10. Bickering and gadgets

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"Nighty night, kitty!" I say cheerily yet calmly as to not wake the others up. The bartender smiles as he watches me finish walking the last set of stairs before I approach his bar.

"Is this goin' to be a usual thing, you comin' here to talk at ungodly hours?"

"Probably, yeah." I say with a wide smile.

"You should sleep, Rio. You'll be more tired in the mornin', just like what happened today." He says, a small smile on his lips as he turns slightly to reach for a bottle of whisky.

"Today? Ah no, that happens everyday, no big deal." I dismiss it with a move of my hand.

"Do you really want Nifty wakin' you up everyday though?"

"Eugh. No please." I cringe at the mention.

"Exactly. So sleep now instead, dumbass!" He says with no bite to it, opening the bottle and taking a small swing of it.

"Do you really want to be drinking so late?"

"Oh definitely."

"Is that what you do everyday? When there's no one to serve drinks to, the bartender serves them to himself?" I say, leaning on the counter and placing my cheek on my hand, watching him.

"Can't let the alcohol go to waste."

"It wouldn't go to waste, with all you drunk fuckers here." I giggle.
"Angel's had a bottle on his hand all morning, for fucks sake! Are y'all okay?" I say, chuckling at the mention as he shrugs, drinking from the bottle again.

"I mean we're here for a reason."

"Sure are." I nod. Suddenly I flinch as I hear a shriek calling my name, then quick steps that start getting closer.

"Rio!!" Charlie arrives breathlessly, wearing her pajamas as she smiles excitedly.
"Vaggie said-" The princess wheezes, trying to get some air in her lungs as she talks.
"She said- shit-"

"Breathe first, girl, I ain't going anywhere." I say with a raised eyebrow as she takes a deep breath and finally starts forming coherent words.

"I was talking with Vaggie! And she told me about the whole shoot, of course! And how you don't like being on camera, but you improvised nonetheless- really proud of you for that one, by the way! But then that made me think of how I've never seen you with a phone whatsoever?"

"I uhh no, I don't own one." I explain confused.

"That's my point! You need one!! What if I need to contact you? I have everyone else's numbers, see?" She says, shoving her phone in front of my face. Before I get to confirm what she's saying, she takes it away.
"So, I'll give you a phone tomorrow, okay? Bye!"

"Wait!" I try, but she's already off to her bedroom again. I sigh frustrated.
"Shit, why does Alastor get to not own a phone but I don't?"

"Well, he's just the facility manager while you're an actual resident- and he's also a creep that somehow appears when you need him." Husk explains, setting his whisky bottle on the counter as he talks and I pout.
"Why's it such a big deal though? You're like Alastor? Think it's just frivolous technology or whatever?" He says, quoting the radio demon as I chuckle.

"No, it's not that, it's just-" I frown.
"Annoying. Really annoying. Pisses me off." I say with a groan, thinking back to the last time I owned a phone... honestly it's been a while, hasn't it?

"So you're like him and think it's frivolous." Husk declares with a smug smile.

"No! It's not that, just- Ughh..." I sigh, getting up from the barstool.
"It's whatever, I'll deal with it tomorrow when Charlie gives me the dreaded picture box."

"Oh you sound just like him."

"Fuck off, Husk!" I say, not really meaning it as I leave for my room, waving a small goodbye.

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