Chapter Twenty Two

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~~~ Adrien's POV ~~~

Bingo. I dusted off my chest and watched as Y/n and Luka went to the hall. Walking to the couch, I sat down and relaxed, hearing Y/n yell at Luka from outside.

I smirked to myself and rested my head on the back of the couch. There's that jealousy that I was waiting for, I wonder how long it'll take for him to see the hickies. He was pretty pissed when he saw me behind her, at least now he knows where he stands. She's mine, and I plan to remind him every time he's around.

I hear him raise his voice and I scoff. It's not like I hate the guy, on his own he's pretty cool, but after what he tried to pull after he started dating Marinette I don't want him around Y/n. My angel, she didn't deserve to be treated like that. Oblivious or not, he's a fucking ass.

Glancing out the peep hole, I watch as Luka kisses Y/n. I stare at the scene before me, watching to see what she would do, to see if she needed me. She pushed him away and he walked off, I quickly went to the kitchen and got a couple sodas out, then grabbed some plates and set them in the living room right as she walked in.

"Hey," I started, turning to look at her. She had tears in her eyes, but said nothing as she wrapped her arms around me and buried her face into my chest. "I take it, it didn't go well?" I hugged her, rubbing circles on her back.

She shook her head and sniffled. My poor angel, "Don't worry, I'm here for you." I kissed the top of her head.

"I got the pizza ordered as well as some brownies since I figured you'd need them." She stood there, motionless. "Do you want to lay down on the couch? Watch a movie?" She nodded, I picked her up and carried her the whole three feet to the couch behind us. I laid down first, and set her on top of me with her head still in my chest.

I started the movie and just let her breathe, after all she needed it. Thirty minutes into the movie, the pizza arrives and I go to pay for everything and bring it back. I'm not sure what happened, but she seemed to be in a hurry to go shower.

~~~ Y/n's POV ~~~

Adrien went to get the pizza, leaving me on the couch. I pat my cheeks, being sad about Luka is not it right now. Right now, I gotta focus on the guy with me. I look over at Adrien, the hot guy. The super model... who's in my living room... I stand up quickly, startling the blonde. "I'm gonna go shower real quick!" rushing off to the living room, leaving him behind; confused and with a box of pizza in hand.

What the hell am I thinking?! Earlier was just a heat of the moment thing, and besides my emotions are all out of wack after Luka. I start the shower and begin getting undressed. I need to calm down and breathe. I stepped inside the shower, feeling the hot water run down my body as I run my fingers through my hair.

Just breathe, relax... I began to massage the shampoo into my hair, there's no rush, just relax...

I inhaled the calming lavender smell of my small shower fizz, and finally felt my body release the tension it's been holding onto.

After about 30 minutes, I finally step out and dry myself off. I grabbed an oversized grey t-shirt and a pair of pajama shorts and walk out to the living room while drying my hair, seeing Adrien wave over to me.

He holds up a plate with some pizza, and hands it to me. I take it gratefully and sit next to him, my hair towel around my shoulders. "Thank you, sorry I dashed off like that. I just needed a shower."

"It's all good, you've had a rough day. When I heard the shower shut off, I went to head up you pizza so it wouldn't be cold." Adrien replied, softly rubbing my shoulder.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked me, turning so that his whole body was facing me and crossing his legs on the couch. I nodded with a mouthful of pizza. "Good, come here." He patted the spot in front of him and I shoot him a confused look.

"Let me help you dry your hair off." He shifts my body so my back is to him and grabs my towel, then he begins to dry off my hair. We are both quiet for a while before he speaks up, "You smell really nice."

With that sentence, I nearly choke on my food. Luckily, I had my soda next to me and I got a drink to help. "Well, uhm, uh... Thank you?" I stammered out.

"Of course, my angel." I felt my face heat up when he said that, Adrien kissed the back of my head and began to rub my shoulders for me.

"That feels really nice, but you don't have to..." I spoke just barely above a whisper. "I know I don't have to, but I want to. Let me help you." he spoke, his voice soothing. I just let out a hum and leaned into it more. Closing my eyes, I began to enjoy the sensation but before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.

~~~ Adrien's POV ~~~

She fell asleep after a few minutes, I let her lean back into me as I got in a better position to lay down. I tried my best not to wake her, after the day she's had, she needs her sleep. I grabbed a blanket off the back of the couch and wrapped it around us, reaching for the remote and shutting the TV off and turning back to her, I kissed her forehead and quickly began to fall asleep myself.

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