39. Welcome to Heaven - 1

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"Ssstop that!!"

"Come on Penny, please~!"

"Don't call me that!"

"Pentagon don't be so uptight!!"

"Rio, ssstop!!"

"But pencil!"


"Aw penis-"

"That'sss enough! Alright!" I burst out laughing loudly at Pentious' indignant pout.

"Yay! So tell me more about her!!" I say excitedly, clapping my hands in delight.

"She'sss been like my arch nemesis for a while, and um... I don't know, Rio! I've already told you everything about her!!"

"I don't even know her name yet!" He sighs, blushing slightly.

"Her name'sss Cherri-" The sound of an explosion interrupts him, and I frown confused at the sound before he finishes, looking even more bewildered than me.

Sharing a small glance, we both quickly go to the main area from the more secluded room we were chatting in (or more like, I was trying to get him to tell me about this girl he likes). Right when we get there, I notice a hole in the wall that's somehow usually destroyed, and a girl approaching Angel with a smile as he perks up happily, though his hair looks disheveled. He probably just got back from work.

"Holy shit! Cherri Bomb? Long time no see, baby!" He chirps happily, as my eyes widen at the mention, letting out an excited squeal.

Right in that moment I feel Pentious grab my arm and pull me away from the scene, as I keep beaming with pure happiness.

"PEN, THAT'S-" A slimy hand is instantly over my mouth and I cringe, swatting it away but shutting up.

"Pleassse don't... do that." He tries, nervously fiddling with his hat and sending small glances back to the main hall.
"I-I don't know why she's here-"

"She's clearly Angel's friend? Duh?" I deadpan playfully.

"Well yesss!! But I haven't seen her in a while, and I jussst..." He seems deep in thought before his eyes widen with a small smile.
"Maybe she's here to battle me!!"

"Pentious dear, I... don't really think that's the case." I notice a flash light up the room, and turn around just in time to see Charlie and Vaggie leaving for Heaven.
"Look, you could maybe just try and talk to her?" I suggest with a reassuring smile, and he puffs his chest for courage, starting to slide away from me.

"You're right, my friend! I'll try that!!"

"Cool shit." I send him a thumbs up, walking a few feet away to watch the scene unravel without really looking like a third wheel.

"Well! If it isn't my arch-nemesis! Have you come to meet your fate in battle, Cherri Bomb?" And there goes the nice talk. He trips over some of Charlie's discarded luggage on his way to the girl pathetically.

"Apparently, I'm going out with Angel and I gotta drag your sorry asses along." She explains lazily, taking out a piece of gum and chewing.

"Oh, oh, you and me are going out like for fun? I... I didn't think this would ever happen. What-What do I do? What-What do I wear?"

"Don't fuckin' touch me, ya munted dickhead." She leaves a flustered Sir Pentious behind, walking my way instead.

I mumble a few annoyed curses at my stupid snake friend, sighing as I watch the girl get close to me.

"You." She says, getting close to my face and poking my chest menacingly. I notice Angel approach us nervously, chewing on his lip with anxiety.

"...uh, yes?" I ask confused.

"You must be Rio. Fuckin' asshole. What gives you the right to try and be friends with Angie just to walk all over him like-"

"Cherri!!" Angel tries, placing his hands on her shoulders and trying to get her away from me. She lets him, her death glare not leaving me for one second as I just stare unbothered.
"Don't!! He's just- Let's have fun tonight, alright? All of us?" He squeezes his friend's shoulders comforting as she sighs, shrugging as the spider lets his hands fall.

"Whatever." Popping a gum bubble, she smiles up to her friend again.
"Let's go get high, aye?!"

My shoulders slumping tiredly, I take my package of nicotine gums out of my pocket, chewing on one as I see Husk approaching me.

"You good, kid?" He asks, nudging me softly as we all start walking out of the hole in the wall rather than the front door.

"Yeah. This will sure be a long night though."

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