Chapter Sixteen

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"Good to see you, Adrien. How are you this morning?" I asked, watching his gaze shifting from me to the blunette with her face buried in my chest from her embarrassment, then back at me. Adrien seemed more flustered than usual, and his response came out a bit breathless, "I'm good, great, very good. How are you, Y/n?" He stumbled over his words, his face getting redder by the second. "I'm doing well, Blondie."

The bell rang, letting us know that class was about to start. "Well, I should probably get her and me to our seats. Talk later?" I waved to him, helping Marinette to her seat before heading to my own. Adrien's eyes followed me from the second I waved him goodbye, I could feel his gaze on my back the entire time.

Then I hear Lila walk into the classroom, I rolled my eyes and felt my phone go off. I check it to see that Marinette had texted me.

"Oh boy, here comes Lie-la."

"Marinette lmao. What do you think she'll try today?"

"Probably try and smother Adrien :/"

"Maybe fake a sprained wrist as well, lol."

"It's always something new with her, honestly."

"Yeah, poor guy, hopefully he can get away from her."

"Yeah lol, OMG! I got some major tea, Y/n"

"OOOOO, what is it? Did someone get a boyfriend finally? Did you confess your undying love for Adrien?"

"W-well, not exactly..."


"Well, yesterday when Luka came over, we played some games, and then we kinda sorta kissed... a little bit?"

I looked over to Marinette and could see her excitement. Even though she's my friend and I wanted to be genuinely happy for her, I couldn't. I felt my heart drop into my stomach. I felt the tears sting in my eyes, but I quickly blinked them away.

"Oh wow! I'm so happy for you! That's amazing, Luka is such a good guy!"

I tried to come across as excited. It was important to be happy for my friend, after all, avoiding Hawkmoth's attention was crucial.

"I know! Thank you!!! I was worried you'd be upset. I could've sworn he had a thing for you, but I guess I was wrong."

"Yeah, I doubt he did, lol. We've just been friends for a while lol, but I know he definitely has a thing for you. I can see it whenever he looks at you." I took a deep breathe, and put my phone away. I tried to focus on the lesson as I felt my phone keep going off.

After class, I saw Marinette run out of the room in a hurry, likely to meet up with Luka. A certain blonde walked over to me, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Hey, Y/n, I was wondering if you'd like to... you know... go to the arcade today? I know we didn't get to yesterday, so I thought that today would work since my dad is out of town."

"Of course! Do you want to go now? School's over, and I've got nothing going on right now." I began to pack up my stuff into my bookbag, and stood up to leave my desk. I started to walk towards the door, then realized that Adrien wasn't following; in fact, he stood frozen in place with a smile and blush on his face.

I turned back, grabbed the blonde by his hand, and gently pulled on his arm, signaling for him to follow. I held his hand the entire way through school, ignoring all the curious eyes and whispers. Adrien, on the other hand, hadn't said a word since I agreed to the arcade today.

As we walked out of the front of the school, we ran into Nino and Alya.

"Hey dudes, where are you two headin?" Nino asked, patting Adrien on his shoulder to snap him out of his trance.

"We were on our way to the arcade, we were gonna go yesterday but I had to be home before we could." I responded to him, Adrien had finally snapped out of his little bubble.

"What a coincidence, we were just on our way there too. Wanna go together?" Alya chimed in, wrapping her arm around my shoulder. I looked at Adrien and he nodded. "Sure."

"Awesome, double date then!" Alya clapped her hands together and quickly snapped a picture of Adrien and I, still holding hands.

"Alya! We aren't dating!" I hollered out at her, my face as red as a tomato out of embarrassment. I tried to get her phone to get her to delete it but she managed to keep it from me. The two guys behind us were left to follow us to the arcade.

~~~ Adrien's POV ~~~

"Hey dude, what's up with bein spaced out?" Nino patted my shoulder as the two girls ran ahead.

"Oh, sorry man. I didn't mean to, I was just thinking." I looked at him sheepishly, shrugging my shoulders.

"Thinking about you're new girl?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me, "She's quite the looker, AND she suits you." He let out a chuckle.

"She's not my- We aren't- it wasn't a date..." I trailed off, stumbling over my words while trying to justify the hangout as just a hangout.

"Sure dude, whatever you say. Anyways, did you hear about Marinette and Luka?" Nino gestured to his phone, showing me a picture of the two at Andre's together.

"No, I hadn't heard anything. Are they... together?" I asked him, meshing my fingers together when I said "Together".

"I think so, Alya said she rushed out of the classroom to go meet up with him so I would assume so. I'm surprised honestly, I really could have sworn that-" Nino gets cut off as Alya turns to him and runs her finger across her throat while glaring at him. He gulps and changes the subject to a new anime that we both started watching last weekend.

~~~ Alya's POV ~~~

"I swear, I'm going to kill that boy..."

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