Chapter Twenty Nine

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The next day, the school buzzed with anticipation as students gathered around the bulletin board to check the cast list for the upcoming play. Adrien and I made our way through the crowd, the closer to the board I got the more nervous I felt. As we pushed through the throng of students, we finally saw the list.

Adrien's eyes scanned the paper first, and I could see his name at the top. "Nick - Adrien Agreste," He read aloud, a smile spreading across his face. He turned to me, his excitement visible. "I got the lead!"

I grinned back at him, proud and happed for his achievement. My gaze shifted back to the list, curious to see who else had been cast. My eyes widened in surprise as I read the next name. "Kristen - Luka Couffaine."

Adrien's smile faltered slightly, a flicker of confusion passing through his eyes. "Kristen?" he asked, puzzled. "I thought the lead was supposed to be a female role."

"They must have changed it," I said, equally surprised with the sudden change. "Looks like they're going for a more modern take on the story."

We read the description of the play together: A story of star-crossed lovers where Nick, the young lord of a noble household, falls in love with Kristen, the son of a musician. The love between them is forbidden due to the stark differences in their social statuses. Their love story is marked by secret meetings and the constant threat of being discovered, culminating in a dramatic and heart-wrenching climax.

Adrien's eyes narrowed slightly as he continued to read. "So, Luka's my love interest." He muttered, more to himself than to me.

"It's just a play, hun." I reminded him gently. "Besides, it'll be a great opportunity for you both to showcase your talents."

He nodded, but the dark look in his eyes told me that he saw this as more than just a play. It was another arena for him to prove himself.

After school, we made our way to the first rehearsal. As we entered the room, we found Luka already there, talking to the director. He glanced up as we approached, his expression was one of competitiveness.

"Congrats, Adrien," Luka said, his voice even but his eyes holding a challenge. "Looks like we'll be working closely together."

Adrien nodded, a polite smile on his face. "Yeah, looks like it. Should be interesting."

The director called us all to attention, outlining the vision for the play and the importance of chemistry between the leads. I could see Adrien and Luka sizing each other up, their behavior becoming more hostile by the second.

As the rehearsal progressed, the tension between Adrien and Luka only grew. They delivered their lines with intensity, their eyes locking in a way that made the air around them seem to crackle with electricity. The other students watched in awe, they honestly played the roles well.

During a break, Adrien and I sat together, going over our lines. "You know," He said quietly, "this is going to be more challenging that I thought."

I nodded, understanding his irritation. "Just focus on the role, Adrien. You're an amazing actor. Don't let anything distract you."

He smiled at me, though it didn't quite reach his eyes. "I'll try."

As rehearsal resumed, the scenes between Nick and Kristen became more intense. When they practiced the pivotal moment where Nick confesses his love to Kristen, the air was thick with unspoken emotions. Adrien's delivery was passionate, and Luka's response was equally powerful.

Their chemistry was undeniable, and as much as it made for a compelling performance, I couldn't shake the feeling that this play was going to be trouble later on.

The first couple of weeks of rehearsal were about leaning our lines and getting comfortable with our roles. Adrien and Luka's competitive nature became increasingly evident. During each rehearsal, they pushed each other to deliver their best performances, and while the tension between them was palpable, it also added a layer of authenticity to their characters. The rest of the cast and crew noticed the rivalry, and it became a topic of whispered conversations.

A month into rehearsal, we moved to blocking. The physical proximity required between Adrien and Luka increased the intensity. Their interactions were charged with the underlying tension, which translated beautifully on stage only fueled their dislike of one another. Every touch, every glance, every whispered line seemed to add to the competition. Yet something seemed off.

About six weeks into rehearsal, the play started to take shape. The director was thrilled with how the play was progressing, often praising Adrien and Luka for their dedication and intensity they brought to their roles. Outside of rehearsals, Adrien and I grew closer, spending more time together and becoming more comfortable in our relationship. Despite the ongoing tension with Luka, Adrien was always supportive and caring towards me, checking in with me to make sure I was comfortable with how things were going.

After two months, we entered the final weeks of rehearsals, the pressure mounted. There were longer hours, more intensive practices, and the addition of costumes and props. I often found myself caught between them, trying to support Luka as a friend and Adrien as my boyfriend. Luka would occasionally try to catch me alone, but I avoided any private conversations, knowing it would only complicate things further.

Tech week was full of activity, with final adjustments to lighting, sound, and set pieces. The stress levels were high, but everyone was excited for the opening night. The director reminded us of the importance of staying in character and Maintaining the energy we'd built up over the past two months.

Then it was opening night, the play was about to begin, and I knew that whatever happened on stage that night would be a culmination of the hard work we've put in. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. Adrien reached for my hand, and kissed the back of it. "You got this, everything is going to be okay." I nodded, and quickly gave him a peck on the lips. It was time for the play to begin.

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