15. Radio Killed the Video Star - 5

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I groan at the headache that instantly attacks me as soon as I open my eyes once again, paired with a sting in my hand from a few phone shards that stuck to it earlier. Sighing I get up, picking up the broken phone and leaving my room.

Once I reach the main area downstairs, I instantly spot Angel and Husk at the bar. The bartender looks at me and I avert my eyes, instead noticing the cigarette on the spider's hand.

"Ah, Angel, handsome, just what I needed right now!" I approach him with a tired smile, placing my left hand on his thigh flirtily as he looks at me surprised before flirting back.

"Oh? And what might ya need from me, honey?" He says in a sultry voice, having a small take from his cigarette. As he blows the smoke while looking away from me as to not bother too much, I snatch the cigarette away from his hand, placing it on my lips and sighing the smoke out right after.

"Just this for now. Maybe more other time, though." I say with a wink, sitting on a stool right beside him and smoking some more.

"Ya smoke?" He asks surprised yet with an interested smirk after the short flirty performance.

"I tried to quit, but I guess no can do." I say with a shrug, then tense as the cigarette is snatched from my hand. I look to the source of the robbery, frowning at the winged cat.

"...you dumbass." He sighs, shaking his head as I look at him with nerves on end.

"The fuck is that for?"

"I ain't lettin' you relapse just like that." He answers, littering the thing away as Angel looks at him dumbfounded.

"Ya could've just given it back ta me!" He says but I ignore him, scowling at the cat.

"Why do you even care? It's just a cigarette. It ain't even drugs."

"But you tried to quit, and I ain't goin' to let you throw your own efforts away just like that, Rio." He says, sending me a knowing glance as I look away from him, not answering and choosing to focus on Angel instead.

"Whatever. You surely got more, right Angel? Would you be a darling and give me a new one?" I ask him, the headache still screaming through my skull. The pink furry demon looks between Husk and me back and forth as if conflicted, but then sends me an apologetic glance and I sigh in anticipation.

"Sorry toots, I agree with Whiskers." I roll my eyes with a low growl.

" 'course you do." Walking away from the pair and towards one of the couches, I throw myself on one of them, closing my eyes trying to lessen the hammering of my skull. Just why is everything going backwards today?

"Rio, my dear friend!" A static voice appears right beside me as I open my eyes to watch the Radio Demon materialise from shadows.

"What." I ask curtly.

"Oh you're spending too much time with our dearest bartender Husker, aren't you? It's almost like you're picking up his grumpiness! It's been a while since I last saw you in such a bad mood." He says the last sentence with a knowing, creepy smile and a tilt of his head, avertig his eyes to my barely bloodied hands that are still holding the shattered phone.

"Get straight to the point, Al. What's up?"

"Well I just happened to go to the town earlier as you might know, and I passed by a really nice store! So I took it upon myself to bring you a little gift." I squint my eyes warily at the mention, scanning his whole body searching.
"It's just outside the front door!" He says as if reading my mind - which he might as well be doing for all I know about the creepy bastard.

I then get up from the couch and go to the place he pointed out, noticing two pairs of eyes following my steps curiously from the bar. Opening the front door to the hotel slowly as if preparing myself, my eyes quickly widen at the sight.

"Oh Alastor, you incredible sweetheart!!" I sigh, quickly ridding my shoulders off their tension as I walk down the few front steps. The pair from the bar then approach curiously yet cringe when they notice said gift.

"The fuck is this?" Angel asks from inside the hotel as I pick up my gift excitedly.

"My lunch right now, and probably my dinner later today!!" I say cheerily, smiling up at Alastor.
"Thank you." I sigh dreamily as he nods knowingly.

"Thought you'd need something like this today." He says, looking at my hands again. I then discard the phone on the ground, ignoring my stinging hand as I pick up my gift by its paws.

"That's a dead fuckin' goat dude, what the fuck are ya excited for? And what do ya mean by lunch?" Angel asks dumbfounded, as Husk sighs and drinks from some random booze bottle with a disgusted face.

"He's a cannibal, remember? And he's a goat." I nod wordlessly, bringing the goat upstairs and through the main hall cheerily as they watch me walk towards my room.
"Still, it's so damn disgusting." Husk adds, watching the flies surrounding my lunch as I bring it upstairs.

"Your opinion, not mine!" I say, leaving them behind and preparing for a much needed and nice lunch after the shitty morning.

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