Chapter Five

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I woke up to someone picking me up from the floor and groggily looked up to see Luka carrying me to his bed.

"Luka?" I spoke, my voice slightly hoarse from my nap.

"Hey, Y/n. Why didn't you tell me you were here? You didn't have to sleep on the floor, you dork." He chuckled, placing me on the bed and brushing some hair out of my face.

"You seemed preoccupied, so I decided to wait." I rolled onto my side, giving him space to sit on the bed next to me.

"I wasn't busy, just experimenting. Testing something," he said sheepishly, wringing his hands as he sat next to me.

"Sureeee, what prompted that experiment?" I asked him, stretching my arms and reaching up to pinch his cheek.

"It's just something I've had on my mind!" I pinched his other cheek and started to wiggle both of his cheeks. "I swear! Stop pinching me!" He cried out, pushing my hands away.

I giggled at his reaction and rolled back over onto my back, "So, do you want to tell me what, or who, this experiment was about?" I teased, poking his cheek with my left hand. He grabbed my hand to move it away from his face and laid down next to me, placing our hands in the middle of us, holding them in place.

"Now Y/n, why would you want to know that? Is someone trying to find an excuse to play Cupid again?" Luka teased. I grinned up at him and poked his nose. "That's a secret, my fluffy-haired friend."

Luka reached up and grabbed my hand again but didn't move it this time, just looked at me silently, as if he were watching a bird he was afraid would fly away with any sudden movements. I stared into his eyes, trying to figure out what he was thinking, why he was staring at me. "Luka?" I asked, attempting to break the silence, but all it did was make his eyes soften.

He moved his hand slowly and gently placed it on my cheek, he caressed my face with his thumb. The gesture was warm and inviting, the air between us felt thick, my heart was racing a mile a minute.

"Y/n-" Luka began before being quickly cut off.

"LUKA!" Juleka calls out, knocking on Luka's door.

"What's up, Jules?" He hollered back, staying in place. "We wanna dye out hair!!!" Rose yells, "So hurry up!"

I sit up and go to walk to the door, "Well, let's go, home slice," I jokingly call to him, opening the door and looking back at him. He looks confused.

"Lukaaaaaa, Hellooooo, earth to Luka," I say giving him a playful smile and a wink.

"Yeah, let's go, Rose won't wait forever. Plus I needed to touch up my tips anyways, and I think some blue would look good on you," he teases, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and messing with my hair as we walk to the bathroom with the girls. "Maybe, I might do purple like Jules. Or! I could go pink, I know Rose would be a fan." I debated.

He grabbed my shoulders and turned me around to face him, making I serious face and acting as if he were trying to study me and color match off memory. In the end he just ended up looking like a dork, making me laugh.

"I'm sure whatever color you do will look stunning on you, Y/n. You can pull off anything." Luka compliments, reaching to open his bedroom door.

"Anything you say?" I wiggled my eyebrows and ran to his closet and started rummaging through it. Eventually I settled on an old shirt of his that is covered in dye and some sweats he outgrew.

"Even this?" I dramatically threw open the closet door and posed, attempting to "seduce" my bestfriend.

Luka pauses for a moment and his face turns beat red, "Uh, yeah... even... that..." He trailed off, his hand covering his mouth as he stared at me before quickly clearing his throat and laughing nervously.

"Awesome! Let's go then! I'm glad you had these because I did NOT want to dye my shirt. I happen to like that shirt very much." I dramatically announced to the young man and walked out the door, marching towards the bathroom where the girls were.

"Yeah... Let's go..." Luka mumbled out breathily, before quickly shutting his door and following me out to the bathroom.

I tried to reach for Luka's blue dye while Juleka dyed Rose's hair pink, I stood on my tip toes and reached as far as I could, my fingers just barely touching the bottle.

I felt a chest press against my back and see an arm reach past my head and grabbed the bottle for me. He handed me the bottle before leading me to the bathtub to sit.

"Here, let's do blue for you, short stack." Luka spoke gently to me, I looked up at him and studied his face while he got my hair separated and ready to dye.

"Y/n, dear, I need you to focus for me and look forward so I can dye your hair." He laughed softly, making my heart pound in my chest.

"Uh huh, yeah, look ahead... got it." Was all I could say in response, my thoughts being else where.

Shortly after Luka finished my hair, he turned to help out Rose since Juleka needed to go get a drink. She came back with a water for herself, tea for Luka, and soda for Rose and I. She offered to take over Rose's hair again, but Luka assured her it was okay.

Then Juleka's face lit up with an idea and she very stealthily grabbed the purple dye and got it ready and turned to me, signaling me to let her know if I objected to what she was about to do. I shrugged my shoulders and smirked at her as she smiled and got to work.

We hid my hair until it was time to wash and style, then Rose helped us out by distracting Luka until we were able to blow dry my now ombre hair.

"Jules, this is gorgeous. You had such an amazing idea!" I squealed as I looked in the mirror at my blue to purple ombred hair.

"Well, you know... It was... well... thanks..." She muttered, blushing from the sudden compliment I gave her.

"Ready to show Luka?" I grabbed her hands and she quickly nodded.

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