Chapter Thirty One

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Adrien's breath caught in his throat, his eyes widening at Luka's audacity. The uncertainty on his face was as clear as day, it was amusing to Luka.

"Luka," Adrien began, his voice a strained whisper, "this... this isn't just about me."

Luka's fingers lazy circles on Adrien's chest, his gaze never leaving Adrien's. "I know," he said softly. "It's about all of us. Her, you, me. We're all entangled in this, Adrien. And fighting it only makes it harder."

Adrien hesitated to move, his heart racing. He could feel Luka's warmth, his breath ghosting over his skin, and it was intoxicating. "Luka, seriously-" Adrien stops mid sentence as he felt Luka shift, he hadn't realized how much of a problem this whole thing had created for the two of them until Luka had moved.

"Luka, listen." Adrien went to move, accidently rubbing against Luka's leg, resulting in a soft groan from him.

"Oh, I'm listening alright." Luka smirked, moving a hand down to Adrien's thigh and rubbing his hand dangerously close to the bulge in the blonde's pants. "Continue what you were saying or I stop."

Adrien's felt his face heat up, and his problem get worse. "You're dating Marinette, this is wrong." He murmured, before letting out a soft moan.

"That's an easy fix, Adrien. She doesn't truly love me, hasn't since the beginning. I was merely a distraction. See?" Luka pulled out his phone and texted Marinette, telling her they were done. "Besides she was always more interested in hearing about Y/n just to see what you were into."

Adrien looked at Luka, feeling sorry for him. "Luka, I'm sorry she-" Luka rubbed his hand against his thigh, closer to his "problem". "Did I tell you to apologize? You don't need to. Now continue what you were saying."

The blonde whimpered before he continued his original thought. "How would we make this work?"

Luka's hand moved up to cup Adrien's cheek, his thumb brushing over his lips. "Trust," he murmured. "We trust each other. We communicate. We make sure we're all on the same page. And most importantly, we don't hide how we feel."

Adrien looked up into Luka's eyes, seeing the sincerity and heat behind them. "You're serious about this." He spoke, more a statement than a question.

Luka nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "I am. And I think you are too. It would help her too." He grabbed Adrien's wrist and kissed the inside of it. "Call her."

Adrien tensed up, "Wait, why? Are we going to tell her now?" He began to panic, he had technically been cheating on her this entire time. What would she think if they told her what they had been up too?

"We aren't going to tell her, just call her and ask her if she still has feelings for me and go from there." He looked into Adrien's eyes, Adrien sighed and grabbed his phone, clicking her contact and calling. Luka leaned in close to him and spoke quietly. "Oh, and don't make any suspicious noises."

Before he could ask Luka what he meant, Y/n answered and Luka started to kiss his neck while rubbing the bulge in Adrien's jeans.

"Hey Adrien, what's up? Where are you?" Y/n asked, sounding cheerful and happy.

"Hey, Y/n. Could I ask you a question? I need you to answer completely honestly, okay?" Adrien managed to sound out, although his breathing was heavy.

"Okay? But are you okay? You're breathing pretty heavily." She responded, hesitantly.

"Do you still have feelings for Luka?" He quickly asked as Luka moved down to his chest and began kissing slowly to the hem of his jeans, all the while still teasing him.

"Adrien, why do you want to know that?" He could tell with her response that she was confused and worried.

"Please, just answer the question, Y/n." He spoke gently, trying to tell her it was okay.

"If you insist, then yeah... I do... is that a problem?" She sounded extremely worried now.

"Then, If you have feelings for him..." He paused, hesitant to put out the offer. "Would you want to date the both of us, if you had the opportunity to?"

It was quiet for a minute, even Luka had stopped so he could listen to her response.

"Are you going to hate me if I answer that?" She finally spoke, scared he was testing her.

"Not at all, I have an idea if you do. Luka..." He paused, looking to Luka for permission to which he received a nod. "Luka is single, and I know it's been bothering you that you have feelings for the both of us but could only date one of us, so if you'd like..." Adrien took a deep breath. "We'd be willing to share your attention, if it means it could help you."

"Adrien, I-" Y/n was cut off by Adrien, "I won't break up with you if you want to take me up on the offer, in fact, if you take it I know we would all be happy."

She hesitated, then spoke up. "Then sure, we can try that. But where are you?"

Luka smirked and sat up, grabbing his phone and shooting Y/n a text asking if she'd be busy tonight.

"I'm in the props room, Luka and I had a long talk." Adrien sat up and straightened out his outfit and hair so that it wasn't noticeable with what they were just doing minutes ago.

"Is he with you?" She asked, "Yeah, he is." Adrien responded.

"Alright, then we all should probably talk about how we want to go about this... My dad won't be home for a few days again, he just left for a work trip so if you guys want to come over, you can." She spoke, trying to hide her nerves.

"Sure, we will be there. We will head that way now, Okay?" Adrien asked her, making sure he had all of his stuff.

"Okay, and bring pizza. I know neither of us had dinner yet. I love you." Y/n said.

"Alright, I'll grab one on my way. I love you too." And with that they hung up.

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