Chapter One

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"Nino, why don't you have a seat up front this year." Ms. Bustier called out to Nino as Marinette ran into the classroom and quickly went to her seat in the second row behind Nino's desk. As soon as she sat down, the shrill voice of Chloe Bourgeois filled the room.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng." She slammed her hand down on my friend's desk, making her sigh. "Here we go again." Marinette muttered.

"That's my seat," Chloe glared at the bluenette, "Chloe, that's always been her seat. Go away." I told her walking over to defend my friend. Sabrina sat down next to Marinette and cut me off, "Not anymore. New year, new seats." She said smugly.

"No one was talking to you L/n. And Marinette, why don't you just go sit beside the new girl over there." The blonde pointed to a brunette girl in the front row. "But-" Marinette began, "Listen, Adrien's arriving today and since that's going to be his seat," She pointed to the seat next to Nino, then slammed her palm back down onto the desk. "This is going to be my seat. Get it?"

"Who's Adrien?" I asked, sharing a confused look with Marinette. The ginger and blonde gasped at my question then began to laugh, annoyingly... "Can you believe they don't know who Adrien is?" Chloe then jabbed her finger into my chest, "What rock have you been living under?"

Sabrina then spoke up, "He's only a famous model." Chloe interrupted her, "And I am his best friend. He adores me. Go on. Move." She began pointing back to were she wanted Marinette to sit. The brunette came over to us, causing me to quirk my eyebrow at her. "Hey, who elected you queen of seats?" She confronted the blonde.

"Oh look Sabrina, we got a little do gooder in our class this year. What are you gonna do super newbie? Shoot beams at me with your glasses?" Chloe teased, getting up in her face. "Wouldn't you like to know?" The brunette reached around Chloe and grabbed Marinette's arm. "Come on. You too." She signaled to me while pulling Marinette with her.

Marinette quickly grabbed her bag and box of Macaroons and followed the girl, but quickly tripped over her foot and dropped the box. "Sorry, sorry, sorry." She hurriedly cleaned up the mess. "All right, has everyone found a seat?" Ms. Bustier called out. I gave my friend a pat on the back to let her know it's okay and rushed to my seat in the back next to Nathanial.

I saw the new girl lean in and try to cheer Marinette up, then showing her a picture of Majestia and then pointing to Chloe. I look away, and begin taking care of my own school stuff. Setting my notebook, sketch pad, and pencils on my desk, I began to draw and asking Nathaniel for tips. We helped each other out and showed one another our works in progress.

Glancing up at the board, I notice that Chloe looked upset and chuckled to myself. My red haired desk partner giving me a confused look before stifling a laugh as the blonde begins to throw a fit. As the school day progresses, Marinette introduces Alya and I to one another and we quickly become friends. When the bell rings, sending us to our next class, we three turn around at the commotion behind us.

"KIM!" Ivan held his fist up, Ms. Bustier gasped.

"Ivan! What is going on?!" She spoke to young man. "It's Kim. I'm so gonna get-" He responded, raising his fist again. Kim looks at him and moves back away from him. "Ivan!" The teacher cut him off, "Go to the principle's office." Ivan growled and crumbled up the paper in his hand, angerly grabbing his back and going to go see the principle.

"Well dang, I wonder what all that was about." I turned to Alya and Marinette, "Any who, do you guys want to go to the library together?" I asked, grabbing my things.

"Sure!" Marinette pipped up. The three of us left for the library, chatting and laughing along the way.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


We heard a loud crash, causing us to get up and run only to stop in front of the TV in there.

"KIIIIMMMM!" A huge rock monster yelled out, walking away from the school and into the streets of Paris.

"Oh my god! What is that?" I shouted, scared and reaching back for my friends. "We have to get out of here." "What's going on? He's got Ivan's voice?" Marinette asked, confused but Alya on the hand seemed excited, "It's almost like he got transformed into a super villain! GPS, Check. Battery, Check. I am so outta here" Alya quickly left after checking her phone.

"Hey! Where are you going?" I yelled after her, she turned back to us and shouted "Wherever there's a super villain, there is always a superhero close by!" and with that, she was gone. Marinette and I turned to look at eachother as the Ivan soundalike grabbed a car and threw it at the security camera. We decided to go home in order to be safe with our families.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Once I was home with my dad we turned on the news to watch what was going on. We see the police shoot the monster and saw him get bigger. "Honey, I think it's best you stay home until the police get this handled. I don't know what that thing is but I don't want you anywhere near it." I nodded and tried to text Marinette, getting no response. Instead I get a text from Alya and it's a link to a live stream. It's of a guy dressed as a cat and a chick dressed like a ladybug, they manage to defeat the supervillain and then they quickly run off.

Dad and I breathe a sigh of relief and luckily I get a text back from Marinette, letting me know that she's at home and safe. Yet, before we could all catch our breathe we got a startling announcement on the news that there were tons of frozen statues of the monster that Ladybug and Chat Noir had just defeated.

What's going on?

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