Chapter Thirteen

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A very blurry recording of Adrien and me leaving the theatre and a picture of us getting into the limo flashed on the screen. Luckily, it was hard to figure out who was with him, luckily they recording and picture only got the back of my head.

Just as the news segment continued, the screen transitioned to an another picture: a paparazzi shot catching Adrien and I at the movies, holding hands. The image on the screen made us both freeze, and the room fell silent. Adrien's eyes widened in disbelief, and I felt a flush of embarrassment creeping up my cheeks.

Dad burst into laughter, and took the opportunity to tease me more. "Well, well, it seems our little dinner party is making headlines. I hope the two of you enjoyed the movie." he said, pointing to the picture on TV and wiggling his eyebrows.

"Thanks to some anonymous tips and these recordings and picture being sent into the station, we now know that our very own teen model now has a special someone. Paparazzi caught pictures of him and his sweetheart out on a date today. Will we finally figure out who this mystery girl is? Who has managed to steal the heart of Adrien Agreste? Tune in next week to keep updated on this quest of love."

Adrien began to stammer, trying to explain to my dad, while I attempted to hide my face in my hands. The unexpected turn of us being posted on the news had caught us off guard, and the awkwardness returned in full force. Paparazzi shots were the last thing we expected on the evening news, especially ones that exposed us.

Despite the embarrassment, I began to laugh along with my dad. Adrien looked back and forth between my father and I, confused and worried that my dad would be upset. Dad noticed Adrien's behavior and spoke up. "Well then, guess you love birds got caught. Haha, it'll die down soon, so you don't need to work yourself up, son. People are going to say what they want." He pats Adrien on the back, the blonde flinches at the sudden contact and sheepishly looks up at my father. "I'm sorry, sir. I didn't mean-" he gets cut off.

"Don't you apologize; rumors like this are the cost of fame unfortunately, son. Can't do nothing about 'em. Just don't let 'em bother you two." Dad takes his hand back, and continues, "Plus, I raised my daughter. I can guarantee that these rumors ain't gonna bother her at all. She's about as stubborn as her mother." He motions to me, and I grin up at him. "Don't worry about it, Adrien. They didn't catch who I am, so we have no need to worry."

Adrien looks over at me, "I know, but my fans can be... well... possessive..." I get up and pull out the chair right next to him. "Listen, homeskillet," "Homeskillet?" Adrien cuts in, and I put a finger to his lips. "Shhh, don't interrupt meeeeeee, and don't question the skillet." He chuckles, and Dad stands up and begins to clean up dinner.

"I don't mind being in rumors with you, nor am I worried about your fans. They may be possessive, but I can beat 'em up if I need to; I got these bad boys." I say, rolling up my sleeves and kissing my arms, flexing to show them off.

Adrien raised an eyebrow at me and laughed, "Okay, okay, I got it." We both laugh and he ruffles my hair.

"Now, lets get to those games; we still have a couple of hours before you gotta go home." I set up the switch and get Smash started up, handing Adrien a remote. "Smash Bros! Nino and I play this all the time! I'm totally going to beat you!"

"Good luck with that, I'm a pro when it comes to butt whoopens."

"That's some big talk from someone who is about to lose." The blonde laughs, picking his character. Then, the competition began.


After about an hour, I threw my hands up in victory. "AHHA! That makes it 3 to 2! I'm the winner!" I dance around with my victory dance, turning to see Adrien recording it. "Hey! Don't record my victory dance; it's a sacred ritual!" I yell out.

I try to grab his phone to try and delete the video. Adrien leans back on the couch, holding the phone as far from me as he could, his other arm pushing me away from his phone. "You can't delete it!" He hollered out.

I climb over him, attempting to reach his phone, and feeling him squirming underneath me to keep it away.

"Give it here, Adrien!" I laughed out. "Never!!" He announced, before he went quite.

I glance down at him with a mischievous grin, and notice our current situation. He's lying on his back, right arm propping him up, left arm holding his phone away from me. His right leg is hanging off the couch, and his left leg is angled with his foot flat against the seat cushion. His face is bright red, and his eyes are wide open.

"Caught you in a compromising position, Agreste? This could make for some interesting footage, don't you think?" I tease, winking playfully at him.

I felt my face heat up as I used playful banter to at least appear like I'm not nervous. Our present pose making me nervous and unable to move away.

I continue teasing Adrien about our compromising position, beginning to enjoy his nervous reactions. Thanks to me being oblivious, I didn't truly realize how close my body was to his. His leg was between mine, my hand was next to his face, and my chest mere inches away from his face- I panic.

Forgetting about his propped-up leg, I attempt to move backward but ended up bumping into it, causing me to stop abruptly and turn beet red. Stuttering, I attempt to explain, "I, uh, I mean, I didn't realize..."

Adrien starts to say something, slowly moving his hand down to place his phone on the couch beside him. I remain frozen, unsure of what to do. We both stay there, trapped in an awkward silence, and I feel him raise his left hand gently, setting it down on my waist. A chill runs through me at the gentle contact.

"Y/n..." he whispers softly, looking into my eyes and at my lips

"Adrien..." I whisper back, remaining still.

Adrien's phone rings, startling us both and causing us to jump away from eachother. He quickly answers the call, "Okay, yeah, I'll be out in a sec." After he hangs up, he turns to me and begins to speak, "Thanks for dinner, Y/m. It was fun, we should hang out again sometime. I gotta go, Nathalie is here."

He leans in for a hug, his face still bright red, and my heart is literally pounding in my chest. We embrace and then, he suddenly pulls away, saying goodbye, then swiftly heading out the door.

I'm left standing in the now empty living room, confused as shit.

What the fuck is going on?

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