53. The Show Must Go On - 3

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"Fuck fuck fuck fuck."

"Rio pleassse try to calm down!" Pentious tries by my side, as I keep jumping up and down with adrenaline and Husk laughs from my other side.

"Chill, kid. You're goin' to burst."

"Sorry, I'm just nervous." I apologise with an anxious laugh, and gasp as the portal finally opens up.

"Here they come. Get ready, everyone. We fight together!" Vaggie calls, raising her angelic spear.
"Now! FOR YOUR SOULS!!" I laugh hysterically at her, nerves taking over.

"At least the ones who still own them!" I tease as both Angel and Husk look at me, both amused and offended.

"Hey, what the fuck?!" Angel snorts and Husk flies close to me as I stand by Pentious, sending one of his cards flying to an exorcist.

"You guys focus!" Just on cue Alastor's deadly green shadow veil falls over the hotel, using it as a shield as it traps some exorcists inside for us to get rid of more easily.

Looking around to the sky, exorcists fall to the ground in every direction I look; cards, angelic bullets, spears and bombs are thrown everywhere I look, and I can't seem to find an opening for me to help anywhere.

"Come and get some!" Angel laughs, shooting every exorcist in sight as Cherri jumps over him, letting some bombs fly to the winged beings.

"Eat shrapnel, fuckers!" She shouts defiantly, as I see Pentious raise his angelic sword courageously.

"All angelic weapons fire at will!" The cannons do as said just as Husk flies past us, throwing explosive cards at the angels as he groans.

"Hey! Yelling while fighting doesn't help!" He grumbles, glaring at the serpent shortly before focusing again. Even Nifty is running around while stabbing angels who are probably already beyond dead.

Finally I find a certain angel who looks like they're just about to strike towards me, aiming for them but being stopped as Pentious' cannons shoot them instead. I frown confused, my chest pounding in realisation.

"Pen... This plan isn't working." I say, voice a bit too low for all the sound of the battle.

"What do you mean?! We're doing fine!!" He says confused, shouting over his cannon's noise.

"No we're not! I'm not helping at all!" I fight back as I see him focus on the battle instead, as I'm just left to watch.

"But you're sssafe here, Rio!"

"No!! I'm useless!!" I scream, my voice breaking and I feel two certain pairs of eyes on me, the sound of cards flying and Tommy guns firing stopping for just a second as Husk and Angel listen in to the conversation. My best friend stares at me with hurt in his eyes, looking guilty but so obviously not regretting his choice of plan.
"I'm going to make myself worth something in this fight, Pentious. I'm sorry." I say apologetically, giving him a last glance before running off to stand a bit away from the group, and finally shooting my first target.

I smile, watching them fall to the ground lifelessly with satisfaction. Just in time, though, a certain angel punches Alastor's shield, shuttering immediately. He looks stronger than the rest, shining brighter and with a different uniform as he gives orders to the others. That must be Adam, as Vaggie told us.

Taking a deep breath, I remind myself how he's supposed to fight Alastor: we'll be fine, he'll manage. And he does so, instantly going for the roof so I focus back on the exorcists who start coming towards me faster now. I shoot them all as fast as I can, getting a bit overwhelmed at the amount though as my arm starts to shake from the strain of holding it up to shoot.

Then an exorcist manages to stand on the ground in front of me, as two more of them start attacking me from the sky. I focus on them first, as they're holding spears that can easily be thrown at me. Easily shooting them, when I next look upfront the angel is much closer to me, making me gasp, scared as I try and aim quickly before it's shot from the side, and I let out an exhale in relief.

"Ya think ya can just run off like that? We ain't lettin' ya get hurt, baby." Angel winks at me, shooting some more of the exorcists as Husk flies over him, throwing some of his explosive dices as well and smiling back at me smugly while landing. I give them an amused eyeroll, smirking as I focus back on the angels, feeling way less overwhelmed with their presence now.

"I was doing just fine." I reassure them.

"Sure, kid. But we won't be takin' a gamble." Husk smiles, and I chuckle at his words.

We stay like that for a while, with me shooting every exorcist I can, Angel covering for me when I can't manage to hold my gun up for too long, and Husk staying up in the sky, wings in full display as he throws cards and dices to the angels who decide to stay at a supposedly safe distance in the sky. After a while of this, though, we notice how this just keeps going on non stop, making me wonder how long has it been since the Extermination even started. Maybe it hasn't been that long, but it feels like hours already.

"These fuckin' angels won't stop comin'!" Husk complains, and Angel laughs, wiggling his eyebrows and hips, turning it into a sex joke. Husk and I chuckle, with him also rolling his eyes.
"Okay, I walked right into that one." Angel suddenly frowns, looking somewhere before smiling back at us and winking as he leaves.

"Hold that thought." He jumps up, blocking an exorcist sword and then shooting them, turning around to reveal one of Pentious' Egg Bois who almost got hurt without any of us noticing. I smile as Angel talks to the small egg creature,  before an explosion knocks him off his feet and I widen my eyes.

"Angel!!" I scream, going off to find him as Husk snarls and hisses in a cat-like way to the source of the disturbance: Adam. Wasn't Alastor supposed to be fighting him? ...he surely is okay, right?

I finally reach Angel, who huffs while running a hand through his hair and getting up.

"I'm fine, sugar. Let's meet up with the others." He says before I can even ask, frowning concerned while looking up to Adam. He takes my hand in one of his bottom ones, holding only two of his tommy guns in his upper arms as he leads me to our group of friends.

I instantly notice the lack of someone's presence, ignoring Husk's concerned gaze as we approach the rest of them.

"Where's Pentious?" I ask curtly, and Charlie quickly tries to dismiss my worry.

"He's right-" She points up towards one balcony where I notice my best friend kissing Cherri Bomb, holding her dearly.
"-there. Woah." I smile widely at the sight, just about to start cheering for my friend as they separate, but I notice him leaving for his war machine.

Right before entering its door, though, he looks back at our small group, and my eyes widen in horror as they meet his, and he salutes us while staring right through my very soul with a smile as wide as ever.

Then, the door closes behind him and the great airship starts flying up, and towards Adam's direction. And that's when it hits me.

"That crazy motherfucker." Angel mutters, and my chest hurts the more he flies towards the first man.

Shaken out of my initial shock, I breath in before crying out with a broken voice.

"NO!! NO, YOU FUCKER, DON'T!!" I let out the miserable, piercing scream as I feel Husk's strong arms wrap around me as I'm about to make a run for it.

For what, though? Isn't it already too late?

It is. Adam notices Pentious' death ray charging up, and with a blast of his finger the whole thing is gone. Everything goes silent for a moment, as the fucker just laughs it off nervously.

I feel all energy drain from my body, shifting my balance and forcing Husk to drop me as to not fall to the ground along with me. All my weight is dropped down as I fall limp on my knees.

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