30. Boundaries

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//tw: slight gender dysphoria (barely even mentioned but just in case)

"RIO!!" A slam on my door makes me flinch as I notice how harshly Vaggie just knocked on it, still sitting by it. I quickly get up from the floor though, rubbing my eyes tiredly before opening the door confused.

"What?" I ask with a raspy voice.

"Oh, you're awake already- wait you look like shit." She frowns at the sight, cringing a bit as I sigh.

"Yeah yeah, what's up?"

"Charlie has a whole talk about boundaries ready, and this isn't something any of the residents can skip so we need you down in 10." She says absentmindedly while scanning me.
"Hey did you even sleep at all?"

"Nope. But yeah, I'll be ready by then." Trying to close the door, she stops it with her foot.

"You okay? You really do look like crap right now."

"Wow, charming, yeah I'm fine. See you later." Finally she lets me close the door again, and I hold back the urge to just slump on the floor again with a tired groan.

Instead, I stretch my sore muscles while walking to my wardrobe and scanning through my clothes, moving most of them away to find the oldest and most unused stuff.

I really do need a damn huge ego boost right now, so this better be one of the days in which I can wear this or I'll just make it worse.

With unsure hands, I pick up one of my few skirts.


And fuck no it's not one of those days. Right as I reach the main area, I notice Angel's soft laugh coming from the bar. When I look to him, my chest feels as warm as ever while making me uncomfortable as well.

He's wearing a skirt. And a crop top. Some of his softest makeup on, as he smiles genuinely to the smirking bartender. He looks so happy, so comfortable, even if just for a moment, and I can't help but blush at the sight before thinking back to my own body.

I'm wearing a skirt too, along with an oversized hoodie, my blonde hair tied back in a simple ponytail. But I look nothing like Angel. He looks good, comfortable, ethereal. He looks like a guy who's just fine with being who he is, liking what he likes. He's not afraid of people judging him, instead he'd just flip them off and leave if that ever happened.

Me, though? I look like a girl.

Fuck, they'll laugh. A guy like me can't pull off skirts like that. They'll tell me trans guys can't wear skirts or whatever other shit. I shouldn't have come down like this. Dumbass.

Dread fills me further as I feel eyes on me. Well... Just one eye, and from a certain clean freak girl. Looking down at her wide eye, I frown worriedly, waiting for the worst to come.

But it doesn't.

"You look like a bad boy with that skirt!!" She points out, running off with a giggle right after, leaving me dumbfounded. And then more eyes fall on me as everyone listened to Nifty's words.

"Oh he's finally here, everyone gather!" Vaggie calls as her girlfriend runs up to me excitedly.

"Rio!! You look so cool! That skirt suits you a lot!!" Charlie says, taking both my hands in hers then leading me to sit on a couch.

"Thanks..." I let her lead me mindlessly, sitting besides Sir Pentious. I watch as Husk and Angel come over from the bar as well, both sitting on a different couch with the spider ignoring my presence and looking away. Husk, though, does quite the opposite, looking me up and down with a proud glance.

"You look good." He says curtly, as a smile betrays him and I can feel a small blush creeping up. Just as I'm about to thank him for the compliment Charlie starts her talk.

"Hi everyone! First of all, thank you for being here!! And welcome to our newest exercise about... Boundaries!! Yay!!" She claps, though nobody matches her enthusiasm as Vaggie glares at all of us.
"So I have a few ideas for this! But first things first, what is a boundary?"


A shit ton of overly enthusiastic dictionary definitions, some songs no one kept going after the princess started them, and especially lots and lots of not-so-subtle apologies to Angel later, Charlie finally stops talking, looking at Vaggie as her girlfriend rises from her seat.

"Alright, so we have a few exercises ready to keep things going! First one is called Opening Up!! You'll start by saying something you like, then something you hate, and finally a boundary of yours, wether it's something positive or negative!" She says in her military voice as I cringe at the loudness, and she turns to Charlie as her girlfriend smiles excitedly.

"I'll start!! I like helping people, and I hate... exterminations! One boundary of mine is I don't like it when people ridicule the hotel. Pentious, your turn!" She says with a wide smile.

"I uhh... I like my Egg Boisss, I hate modern technology, and I... I don't like people who threaten my minionsss!" He says with a frown, hinting at Vaggie with the last bit of the sentence as she rolls her eyes.

"Husk?" The lesbian prompts, ignoring the serpent obvious jab.

"I like whiskey. I hate bein' a damn cat. And I... really don't like fake personalities, or people who hold back their real emotions."

Well alright, talk about jabs.


"I love dick!"

"Angel." Vaggie growls, and he rolls his eyes.

"I hate... memorising shit. That sucks. And I uh... I'd like to be asked before people touch me." He says sincerely, and I try to ignore my chest's feeling at that as it's already my turn.


"I like sweet flavours, I hate waking up early."

"Not like you ever do." Husk says with a chuckle.

"Fuck off. And I also... I hate people prying on my past."

I hear a scoff, and everyone turns to Angel questioningly as I look away with a frown.

"Nifty's turn, ain't it?" The spider says, dismissing everyone's look and changing the subject.

"I like chasing bugs!! I hate... Bugs!" The maid says with a giggle, and Charlie smiles.

"How about a boundary?"

"I like having my boundaries ignored." She states, laughing hysterically with her big eye scanning all of our weirded out faces.

"Nif dear, that's uh... Counterproductive."

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