Chapter Fourteen

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I was pacing back and forth in my room after I had managed to process what almost happened, I almost kissed Adrien.

"Fuck!" I semi-shouted, the gravity of the situation sinking in. That's when the panic set in. We've only known each other for a few months. I'm supposed to have feelings for Luka, NOT Adrien. I bit the knuckle of my index finger as I continued to pace.

My heart was racing, my brain sorting through hundreds of thoughts and scenarios. What do I do now? Do we talk about it? Do I ignore it? What about Marinette? She's had a crush on him since day one, and now here I am, with him, ALONE! Almost kissing. What is wrong with me?!

I groaned and slumped down onto my bed, falling back and staring at my ceiling. "Why did things have to go this way?" I looked towards the pictures of me with Marinette, some of Luka and I, and my newer ones of Adrien, Marinette and I.

I let out a sigh and sat up, lighting my candles. Walking over to the light switch, and shut the lights off, then got out my yoga mat and began to meditate in an attempt to get out of my head. Half and hour passed and I had managed to collect my thoughts.

Luka has feelings for Marinette, not me, so I needed to focus on him and I being just friends. Marinette seemed to also have feelings for Luka, so it shouldn't be an issue. Regarding the almost-kiss with Adrien, that's another challenge that I'll worry about later.

I moved out to the balcony to enjoy the cool air, using it to help me relax. As I did, I heard a gentle thud behind me, signaling the arrival of a certain cat. I turned to Chat Noir, "To what do I owe the pleasure of tonight's visit?"

"Nothing important, Purrincess." Chat Noir replied. "Just passing by and saw you out, so I decided to stop by. You seem distracted, anything peculiar happen today?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me.

I let out a gentle chuckle, and spilled the beans. "I just had an interesting situation happen with a close friend of mine earlier, that's all."

Chat noir perked up, teasingly poking my cheek. "Oh ho ho, now what happened earlier to make your face so red?"

I lied to the cat, trying to pass off the blush, "Nothing! It's just hot outside!" I swatted at his hand.

"Hmmm" Chat noir leaned in, and started inspecting my face with a playful smirk on his face. "No no no, I know something happened because you look like a tomato." He poked my cheek, and I took a step back. "Nothing happened! I swear!" I hollered out at the cat.

Within an instant, my back was against a wall. I opened my squinted eyes and catch my breathe. I see Chat Noir's arm right next to my head and his leg between mine. My heart feels like it's about to explode.

"Uhm, uh, hey... Chat..." I managed to stutter out just before I feel his hand on my chin and then he turns my head to the side and leans into my ear.

His voice was low and soft as he whispered in my ear, "I can tell for a fact it wasn't just nothing," I let out a quiet gasp as he continued, "Now can you please stop lying to me, milady?" He moved his head back slightly so that our faces were just inches apart.

I gave a small nod and manage to whimper out a "Yeah, sorry." While I stared at the superhero in front of me. He quickly stood up straight and patted my head acting as if nothing happened. "Good girl! So, what happened?" He went over to the railing of the balcony and began to lean on it.

"Well, uh," I took a shaky breathe, trying to calm my poor heart. "We were messing around, and he got a video of me so I tried to get his phone to delete said recording, and we ended up in a very... suggestive... pose." I spoke, sitting on the chair across from Chat Noir.

Chat Noir leaned towards me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Well, how did you feel about it? That situation with your friend, I mean. Did you guys get "Caught up in the moment?" as they say?" a smirk on his lips.

"Kinda? We didn't do anything if that's what you're asking. His phone rang, and that brought me back to reality." I fiddled with my fingers, trying to keep myself from looking up at him. I was extremely embarrassed.

"What do you think of him? Did it make you uncomfortable?" He asked, walking over to the chair I was on and sat next to me.

"I'm not sure, I mean now my head is spinning with him constantly and man those thoughts are not family friendly. I wouldn't say I was uncomfortable but it was a new feeling. I hadn't thought of him that way before, and now that I am, I have no idea what to do." I put my head on his shoulder and let out a sigh.

I took in Chat's scent, he smelled so familiar and so... intoxicating. I wrapped my arms around his arm, and relaxed. I felt him shake a bit as he lets out a low chuckle, "Enjoying yourself?"

"Yeah, you owe me after what you just did. That was extremely unfair." I closed my eyes and relaxed into him.

That was when it hit me, and I jolted up. "Oh god Chat, what if I made him uncomfortable? What if he doesn't want to see me again or continue being my friend?" I began to panic.

"Woah, calm down Y/n. I doubt he wouldn't have said anything if her were uncomfortable. From what you told me, it sounds like the exact opposite, just be kind to yourself and patient." He spoke up, wrapping his arms around my shoulders in a hug.

"I hope so, Chat." I breathed out, wrapping my arms around him. He began to rub my back trying to comfort me. "I know so, just take your time. Okay?" The blonde boy reassured, his voice subtle and calm.

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