50. A friend's gift

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"Bitch please."

"Don't give me that attitude Rio."

"But I mean-" I raise an eyebrow, giving a pointed glance to my weak arms.
"-you know."

"Rio, please!"

"Vaggie I will fucking die, don't you get it? Like, really, double die or whatever. Angelic steel through all my holes, you know what I mean?" I deadpan and the girl groans exasperated.

"We're making weapons, Pentious is even working on cannons and custom angelic cards for Husk, as well as angelic bombs for Cherri! You just have to try!"

"Oh yeah, try out some weapons, it'll be fun!!" I mock her, rolling my eyes.
"Just choose an item to have in hand as you die!" She groans, trying to stop me from going further but I just keep mocking.
"Can't I just like, choose flowers? So it's easy for you guys to bury me, you know, if I die with the flowers already on my hands. Cool. Funny. Sweet symbolism if you think about it."

"Hijo de la chingada, ya cállate y escucha. (Son of a bitch, shut up already and listen)" She curses pissedly, and I smirk at her outburst.

"Cariño, lo siento pero tendrás que lidiar conmigo un poco más. (Dear, I'm sorry but you'll have to deal with me a bit more) At least until the angels come find me. By then I'll be dead for sure if I do end up fighting with you freaks." She grumbles and mumbles something more in spanish as I laugh at her.

We've been like this the whole morning, back and forth on whether I'll fight alongside them or not. Because sure, I'm rooting for them and all but, me? Fighting? I'm built like a twig.

"Umm, Rio? Sssorry for interrupting, can I show you something?" My ears perk up at Pentious, not having noticed how he approached us as he fidgets nervously. I look at Vaggie and she nods while rubbing her temple, trying to ease her headache after spending all morning with my teasings.

"What's up, Pen?" I ask, getting near him and away from Vaggie as he leads me to a bunch of boxes.

"I made you sssomething." He tells me, going through one of the boxes with a smile and I tilt my head in confusion.


"Here!" He finally turns around with a smile, showing me a golden and silver gun, decorated with some green highlights along with yellow ones. Placing it on my hands, I stare at it in awe, weighing it and marveling at its stability and functionality.

"Wow, this is a really good gun Pen, what is this?"

"I... I know how you're not good at fighting, and I got kinda worried with the externination coming. Ssso I thought I'd somehow try to help. This isss one of my earliest gun prototypes, I worked on it a lot back in the day but I never really enjoyed using sssomething as sssimple as this, I'm more into cannons and big machinery. I thought itsss simplicity could help you a lot in battle, though."

I look up at my best friend with widened eyes at his explanation, holding the gun very dearly and feeling warm because of the thoughtfulness.

"Pen, that's... This is amazing, I have no words." I say, barely above a whisper as I keep gawking at the pretty item on my hands.

"I also made it look like it's an us thing!! Sssee, with the green for your favourite colour and yellow for mine." He explains excitedly, and I move the gun to hold it with just one hand swiftly, taking notice of how easy it is to manage as I throw myself over him, hugging him tightly.
"R-Rio?! I thought you hated how ssslimy I am?!"

"Yeah. This is gross. But who cares?" I chuckle, not letting go as I feel him relax in my soft grip.
"Thank you, Pentious. I love it."

"Now what did I miss?! That's a new thing!!" I hear a chuckle coming from a sultry voice, the front doors closing behind him as he approaches us.

Finally parting from the hug, I start cleaning the slimy sensation off myself while smiling at the spider who just got back from work. He looks tired, and of course he would, but at least it doesn't look as bad as most days.

"Hey! How was work, babe?" I ask him, taking a gun holder Pentious silently offers me before leaving to give us some space.

"Oh it sucked -quite literally-, I'm sore as fuck but at least Val had some meeting so I could leave earlier." He smiles weakly, cracking his back tiredly and starting to walk towards the stairs as I accompany him even if just for a bit.

"Hm, I'm glad you're back. You can go clean yourself up now, I'm pretty sure Cherri fed Fat Nuggets earlier." I explain and he smiles knowingly at the mention.

Ever since we started training for the Extermination, Cherri was quick to join us. And apparently Angel had a talk with her about me, and how we talked things out so she's been much nicer to me, in her own way. She even said something about how she always knew I'm trustable, something along the lines of "I know a kind bitch when I see 'em".

Angel leaves upstairs to clean up, and I finally finish putting on the gun strap around my waist, placing my new gun in it proudly. Just then, Vaggie approaches me with a smile this time.

"So, you get discouraged by having weak arms but when you're given a gun you suddenly want to fight again." She chuckles, eyeing me up and down, her gaze stopping on the gun shortly.

"Doesn't it look cool as fuck though?" I send her a teasing smile and she rolls her eyes.

"You're such a child sometimes."

"But you love me!" I laugh, not really meaning it but loving her scoff at my words.

"No I don't."

"I know, Miss Man-hating-lesbian."

"Fuck off."

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