Chapter Eleven

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I walk out of my bedroom to hear Adrien and my dad laughing.

"Well what can I say, young man? You've officially beat me." My dad laughs as he sets his controller down on the table and pats Adrien on the back. Walking into the living room, I watch as my father pulls him closer to him.

"Now, son. You better have her back in time for dinner, or else." He spoke, looking as serious and grim as he could manage.

"Yes, sir. I understand sir." I watched as the blonde visibly gulped and straightened his posture.

"Relax dad, it's not a date. We are just going to hang out. I'll be back for dinner, promise." I hugged my dad and gently pulled Adrien off the couch and out the door.

Gorilla opened the car door for me to hop into the backseat and Adrien followed behind. "So, where are we going?" I asked him, the blonde thought for a moment, "I was thinking that maybe we could go to the arcade? Or we could go see a movie? Not dinner though, since your dad made it clear to be home for dinner." He listed off ideas, and as he did, I reached over to grab his hand, letting out a small laugh.

"Of course, we can do whatever you'd like, but you don't have to worry about my dad. He was just messing with you." I laughed and playfully punched his arm.

"Oh, okay. So, how about a movie, and then the arcade?" He proposed, his face lighting up with excitement.

"Woah, careful there Adrien, any more, and it may sound like you're asking me out on a date," I teased, he began to stammer and his face turned beat red. "I'm kidding!" Laughing, I patted his back trying to calm him down.

He muttered to himself, "Yeah, of course, you're just kidding, haha." I turned to him, unsure of what he said. "What was that?"

"Nothing!" He quickly responded, "What movie would you like to go see?"


Despite the initial surprise, Adrien used a nervous smile to hide his genuine curiosity for his budding attraction for Y/n. She had a way of making him feel more at ease and he wanted to be around her often. More often than not, she had managed to take up more and more space in his mind. Honestly, the feeling reminded him of what he had seen in the movies and the prospect of the day taking a more romantic turn felt surprisingly appealing.

Secretly, he hoped that this outing would take more romantic feeling, something about her was drawing him to her and he wanted to know why.


"I got us into the soonest showing for the new Ladybug and Chat Noir movie; I hope that works." We were driving to the theatre, "That's awesome! I love Ladybug and Chat Noir!" I announced, I saw a mischievous grin appear on Adrien's face.

"So you love Ladybug and Chat Noir?" He began to tease me, getting into a more playfully flirty persona.

"Yes! Although I do have to say that Rena Rouge is also one of my top favorites, so I hope she's in the movie."

"What do you think of Chat Noir? He seems really cool and quite the charmer," He continued teasing, a more pronounce smirk dancing onto his lips.

"Honestly, he's a huge flirt." I started, "But he is a good friend. He's a good listener, and he does have a great sense of humor. He can manage to cheer me up. So he's gotta be my favorite. I know, it's unfair to the other heroes, though." I shrugged, laughing at the memory of his little blep from last night.

Adrien blushed, yet continued to maintain his playful and teasing demeanor. "He really is, huh?"

"Yep!" I grinned. "Oh, hey! We're at the movies!" I jumped out and rushed to the ticket booth, trying to buy the tickets before he could try to pay. When I saw Adrien walk in, I rushed to him, tickets in hand, and led him to the snack line.

Once we got our snack and drinks, we headed over to our seats and got settled, excited to see the movie. Halfway through, I felt uneasy, like someone was watching us. I glanced around, trying to identify the source or the feeling. After a few attempts, I felt a hand on mine and turned to find Adrien looking over, holding onto my hand and looking at me with concern.

"Are you okay?" he whispered, sounding worried and turned trying to follow whatever I was looking at. I nodded and relaxed a bit. "Yeah, just felt like someone was watching us, but I couldn't see anyone. I think it was just my imagination," I whispered back. He gave me a look of understanding and went back to watching the movie, his hand still on mine.

~~~ After the Movie ~~~

Heading back to the car, all we talked about was our favorite parts of the movie. Looking at the time, we realized it was about 5:30, and I saw my reminder go off to be home by six. I noticed that it meant we wouldn't be able to go to the arcade and felt bad.

"Hey, would you want to save the arcade fore another day? It's about time for dinner, and I bet dad would like the extra company during dinner if you would like to join. We have a few multiplayer games if you wanna play after dinner." I offered, knowing dad wouldn't mind. Adrien's face lit up and he eagerly looked over to Nathalie and pleased with his eyes. Nathalie sighed and looked at her tablet. "Yeah, you have time. We will be there at 9 to pick you up." She looks at him, and he hugs me out of excitement. "Thank you, Nathalie!"

They dropped us off at my house, and I unlocked the front door, leading him to the dining room to see my dad setting the table for dinner. "hey, dad, I invited my Adrien over for dinner and a few games." He sees Adrien walk in behind me and greets the young man.

"Hey there son, good job having her back for dinner. I'm glad you could join us." Dad walks to the kitchen to grab an extra setting for dinner, then comes back as quickly as he left and set the new spot.

"Here, you can sit here. I'm gonna help dad finish up dinner and set the table." I followed my dad into the kitchen.

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