52. The Show Must Go On - 2

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"Hello?" Charlie taps the microphone nervously, and I smile at her encouragingly.
"I want to thank everyone for coming. Even people who aren't staying here yet... Cherri."

"Look, I can't resist a fight, okay? Especially when I get to tag team with this fuckhead." The pink-haired girl throws an arm over her best friend who smiles affectionately.

"Tomorrow, the Exorcist Angels will face a Hell ready to defend itself and win!"

"Yeah! Yeah, we will! Tell 'em, baby!" Vaggie cheers by my side and I nudge her playfully.

"Gay ass." She chuckles with an eyeroll, focusing on her girlfriend instead.

"Yes! And we are- we are going to win! But in case we don't, I want you all to know... that getting to know you has been the biggest honor of my life. Whatever redemption really means, I know you all tried. I have seen the good in all of you. And it's... I-I'm just... I love you all, so much, and-and live tonight however you want because-" I smile sadly through her whole speech, knowing any of us could die today, until she's interrupted by Nifty's manic laughter.

"We're all gonna die!"

"Alright! Let's give it up for not dying! Love not dying." Vaggie starts cheering and clapping nervously, trying to make Nifty's laughs die down, but everyone just eyes her with nonchalance.
"Drinks?" She asks unsure.


"Cheers, bitches!" Cherri says as we all click our drinks together in a small toast.

"Yeah!" Husk smiles.

"Here's to us!" Angel cheers.

"Here's to being alive today and not dying tomorrow!" I laugh at Pentious, deciding to step in the toast as well.

"Here's to eating an angel's wings!" They all then go silent, eyeing me weirdly and I groan.
"If y'all aren't eating them, then that's more for me!" Husk chuckles at the mention, shaking his head in disapproval as they all then start laughing again at my antics.

After that each of us leaves to their own, with me going for a talk with Pentious. I walk with him a little away from the rest of the group, giving him a smirk as he seems to know what I'm going to talk to him about already.

"So, there's a chance we might all die today. You shooting your shot?" I ask him, leaning on the wall behind me as he hugs himself in deep thought.

"I-I don't know... I'm too nervousss." I sigh with a soft smile, extending a hand to place over his tense shoulder.

"Hey. You don't got anything to lose, right? And think about it! She might find it hot, you confessing before an epic battle in which you might die! Isn't that epic?" I encourage him with a wide smile as he laughs at me.

"You're right... Maybe I will." I just give him a proud nod, looking to the bar and noticing Angel walking up to the bartender.

"Hey, I think I'm going to-" Just as I'm about to leave for the bar, Pentious stops me, giving me a weird face which I'm afraid I can't decipher.

"Wait, Rio. I jussst wanted to tell you... I need you to ssstick to our plan, alright?"

"I try to get angels away with my gun so I don't engage in a physical fight, and you help me with your cannons. Yeah, I know. So what?" I recite confused.

"I sssimply really don't want you risssking your life, when we all know you can't fight on a close range. Ssso promise you will avoid that?"

"Yeah. Yes, of course. You don't have to worry Pen, I'll be fine." I tilt my head, giving him a still confused and honestly concerned glance. Why is he like this all of a sudden.
"We'll all be fine." I reassure him, and he sighs at this.

"Yeah... I know. But pleassse remember to take care of yourself. You're a very dear friend to me, Rio."

My chest feels heavy at his words, my throat constricting in fear at how things like these ended up for me in the past. My stomach churns with anticipation, but I force myself to breathe and get those thoughts away.

This is Pentious we're talking about. I'll be okay.

We'll be okay.

"You are too, Pen. Thank you... for caring." I smile softly, a pained look forcing its way through my eyes which he clearly notices, but looks proud that I could reciprocate his feelings at all. I then let out a deep breath, smiling wider at my friend.
"Now, go talk with your bomb lady, yeah?"

Just as I leave him for the bar I notice Charlie goes to talk to him, and he probably told her about Cherri too because if she's usually excited, I don't even have words to describe how much she's beaming right now.

"Hey. Talked to yer bestie enough already, toots?" Angel teases with a chuckle, and I roll my eyes sitting besides him on a barstool. Husk gives me an already prepared and waiting drink, and I nod at him thankfully.

"Thought you'd forget to say hi to us before the Extermination." The cat smiles teasingly too, and I chuckle at both of their remarks.

"You guys are awful, I was just making small talk, nothing serious."

"Didn't look like it." Husk teases further and I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Looks like you were very intently watching, hm, kitty?" He shakes his head at me, going for his own glass instead and stopping with the teasing but giving me a certain look with half-lidded eyes, making me feel slightly fuzzy.
"So it's the last day of afterlife, folks." I sigh, sipping my drink slightly as I notice Husk's ears slightly shift at that, and he smiles while focusing his still half-lidded gaze on Angel instead.

"Last day of afterlife, and you're not off snortin' a line off some hunk's abs?" I snort at him, shaking my head and nudging the hand that's holding his drink playfully.

"Eh, you fucked one cannibal pool boy, you fucked 'em all." Angel shrugs with a soft look and I lean on the bar counter to look at him properly with a smile.

"I guess you have changed." The bartender admits, and the pornstar flushes slightly at this, looking down at his hands before getting an idea, and smiling widely.

"Hey, Charlie said live tonight however we wanted... so pour me a fresh one, and let's get to livin'!" He says excitedly, as the cat goes off to prepare his new drink, and the spider watches him leave with a dreamy smile.

And if I feel my stomach bubbling with excitement at his look even if it's not directed towards me, then that's a fact I decide to jump over so I don't sound too nervous while I speak my next sentence to the spider.

"We've really been through a lot." I say, in deep thought as my mind goes back to how the pink-loving demon used to avoid me not too long ago.

"Yer talkin' like it's the last time we'll go through something together." He chuckles while frowning slightly with concern.
"You'll be okay. You've trained a lot for this." He reassures me, sipping from his drink before giving me a soft smile.
"And I promise, we'll be there for ya."

"He's right, we will." I flinch at Husk's return, not having noticed his presence. He chuckles at the sight, handing Angel his new drink.
"Sorry." He laughs and I glare at him.

"Okay, losers. That's enough teasing for today and you're getting in too deep into my trust issues." I laugh with them, shaking my head. Angel decides to get up after a sip of his drink, pointing to his best friend who's watching Pentious leave towards us in the bar.

"Hey. I'm goin' ta talk to Cherri for a bit." He says, a smirk betraying his intentions as he crosses paths with Pentious. The snake then slumps over the bar counter, and I share a knowing glance with Husk before addressing my friend.

"So, no good?"

"Ssshe's too... ughh..." He mumbles while hiding his head in his hands, and I pat his back while giggling.

"Yeah, that's a crush for you, dollface."

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