4. Mornings and bosses

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"Wait nonono!" I groan as I hear muffled voices coming from outside my room.

"Niffty, please!!" Another groan, and a small shift.

"Sorry toots but it looks like she's goin' ta get what she wants one way or 'nother."


The door to my room is slammed open as I open my eyes confused, still sleepy and completely dumbfounded as I look towards the intruders.

"The fuck?" I say groggily. Then a small figure runs up towards me, as I try to cover myself with the blankets.

"Good morning bad boy!!" Niffty says loudly, throwing herself at me as I instantly shove her off the bed.

"Es demasiado temprano para esto... (it's too early for this) What is this?" I ask with a groan, running a hand through my face.

"I'm so so so so sorry Rio! I told her not to get in but Niffty's just really- um..." The princess stays by the door, trying to explain.

"She's really Niffty." Angel finishes from behind her with a smug smile and a cigarette between his lips.
"Mornin', sugar." He adds with a wink. I smile slightly at the sight, though I don't flirt back this time.

"Could y'all maybe leave me for a while? I'll be out soon for whatever... hotel activities? Just give me a minute to wake up, eh?" I say, dropping on my back once again with a pleased sigh, loving the feeling of the comfy mattress.

"Of course!! I'm really sorry about this whole thing, Rio! We'll wait for you downstairs." The princess of Hell goes into my room, taking Niffty -who's still slammed to the floor with a big smile, unmoving- with her as she closes my door, leaving.


Going down the stairs I yawn, lazily running a hand through my blond hair, slightly brushing my goat-ish horns in the process.

"Wow there he is! Ya still alive? I was startin' to have some doubts, y'know?" The spider demon laughs from one of the couches, looking away from his phone momentarily to raise an eyebrow at me.

"What now?" I ask, yet another yawn escaping my lips.

"How ya still sleepy, man? You took one hour to get down 'ere!" Angel giggles.

"Not a morning person." I shrug, sitting at the other end of the same couch as I scan the room lazily.
"Where's everyone?"

"As far as I know, dollface's being dramatic 'cause of the extermination bullshit, so her girlfriend went to tell her about how Smiles finished the advertisement or whatever."

"Advertisement?" I tilt my head curiously, laughing internally at all the nicknames he just used.

"Ye, for the hotel. Though he hates TVs it seems? So it's just shit."

"Ah." I raise my eyebrows, thinking silently as I look around the room, a little awkward.

"...ya curious 'bout the ad, aren't ya?" The spider smirks at me, putting his phone aside as he leans towards me slightly.

"Hm, maybe." I giggle, looking right to his eyes. He really is handsome, and his obviously fake demeanor only makes me more interested.

"Alright, hon, we're goin' ta find 'em then!" He says with a smile, getting up from the couch and giving me his hand to take, as I do, bowing theatrically as a thank you, then following the tall demon.

"Are you in the ad too?"

"Damn right I am! Not like I love my performance in it, but I see how me being there would help the princess' cause, so ye." He shrugs, and I tilt my head in confusion.

"You being there helps? How so? With you being a resident here or...?" My brows furrow in wonder.

"Wait-" He stops in his tracks, stopping as he was leading me through the hotel's hallways.
"Ya don't know who I am?"

"I mean, we met yesterday...?" I say, matter-of-factly. His eyes widen in realisation, which only confuses me more.

"Rio, I'm a pornstar." He deadpans, and my eyes widen at the mention.

"You are?! Wait-" My eyes widen even more if possible, finally remembering his face, as he does look kind of familiar.
"Wait you work for Valentino, don't you?!" I ask, and he clicks his tongue at this, slightly hushing me.

"Yeah yeah. Don't ya just know me from porn?"

"No, actually. I don't like supporting stuff like that, I hate how often stars are mistreated." I say, and he recoils slightly at the mention, as I make a mental note of that reaction.
"I have seen some of your posters at the Vee's building, though." I add.

"Ya related to the Vee's?" He eyes me wearily.

"No! I mean- yeah, kinda- not like I enjoy that fact, though." I stutter slightly, and he eyes me, understanding.

"Sounds accurate." He giggles, though I notice how fake it sounds.
"Anyways, darlin', as much as I enjoy talking to ya, we better make our way to Freaky Smiles before he starts showing the others his ad!" He says, leading me through hallways again.

I fall into deep thoughts as I keep following him through the clearly unused hallways.

So, he's Valentino's, huh?

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