29. Wrong, once again

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(A/N: I'm sorry in advance, I've been looking forward to writing this way too much)

We got back to the hotel between laughs and small stories, mostly from Angel talking shit about Valentino, or some "Alastor is a huge creep"s here and there. Right as we get through the door, though, we're stopped by Charlie and her big sad puppy eyes, pleading at Angel to forgive her because of what happened at the studio.

Some apologies and sobs later, Vaggie leaves while carrying a weeping princess of Hell.

"How about that drink?" Husk asks, sending us a soft smile and I nod.

"Ya read my mind." Angel concludes, and we all go to the bar.

It's really not that late right now -or rather, it is, but I'm used to staying up late drinking with the former Overlord anyway. As we all reach the bar, he goes inside to get the drinks as both Angel and I wait while already sitting on our usual barstools.

"Hey, uh- by the way, Rio?" The spider tries talking, but falters. I tilt my head in confusion at the sudden hesitance and lack of pet names.

"Hm? What's up?"

"I just... wanted to apologise. For earlier. I mean, Whiskers here was basically askin' for me to snap." He says, jokingly glaring at Husk as he just flips him off halfheartedly while still preparing the drinks.
"Ya, however... ya just happened to be there and tried to help. I'm sorry I snapped at ya for no reason."

"Oh! You mean the goody-two-shoes bit." I chuckle with a frown, looking at Husk's working hands and he drinks instead.
"It's fine. I get you just weren't in the mood." I shrug, leaning on the counter and looking up to the spider's mismatched eyes, resting my head on my hand with a soft smile.

"So, you were talkin' about that fucker's shit sight?" Husk asks, going around the bar after handing us our drinks and sitting on a barstool besides me, off to the side as I sit between both sinners.

"Yeah- oh wait! The drinks!" Angel gasps, making me look as well.

"Ooh these are fancy." I muse, eyeing my drink.
"Is this a San Francisco? Damn! And a Martini for Angel too!" The bartender chuckles at me, drinking some of his own plain whiskey.

"You guys had a shit day, too many emotions. So, I thought it's about time I show off my bartender skills a bit." He shrugs dismissively, and I smile, trying my drink and widening my eyes.

"Oh this is good!!" I gasp, licking my lips to savour the flavour.

"Wait Rio- ya had a bad day too?" Angel asks, drink untouched as he looks at me with a guilty frown -probably because he didn't notice- so I'm quick to dismiss it.

"Oh no! No baby don't worry, Husk and I just argued a bit after you left and I got some cigarettes, nothing serious." But his frown only deepens at this, pouting slightly.

"So ya went back to smokin'." My heart seems to skip a beat at his worried words, and I smile gently.

"It's fine, dear. When I'm done with the package I bought, I'll be off cigs for real." I reassure him, and he seems in deep thought for a moment before beaming, and I can't help but chuckle at his sudden excited look.

"Hey, we all know we're all losers here, right? But ya never did tell much about yerself tonight. At least not in front of me, I don't know what you guys talked about while I was at work." He shrugs, before smiling again.
"So, how about ya spill some of yer own tea, huh? What fucker do ya wanna talk shit about?"

My smile falters and my shoulders tense immediately, but I try to cover it with an unsure mumble.

"Uh... Well..." Turning to look at Husk for confirmation, I just find a soft and reassuring smile and a nod.

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