13. Radio Killed the Video Star - 3

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"Why is he hanging around? What does that mean for your family?" Vox goes back and forth in a singing conversation with a copy of himself, making me roll my eyes.
"Well, handily, I've got good news! He's a loser, a fossil, and I don't mean to sound hostile but the demon is a coward!" I chuckle as I see him grow desperate, the subtitles under him showing just how unnerved Alastor's comeback makes him.

"You can take that as gospel. Pulling my viewers? Impossible! I'm visual, he's barely audible! Stop giving him the time of day! Don't listen to a word he'd say. Hope he had a nice vacay! But he should have stayed away!" The screen flashes with different backgrounds and Vox wearing different outfits.

Why are they both so flashy? Ah, wait, that's entertainment industry for you, Rio, you dumbass.

"While he hid in radio, we pivoted to video! And now his medium is getting bloody rare! Hell's been better since he split. Where's he been? Who gives a shit?!" He keeps getting more and more worked up by moments, and is interrupted as I hear a different voice coming from the speakers placed all around hell.

"Salutations! Good to be back on the air." Ha, so much for fixing his coat. Clearly he prefers pissing off his arch nemesis, and understandably so, knowing how annoying Vox can be.
"Yes, I know it's been a while since someone with style treated Hell to a broadcast. Sinners rejoice!"

"What a dated voice!"

"Instead of a clout chasing mediocre video podcast."

"COME ON!" The tv demon grows desperate and I chuckle at the sight.

"Is Vox insecure, pursuing allure? Flitting between this fad and that. Is nothing working?"

"IGNORE HIS CHIRPING!" He tries covering the whole screen, to no avail.

"Every day he's got a new format!"

"YOU'RE LOOKING AT THE FUTURE! He's the shit that comes before that!"

"Is Vox as strong as he purports? Or is it based on his support? He'd be powerless without the other Vees!" I smirk knowingly at the mention.


"And here's the sugar on the cream. He asked ME to join this team!" Alastor calls happily from his radio tower.

"H-Hold on!" Vox's voice falters at the mention.

"I said no, and now he's pissy! That's the tea." I giggle, rolling my eyes at the Radio Demon's theatrics again.

"You old timey PRICK! I'll show you suffering!" I then frown, noticing the phone starting to glitch.

"Uh oh, the TV is buffering!"

"I'LL DESTROY YO-OO-OU-" His voice glitches as I toss my phone away, watching it let out a little steam and turn off. Damn.

"I'm afraid you've lost your signal." Alastor finishes his back and forth with the tv, and I can almost sense the energy around the speakers change at his next sentence.
"Let's begin. I'm gonna make you wish that I stayed gone! Tune on in. When I'm done, your status quo will know it's race is run! Oh, this will be fun!" The radio broadcast finishes with a dark laugh, giving me slight chills.

I sigh, looking at my discarded phone and taking it again, noticing it's all warm now, but at least it still works. Everything feels a little bit too silent now, the other residents and hotel staff still outside the broken wall, their talk faint as I sit curled up on one of the sofas in the main area.

Unlocking my phone, I scroll through it a bit, noticing a few socials which I used to utilise a lot, and also some new ones as well. A little time passes like that with me mindlessly scrolling, before my phone starts to flash in a familiar manner.

I sigh, propping my phone on my knees as I hug my legs with the hand not being used to hold the phone.

"Hey, asshole. Nice performance back there." I say unenthusiastically.

"Rio, you little shit! Just the guy I needed to piss off today." Vox smiles from my screen.

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