54. The Show Must Go On - 4

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Everything is muffled. No sounds, just bubbles dancing around my ears. It feels suffocating, like when you're traveling to a place in the mountains after staying sea level for months, so your ears close up and you need to yawn or chew gum for them to go back to normal. It's like drowning inside a glass of water, too small to get out of it like it's a giant ocean instead of something you can drink in mere seconds.

My mouth also feels weird. It feels like I'm screaming but I can't hear it. But my lips are closed. I know they are, I can feel them. That's the one thing I can feel right now, how chipped and dry my lips are. So why does my throat feel like I've been screaming non stop? Maybe I caught a cold. I might have a fever.

My body doesn't feel like I'm sick though. It burns, it's heavy and it feels like I've been beaten up over and over again for hours. It's awful. Much like when you're sick. But I'm not. Am I?

My eyes are probably the worst though. Are they open? I think they are. They feel drained, dry. They hurt. How did I manage to hurt my eyes? What was I doing anyway?

Screaming, wasn't I? No, wait, my lips are closed. They're dry, and so are my eyes, which burn like my body, which has been beaten for hours, and hours, and hours and it doesn't seem like it will stop anytime soon but it hurts.

Wait, no it doesn't. I can't feel anything. Where are my hands? Last time I checked, they were in the ground, holding dirt as I screamed.

But I'm not screaming.


Now that is a scream.

I gasp, finally opening my mouth just to feel my throat and chest as strained as ever, my arms barely holding my weight as I crush the dirt under my hands. I frown at the sight of them, weakly placing my whole body weight on my knees instead so I can take a good look at my hands.

Oh, I hurt them with some small rocks. They're partially bleeding. It's nothing serious, not concerning at all, but... I can't feel the pain at all.


I look up to Husk who's apparently holding my shoulders for me to focus on him. I didn't notice that either. Angel is crouching besides me too, though just checking a bit here and there as he covers for us, all six of his tommy guns held out and ready.

"Rio. I need you to listen." Husk starts slowly, each sentence laid out clear and simple. I nod, my ears starting to clear up as I start hearing explosions and sword sounds.
"Do you know where we are right now?"

The sound of a loud crashing interrupts the quiet conversation, making me flinch as the whole ground shakes. Looking past Husk's shoulder, I notice a huge dragon that looks weirdly like Dazzle has fallen on the hotel. The cat sighs after looking at the scene as well.

"I don't know if that cleared things or made them more confusin'." He mutters before repeating his question.
"Rio, do you know where we are?"

"Agh! Fuck!!" Angel curses from behind Husk, interrupting us again as he's kicked by an angel who's now pointing their sword at him, as the spider lies on the floor defenseless. Husk notices this as well, looking between us worriedly.

Then there's another crashing sound, and Charlie collapses on the hotel's roof while fighting Adam.

Looking down to the floor, just besides where my hands were crushing the dirt just moments ago, I notice the gun Pentious gifted me, proudly shining green and yellow.

"Fuck." I mutter under my breath after realising what's really happening, taking the gun in my hand and quickly getting up before shooting the exorcist who was threatening Angel. Husk looks surprised by the quick shift, my whole realisation having lasted only a few seconds.

"Rio?" He tries, approaching me as I walk towards Angel as he composes himself, looking at me with concern and a small smile. I smile back at the spider weakly before turning around to look at Husk.

"I'm sorry, it's fine." I reassure him shortly before walking a little ahead of them, shooting exorcists everywhere I see them. I feel their gazes on me, but they luckily just let me go, still making sure I'm alright but from afar this time.

Angels fall left and right, angelic bullets piercing them just as I set my eyes on them. My arm should feel strained by now from holding the gun upwards. It doesn't. I can't feel it. Maybe that's fine for now.

In between gunshots, I can hear the whooshing of a magic that sounds all too familiar. Looking up to the roof again, I notice Lucifer fighting Adam while teasing him. Damn, finally the help we really needed. We might have a chance with him here.

Getting distracted by this, exorcists quickly surround me. I click my tongue in annoyance, shooting up at them while backing up to the hotel so they can't get too close.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Angel, Husk and Cherri surrounded by exorcists the same as me, though they can't really fight back as they're being pointed at with swords and spears. I should go and help them.

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of a huge blast, as the ground starts shaking.

"Rio, get outta there!!" Angel shouts desperately.

I just have the time to see my friends' worried faces looking at me as I stare at them confused, before the hotel starts crumpling down around me.

I mutter a curse under my breath, breathing heavily and trying to run away from the falling rubble but an angel stops me, standing in my way.

"Get out of my way you overrated chicken wing!" I curse at them, not having the time to shoot as they throw themselves on me.

"You filthy, worthless demon, don't you dare threaten a heavenly being." Gasping nervously as I'm too weak to fight back, I kick them, trying to run away but they hold me to the ground as the rubble keeps falling too close to us.

"You dumbass will get both of us killed!!" I shriek at them, trying to get away from their grip to no avail.

"Better take a demon with me as I go out." They say, smiling creepily. I can hear my friends worriedly screaming for me, and I curse before getting an idea.

I headbutt the fucker, my horns curling and shining green in anger and smiling as they scream out in pain at the impact. Taken aback by me finally fighting back, I take the chance and throw myself over the confused exorcist, biting at their shoulder in anger and ripping some of the skin there, blood running down my chin from my mouth.

After they're left screaming in pain, I finally take the chance to get a better grip on my gun, smiling threateningly as my eyes shine bright green.

"Eat lead, chicken." I mumble before pulling the trigger.

Huffing tiredly after the whole thing, I get away from the angel, limping a bit to get away as the last bits of the hotel are still falling around me.

"Rio, watch out!!"

I look beside me just in time to see a wall collapsing towards me. I only have the time to curl my horns to stop the impact before pain blinds me and everything goes black.

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