Chapter Nine

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Walking back into the boat, I see Luka is missing from the party. I looked around to see if he was hiding or if I had just missed him as I walked in, but Marinette spoke up first, "He went to the bathroom, he should be back soon." She smiled at me, and I responded in kind and went to sit next to her on the couch.

"I'm glad you were able to come on back Marinette, you missed me whooping everyone's butts in Uno." I laughed, as Marinette grabbed my face with both her hands, squishing my face together.

"Hey, are you okay? Your face is puffy." She asked, turning my head to the side so she could "Secretly" whisper in my ear. Through a squished mouth I laughed and whispered back, "Yeah, I just got something in my eye and rubbed it so much it started watering and then my other eye starting watering because my first eye was watering. It was a mess." I lied, putting my lips together like a fish and began to open and close them, like a fish.

"Well, what's going on in here? Marinette are you trying to steal Y/n's first kiss?" Luka walked in and saw us sitting on the couch. Her squishing my face and me acting like a fish. "Totally, she wants to kiss me in my ultimate form! Fish Mania Level Two!" I shouted in response and threw my hand in the air with it showing the number two as I fell back onto the couch when Marinette let go.

I sat up and Marinette and I laughed, as Luka just stared at us, looking back and forth between us two. I stared back at him for a minute before my stomach grumbled. "Oh! Where's the pizza? Mama needs a slice." I grabbed a plate and quickly got a piece.

"So what are we watching?" I sat back down on the couch next to Marinette and grabbed a can of soda. Luka followed suit and sat next to me. Marinette chimed in, "We decided to binge Adventure Time! Turns out these two," She gestured towards Luka and Juleka, "haven't seen it yet." Rose teased them about failing their childhood by missing out on a lot of shows, and I joined in more so in order to avoid Luka stare.

"Okay, Okay, I get it. We failed, Major L. Let's get this party started!" Luka started the show, casually wrapping his arm around my shoulders. The sudden contact startled me, and I quickly looked at him but he wouldn't look at me. So I just ate my pizza and began to relax into Luka. I stole a glance at Marinette and she seemed slightly bothered.

As the episodes passed, everyone fell asleep one by one. First it was Rose, then Marinette and Juleka, until, finally, it was my turn. Snuggled into Luka, his arm still around me, I dozed off, the voices of Finn and Jake lulling me to sleep.


As Y/n fell asleep, I realized she was shivering. I grabbed the nearest blanket that wasn't being used and draped it around the both of us, pulling her closer. She seemed so at peace, her eyes still swollen from earlier when she was crying with Chat Noir.

Chat Noir... That bastard. I remember the condescending look he gave me as if he was better than me because Y/n clung to him, instead of me, while she cried.

That cat is getting on my nerves. What right does he have to try and call me a bad friend. I was only looking out for her, I just wanted to make sure he wasn't the one who hurt her.

I look at Y/n, and then look at Marinette. I wondered to myself why Marinette hadn't moved over here to lean on me, the arm of the couch looked uncomfortable for her. She looked distressed, I wonder what she was dreaming about.

I felt Y/n begin to move and she slightly lifted her head, looking at my through half-lidded eyes.

"Luka? Why are you still awake?" She asked me

"Shhh, just go back to sleep. I'll go to sleep in a little bit." I pulled her head back down gently, and rested my head on hers and closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep.


Sorry for the short chapter! I promise it won't happen often!!!!

I hope you enjoy the read and see you in the next chapter~

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