26. Masquerade - 3

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Hours pass with Husk and I talking, and me growing restless as Charlie stays slumped at the couch. Was it really that bad? Hopefully she's just not used to seeing much violence outside of what goes on in the streets. I know Valentino can get really... Fuck. I hope Angel's fine.

Just on cue to answer my question, I hear the front door open, eyeing Husk as he gives me a known glance back, bracing myself to see whatever state Angel came back in. And as he gets closer... yeah, it's not good.

"Eugh, I need a drink. The hardest ya can make." Angel says, throwing himself over the bar counter, just besides me.

"Hmm, you look like shit." The bartender says as he starts preparing the drink, and I scoff.

"Husk." I warn with a frown. Angel then gets off the counter, pulling a poor attempt at a smile as he chuckles.

"Pfft, Not possible. Just a long shoot, nothin' new." As Husk comes back with his drink after mixing up different liquors, the spider winces. "Eugh, I said a strong one."

"Excuse me! Didn't realize this was a drinkin' to forget kinda night." Husk says, his eyebrow popping up as I glare at him. He better stop pushing right the fuck now, it's clearly not the time.

"Oh, I forgot! You're the wise old bartender who's seen it all. Get the fuck over yerself and pour me real drink." Angel glares at the bartender, spilling all his drink over the counter. These two idiots I swear.

"Look, if you've got a problem, you're not goin' to find the solution at the bottom of a bottle. I should know, I've been lookin' there a long time." Husk frowns, and I just sigh silently, watching the whole interaction while running a hand through my face.

"Oh sure, and where should I Iook? Hmm? In your bedroom, maybe?" Angel flirts, and I cringe. This really isn't going anywhere.
"Under the covers? Maybe we can go look together." Husk growls lowly, stiffening.

"Don't. Even. Start."

"Oh, c'mon, I bet I can make those wings flap!" The spider forces the cat's wing over himself flirtily, and I can notice how Husk is just about to snap at this.

"Angel please, don't push it anymore-" But it's already too late as he shoves the spider off himself, making him scowl angrily in return.

"STOP! Fucking Christ! You can cut the act already. It's never going to work on me, so all you're doing is makin' an ass out of yourself with this fake bullshit."

"Fucking shit, guys, just stop!" I say angrily, getting up off my barstool and almost making it drop.

"Call me fake one more time, muthafucka!! I DARE you!!" Angel snaps as they both ignore me, with Husk poking the actor's chest fluff.

"Fake." He smiles smugly, and Angel finally snaps.

"Fuckin asshole-!!" He just bumps his head on the bar roof though, falling off his barstool and to the floor.
"Arrgh! God!"

"Shit, Angel!" I throw myself by his side.

"Ya done?" Husk asks, the smugness rubbing off on Angel and he growls angrily.

"Ya know what?!?" The pornstar pushes me away, almost making me trip on my feet.
"You would be fucking lucky to get a chance to fuck me!" I flinch as he throws an alcohol bottle at the unbothered bartender as he starts laughing desperately.
"Ya know how much I'm worth?!? You know how many people would kill to have Angel Dust come onto them?!? FUCK YOU. Have fun being a lonely piece of shit!" He starts storming out just to stop for even just a moment, sending me a glare as well.
"Or maybe not so lonely, if goody-two-shoes is by yer side there. Keep actin' like you're in hell for no reason, ya prick. Everyone here is fucked up though." And with the last poisonous words he leaves, pushing Vaggie away as he crosses her path.

"Woah- The hell?! Angel, where are you going?" She asks incredulous.

"Out!" The door slams and I frown, looking away from Vaggie as she sends Husk and I a glare.

"Which one of you guys was it?" She stops for a moment as we don't answer.
"Husk, what did you do?" She reformulates her question and my eyes widen at this.

"Made him a drink." The cat shrugs.

"Oh, no. He looks really upset." Charlie says, approaching us.

"It's just Angel. He'll be fine." Husk dismisses, and I feel his gaze on me as I just stare away from them all, crossing my arms and rethinking everything that just happened.

"I'm not so sure. I really messed up at the studio today and he got... Ugh, it was... It wasn't good, okay?" The princess tries, hugging herself as her girlfriend tries reassuring her with a small smile, then turns to Husk.

"Gee, sounds like someone should go after him..." She says sarcastically, as the bartender just blinks blankly.
"Someone named Husk."

"Oh, you gotta be fucking kidding me! Why don't you go if you're so worried?" He rolls his eyes.

"Because I'm not the one who sent him storming out. You caused it. You drag him back."

"No! No... Don't force him back. Just make sure he's safe. I pushed too hard earlier and... I only made things worse. Look, he'll come back when he's ready. I just don't want anything to happen to him until then." Charlie explains, and Vaggie shoots Husk a pointed look, causing him to grumble.
"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go write one hundred apology letters and a lesson planned for tomorrow about... Boundaries." She says, starting to walk away. Husk does the same, getting out of the bar but stopping as he passes by my side.

"Do you wanna come too?" He asks me, sending me a knowing glance, and I just sigh, still crossing my arms for some sort of comfort.

"I don't think that's such a good idea."

"...you sure?"

"Husk, don't try to force Rio to go, you were the one who fucked up." Vaggie says, having stopped her walking away as she frowns at out little interaction.

"No, I did too." I declare while looking at the girl, and I ignore Husk's frown by my side.

"You... did?" She asks unsure, and I nod.

"Yeah, Husker is right. I'll go too. See you when we're back though, Vaggie." I say numbly, taking the winged cat's hand in mind and dragging him out the hotel doors.

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