide smile, he moves his staff around theatrically.

"Well I need to get these small shells out of this hotel apparently, so I thought I'd attend the meeting!! Are you coming along?" I squint my eyes at the mention, crossing my arms defensively.

"I'm not an Overlord."

"While that is true, you know you're welcome to attend! And I'm sure your dear friend misses you." The static in his voice picks up at the last sentence as I frown.

"I'm not on the mood for Rosie to scold me after I left-"

"I didn't mean Rosie." He says lowly and I growl a bit.

"I don't wanna see her. And it's not like she will attend anyway." I shrug dismissively.

"But there's always a chance she might!"

"And there's also a chance she won't, and the other two little shits will. I don't wanna risk that, thank you." I say, starting to leave as I feel him eyeing me intensely from behind.
"Have fun at that crap, though." I wave a small goodbye, leaving back towards the bar again.


!!! Small author note
So, I thought I'd never get hate on Wattpad of all sites (bffr), but as I recently have, I'll address this now: all hate comments will just get deleted, and you'll get yourself blocked. So don't waste your time and get off my dick lmfaooo

If you saw the comments and are a regular reader though, I'm sorry you had to see that! Thank you all for the constant support!! <3

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