Chapter Thirty

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My nerves where overwhelming as the lights dimmed, the audience hushed, and the curtains rose. The play unfolded wonderfully, each scene more captivating than the last. Adrien and Luka's performances were stunning. It was when the play was coming to an end when the audience held their breath, the kiss between Nick and Kristen.

Adrien began to speak with a tremor in his voice, he takes Luka's hands in his own, looking deeply into his eyes. "Kristen, my heart beats only for you. Even though our love is forbidden by the cruel laws of this world, my soul is bound to yours. Under this moonlit sky, I vow to love you until my last breath. No power on earth or heaven can keep me from you."

His eyes glistening with unshed tears, Luka steps closer, their foreheads nearly touching. "Nick, you are my light in the darkness, my strength when I am weak. I swear to you, as long as this moon hangs in the sky, my love for you will burn bright and unyielding. Let our hearts beat as one, now and forever."

The music swells softly, a haunting melody that represents the depth of their emotions. The audience was completely silent, captivated by the intensity of the moment.

Adrien drops his voice to a whisper, filled with desperation and passion. "Then let this night be our sanctuary, our haven from the world. As long as we have each other, nothing else matters."

With a fierce determination, Luka pulls Adrien closer, their lips only inches apart. "Let this kiss seal our promise. No matter what comes, our love will endure."

As they move closer, the tension in the room is palpable. Their lips meet in a kiss that is tender at first, then deepens with the weight of their vows. The kiss is filled with all the longing, the pain, and then the hope that has built up between them. Their hands grip eachother desperately, as if afraid to let go.

The music crescendos, and the lights slowly begin to dim. The kiss lingers, and eternal promise etched in the heart of everyone watching. As the curtains begin to close, Nick and Kristen remain locker in their embrace, the world outside forgotten.

The applause is thunderous, as Adrien and Luka are lost in the moment. As they finally pull apart, their eyes meet, and the tension between the two was palpable. They both walked backstage, and then went to the dressing room to get changed.

After they were done, and alone, Adrien cornered Luka near the prop room, his frustration boiling over.

"What's your problem, jackass?" Adrien demanded, his voice low but gravelly, eyes blazing full of disgust and anger.

"My problem? What about you?" Luka shot back, stepping closer, his own frustration evident in his clenched fists.

Adrien's hands balled into fists as well, the frustration of the two reaching its peak. "You've been acting weird ever since we got these roles. What the hell is your deal?"

"My deal? You're the one whose been trying to one up me this entire play. Acting like you need to prove to your girlfriend that you're the better choice." Luka retorted, his voice getting louder. "At least I don't have to convince my girlfriend not to leave me for another guy, she oh so clearly loves as well." He smirked.

Without warning, Adrien shoved Luka, sending him stumbling back into a pile of props. Luka quickly regained his footing and lunged at Adrien, landing a punch to his jaw. Adrien staggered but retaliated with a punch of his own, hitting Luka square in the stomach.

They fought, crashing into the walls and knocking over equipment. Luka managed to pin Adrien against the wall, his forearm pressed against Adrien's throat. "Admit it, Adrien. You enjoyed it didn't you!? Dare I say, just as much as you enjoy Y/n."

Adrien struggled, shoving Luka off with a burst of strength. "I'm not admitting anything, I know exactly what I want! You just don't want me to keep her all to myself!"

Luka wiped a trickle of blood from his lip, eyes locked on Adrien's. "And what is it you want, Agreste? Y/n? Or something more?" Luka grabbed him by the shoulders and whispered in a low voice into his ear, "With the way you kissed me out there, I'd say that you want the both of us. Isn't that right?"

Adrien's eyes flashed with anger and something else, something deeper. "What exactly are you saying, Couffaine?"

Luka hesitated, the fight momentarily leaving his body. "You know exactly what I mean."

Adrien advanced again, their faces inches apart. "No, I don't. I want you to stay away from her, she is mine." His eyes darkened, but Luka spit back. "We both want Y/n, and you want me, as does she. Why not just let her have me as well."

Adrien's anger flared up again. He grabbed Luka by the collar of his shirt, pulling him close and then pushing him against a wall. "Stop. Saying. That. I don't want you at all! I'm not going to "Share" her like she's some property!"

Luka's breath hitched, the way Adrien had pushed him against the wall, the way his face was mere inches from his. Then he had an idea, swiftly changing their positions so that Adrien was between him and the wall.

Luka closed the distance, pressing his lips to Adrien's. The kiss was forceful, charged with all the frustration and pent up feelings that had built up over the past months. Adrien responded by trying to push him away before giving into the temptation. He gripped onto Luka's shirt pulling him even closer.

They stumbled against the wall, hands roaming, clutching at each other in a fevered desperation. Adrien's hands tangled in Luka's hair, while Luka's hands slid down Adrien's back, gripping tightly. The kiss deepened, tongues clashing, breaths coming in ragged gasps.

Neither wanted to break away, to submit and let the other win. Luka's hands moved down to Adrien's waist, pulling him flush against him. Adrien's hands roamed over Luka's back, feeling the tension and heat radiating off him.

They stumbled again, this time falling onto a nearby couch. Luka landed on top of Adrien, their lips never parting. Adrien's fingers dug into Luka's back, his body arching up to meet every touch. Luka's kisses trailed from Adrien's lips to his jaw, then down his neck, eliciting a shiver from Adrien.

"God, Luka..." Adrien whispered, his voice breathless, filled with a mix of need and uncertainty.

Luka pulled back just enough to look into Adrien's eyes, both of them panting, faced flushed. "Yes, Agreste?"

Adrien glared at him, "This changes nothing. She's mine."

Luka chuckled, and leaned into his ear, speaking in a slow and low voice. "I have a better option, how about you both are mine?"

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