51. The Show Must Go On - 1

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"You're actually going to fight?! Please I know you can't fight for shit, Rio!! Fucking hilarious! Did you manipulate yourself into thinking you're strong?!"

"Alright, enough already. A shit talk as always. Bye, Vox." I turn off my phone with a roll of my eyes, listening to his whine one last time before the screen turns black.

With a sigh, I finally get near the hotel, having been leading some cannibals around town so they could go find something to eat.

"Welcome back, kid." Husk greets, approaching me as I watch the group of cannibals leave to keep training outside the main doors to the hotel.

"Hey." I greet him with a soft smile, pocketing the phone. He notices this and gives me a knowing look as he leads me to where our small group of friends is training.

"Was he too annoyin'?"

"Bitchy as always, yeah." I sigh tiredly as he pats my shoulder slightly, trying to give me a bit of comfort before we're interrupted.

"Rio, think fast!!" I widen my eyes upon noticing one of Cherri's bombs dangerously close to falling on us. Husk instantly gets away from its range but I take the chance to get a hold of my new gun and shoot the bomb, making it explode in the air before it can reach me.

"CHERRI WHAT THE FUCK?!" I scream at her after I'm out of danger, watching her laugh hysterically like she's gone crazy.

"Nice one, bitch!" She says with a laugh and I keep staring at her like she's grown two heads.

"You could have killed me?! That's an angelic modified bomb!!" I scream again, nerves on end as she just approaches me and slaps my back and I stare incredulously at her.

"So what?! You're fine, ain't ya?" My eye twitches a bit at her nonchalance, as Angel sighs approaching us.

"I'm sorry, told 'er not to do that but she wouldn't listen." He explains, looking tired after a whole morning with his best friend. She really can be a lot, even for him.

" 's fine, good practice for the Extermination I guess." He smiles at me with a nod.

I then notice some rapid movement right behind him, and widen my eyes at the sight.

"Shit, Angel careful-" He screams upon noticing Nifty about to stab him with a dagger, climbing up a pole as I pick up the short maid, holding her a bit away from my body, slightly scared of what idea she might come up with.

"Nif, what the fuck?! And who gave you that dagger?" She just giggles in response and I stare at her confused.

"Not him!" Charlie warns the pink haired girl and she keeps giggling, getting out of my grip easily and running off again.

Angel then jumps off the pole swiftly, and I walk with him towards Charlie, Vaggie and Pentious as they stand in front of the main doors. The princess greets me with a kind smile.

"Hey Rio! Thank you for helping with those cannibals, they really looked hungry." She laughs nervously at the mention and I chuckle with a shrug.

"No problem, princess. I had my share of the food as well." I'm given a few weirded out glances from my friends before Vaggie addresses everyone who's training already, talking in a drill sergeant style.

"Listen up, sinners! We've got 24 hours before the Extermination begins. Let's get to work."

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