Chapter Twenty Eight

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Adrien and I walked up to the audition sign-up table, a mix of excitement and nerves buzzing between us. We thought trying out for drama club was a fun way to spend more time together. The play was about two star-crossed lovers, who struggled to see their feelings for eachother due to the differences in their social statuses.

The main male character, Nick, was in love with a girl in his school, Kristen, but he was a young lord and she was the daughter of a musician. Due to his status, his father disapproves of her and bans him from seeing her but after the death of his parents, Nick becomes the head of the house and proposes to Kristen. The play ends with the two of them kissing under the moon with the vow to never leave one another.

Yeah, it was cliché but still looked like fun.

"I can't believe you actually agreed to doing this," I said, glancing up at Adrien with a smile. "I've never done anything like this before."

Adrien chuckled and gave my hand a gentle squeeze. "You'll be amazing. And it'll be fun. Besides, we'll be together."

When we reached the table, Adrien filled out the forms for both of us. As he handed the completed forms to the drama club president, I felt someone's gaze on me. I looked up and saw Luka standing by the door, him smirking at me with an unreadable expression. When our eyes met, he quickly looked away, but the uneasy feeling lingered.

A week later, the day of the auditions arrived, and the theater was buzzing with activity. Students milled around, practicing lines and waiting for their turn on stage. Adrien and I sat together, running through our lines one last time.

"Next up, Adrien Agreste!" The director called out.

Adrien flashed me a confident smile before heading onto the stage. I watched him perform, my heart swelling with pride. He was a natural, his charisma and charm shining through every line. I guess his modelling did help with this.

When he finished, he returned to my side, a satisfied grin on his face. "Your turn. Break a leg." he whispered, giving me a kiss on the cheek. My name was called, and I took a deep breath before stepping onto the stage. I poured my heart into my performance, feeling the thrill of the moment. When I finished, there was a small applause, which helped me feel a surge of confidence.

As I returned to my seat, the director called out the next name. "Luka Couffaine!" My stomach dropped.

Adrien and I exchanged surprised looks, we had no idea Luka was auditioning since it would interfere with his music club. My heart skipped a beat as Luka walked onto the stage, his eyes briefly meeting mine before he began his performance.

Luka's audition was mesmerizing. His deep, melodic voice and natural stage presence captivated the audience. It was clear he had a passion for performing, and he effortlessly commanded the stage. I glanced at Adrien and noticed his expression shift, a hint of competitiveness in his eyes. He crossed his arms, watching Luka intently.

After the auditions, Adrien said he needed to go talk to the director real quick and that he'd meet me at the car. So I went to meet Gorilla and Nathalie, waiting on Adrien.

Adrien's POV

I found Luka lingering in the hallway, I approached him, my steps deliberate and my mind prepared for the confrontation.

"Luka!" I called out, catching his attention.

He turned to face me, his expression calm but his eyes holding a hint of wariness. "Hey, Adrien. What's up?"

I crossed my arms, knowing I don't have to watch my words since Y/n wasn't around to see. "I didn't know you were auditioning."

Luka shrugged, appearing to be nonchalant. "Thought it might be fun. Plus, it's a good way to see you guys more often."

I raised an eyebrow, not buying his casual demeanor. "Really? Or is it because you want to see Y/n more often?"

He met my gaze, a shadow of a smirk on his face. "Is there something wrong with that?"

I took a step closer, lowering my voice. "You know she's with me, right? Whatever you're trying to do, it won't work."

Luka's eyes flickered with something deeper; determination, maybe even defiance. "I'm not trying to do anything, Adrien. We're all friends, aren't we?"

"Friends," I echoed, my tone laced with sarcasm. "Sure. But let's get one thing straight­, I'm not going to let you come between us."

Luka smirked, his calm facade cracking just a bit. "I'm not the one who's insecure, Adrien. If you're so confident in your relationship, why are you so threatened?"

I clenched my fists, fighting the urge to punch that look off his face. "Just stay out of my way, Luka. This play is going to be challenging enough without you complicating things."

He nodded, still smiling that infuriatingly calm smile. "I'll see you at rehearsals, Agreste."

Luka's POV

I watched Adrien walk away, his shoulders tense and his steps determined. I couldn't help but smirk to myself. It was obvious that my decision to audition for the play had rattled him. I hadn't exactly planned it this way, but now that I was in, I was going to make the most of it.

Adrien's words echoed in my mind: "I'm not going to let you come between us." The conviction in his voice had been almost laughable. Did he really think he could scare me off that easily?

I leaned against the wall, taking a deep breath. This was more than just about the play. Adrien was right about one thing, I did want to see Y/n more often. The unresolved feelings, the tension between us-it all had to come to a head eventually. And if it took a school play to bring it out, then so be it.

Adrien's insecurity was almost humorous. It was clear he felt threatened by me, and that only fueled my determination. I wasn't going to back down. Y/n deserved to know how I felt, and I deserved a fair shot at winning her heart.

As for the play, I knew it would be challenging. Adrien was talented, and the competitive edge he brought to everything he did would undoubtedly make getting this role harder, as there was only one male lead. But I thrived under pressure. If Adrien wanted to make this a competition, then I was more than ready to play along.

The final bell rang, signaling that everyone could leave. I pushed off from the wall and made my way to the exit, already strategizing ways to get passed whatever Adrien would throw my way.

As for Y/n, she'd see soon enough where my heart truly lay.

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