Chapter Four

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~~~ A few months later ~~~

After school, I hastily waved to my friends and rushed over to the bike rack. The rain was pouring down, and I was eager to get home as quickly as I could. I hopped on my bike and pedaled away, feeling the cold rain soak through my clothes.

As soon as I got home, my main priority was to not get sick. I rushed into the house, leaving my bike dripping by the door. The chill of the ac on my wet clothes fueled my desire for a hot shower. I ran through the house, to my bathroom and quickly started the shower, hopping in and feeling the warmth wash over me. Hopefully, I can avoid catching a nasty bug.

After my shower, I got into my sweat pants and tank top and walked out of the bathroom to the living room. I turned on the TV, using my towel to dry my hair while I watched the news. To my surprise, I found a new akuma alert. While listening to the news story, my phone bussed with notifications. I checked it to find a text from Luka, my best friend.

"Y/n, are you okay? I saw the news, and the akuma looks like it's near your house."

I couldn't help but laugh at his concern. "Yeah, I'm all good. Just got out of the shower. So unless it's a shower monster, I think I'm safe." I teased him, enjoying the conversation since it had been a while since we've seen one another.

"Haha, very funny. I'm glad you're okay. After Ladybug and Chat Noir defeat the akuma, do you want to hang out? It's been a while :)"

I raised an eyebrow at his suggestion. "Woah, are you saying that you miss me? :0" I couldn't resist teasing him a bit more.

Luka played along, "What gave that away?"

"Hmmm, I dunno, haha, yeah, I'm down. Where do you want to go?"

"Awesome! Want to do my place? I have a cool movie that I'd like to watch with you."

I smiled at his offer. "Sounds good, Luka. I'll head your way soon."

I decided to make some hot chocolate for us both since it's cold outside. Once I finished it, I put it into my thermos and walked to my room to get dressed.

I pulled on a T-shirt and some jeans, grabbing my hoodie and slipping it over my head. I walked out to the Livingroom where my dad was siting on the couch watching 'The Witcher', and grabbed my boots from the shoe rack.

Sitting down on the couch next to my dad, I start to slip on my boots and realize it's still raining. Well, crap.

"Hey daddddd~" I purposefully drug out my sentence, just to be goofy.

"Yes, sweetie?" He responded, pausing his show.

"Could you give me a ride to Luka's? Pretty please??" I asked, zipping up my boots and jumping up off the couch.

"Depends... Did you get all of your homework and chores done?" Dad sat up and craned his neck back to look at the sink.

"Yep and yep. Homework is done for the weekend and all my chores are done!" I grabbed my leather jacket and slipped it on over my hoodie, and grabbed my bag and thermos.

"Then, sure. I can take you to his house. Will you be coming home tonight?" He asked as he put his shoes on and grabbed his jacket and keys.

"I'm not sure, the plan is to watch a movie as of right now. I'll text you once I know for sure."

"Alright, sounds good." We head out to the car, running to avoid getting soaked by the rain.

~~~ A short car ride later~~~

"Thanks dad! Love you!" I gave my dad a hug and opened my door.

"You're welcome sweetheart, let me know what the plan is!" I shut the door, and ran to the front door. As I'm about to knock on the door, I see Marinette open it.

"Oh, hey, Marinette. What are you up too?" I asked her as she moved aside to let me in, so I was out of the rain.

"Hey, Y/n! I was getting ready to head out, I was hanging out with Juleka and Rose but my parents need my help at the bakery so I had to cut it short." She responded, putting on her rain coat.

"Ah okay, do you want a ride home then? It's still raining, and I don't think my dad has left yet. We can put your bike in the back, or leave it here and I can take it to your house when I head out." I offered, texting my dad to make sure it was alright and that he hadn't left yet.

"That would be amazing, and I'll probably come back for it tomorrow. Thanks Y/n!" She grinned at me, "Of course, you know dad and I would both prefer you didn't get sick. He's outside for ya!" I gave her a hug and waved her goodbye as she walked out.

Closing the door behind her, I headed downstairs and waved to Luka's mom. I put my finger up to my lips to let her know that I was planning on surprising Luka, and she let out a soft chuckle.

I tip-toed down the hall towards his room, raising my hand to knock on his door I stopped myself. He was working on a new song, so I decided to let him finish before I let him know I was here.

I leaned against the wall, and slowly slid down the wall so I was sitting on the floor next to the door. The melody sounded sad and confused, full of yearning. Luka sounds so sad... I thought to myself. I listened to him play his heart out.

I began to doze off, the song was oddly calming and sounded familiar. I missed his music...

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