Chapter Twenty Four

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I groaned as my alarm went off, I swatted at my phone, trying to turn it off. Adrien chuckled at me as he turned the alarm off, the model already up and ready, with breakfast made for me.

"How the hell are you already awake?" I grumbled at him, rubbing my eyes while trying to wake up. He moved the hair out of my face and rubbed my back, "I'm always up by now, wanna get ready so you can come enjoy the breakfast I made?"

I nodded at him before asking, "What did you make?" I stretched, and crawled out of bed. "Pancakes." I smiled and went over to my closet, "Coolio, do you wanna step out so I can get changed and cover the hickies on my neck?" Teasing him, I pushed him out of the room and locked the door.


Arriving at school, we stepped out of the limo, Nathalie had come to pick us up, and walked up towards the doors. I noticed Adrien's odd behavior as he kept a protective distance as we navigated the halls, his eyes darting around warily. Before I had the opportunity to ask him about his strange attitude I heard an all too familiar voice, and remembered that Luka was transferring to our class in order to be closer to Juleka due to her anxiety.

Luka being here put me on edge, and the longer I heard his voice the more uncomfortable I felt. We rushed to our class in hopes to avoid running into him but the universe had other plans, where's ladybug's luck when you need it? I let out a sigh.

Marinette rushed over to us, followed by Luka, and wrapped her arms around me. "Oh my god! Y/n! Are you okay?" She looked me over, then glanced between Adrien and I, "You seem a little off today."

I gulped, and my eyes widened as I glanced from her to Luka, who was behind her, and smiled awkwardly. "Oh, I'm fine, Marinette, just a bit tired. You know how it is with late-night study sessions."

Marinette was, unfortunately for me, more observant when it came to me and had a hint of suspicion in her gaze. "Are you sure? You seem distracted."

I hesitated, unsure of how much to tell her. "Well, to be honest, I didn't get much sleep last night. Adrien and I had a bit of a movie marathon, and things got a little... hectic."

Marinette's eyes widened with curiosity, and she leaned in closer, eager to hear more. Odd, I thought she had a thing for him... "Ooh, do tell!" Like a switch was flipped, she realized we were in front of the boys and she quickly guided me to the classroom, back to my seat in the back and began to speak again. "How was your sleepover with Adrien? Did you guys have fun?"

I couldn't help but laugh at her enthusiasm, shaking off the strange feelings I had a moment ago. "It was... interesting, to say the least. Adrien's a great guy, but let's just say we had a few unexpected surprises through the night."

Marinette's eyes widened, intrigued, and she leaned closer to me. "Oh, really? That sounds like fun! What did you guys end up doing?"

I hesitated, unsure of what she was asking. "Um, well, we watched a few movies, and then... things kind of escalated from there."

Marinette's eyebrows shot up in surprise, and she leaned back, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "Oh? Do tell! What kind of 'interesting' things happened?"

I shifted uncomfortably, feeling a flush creeping up my cheeks as I tried to find the right words. "Well, um... Adrien and I ended up... kissing."

Marinette let out an excited squeal, unable to contain her excitement. "No way! You and Adrien kissed? That's amazing!"

I felt my face heat up and I was embarrassed at the fact she just announced it to the whole room, luckily it was just her, me, the two boys, Nino, and Alya.

As I hid my face and mumbled, I could hear Nino and Alya in the background.

"You finally made a move, dude? Sick!" Nino high fived Adrien, and Alya chimed in "I knew when you guys left yesterday, something good was gonna happen!"

"Yeah, it just felt like the right time! Ya know?" Adrien replied, looking directly as Luka. The latter then responded, "I can understand feeling it in the moment, are you sure that it was the perfect time though?"

I tuned out their conversations and shifted my attention back to Marinette as she continued, "That's so romantic! I'm so happy for you, Y/n! But wait... what about Luka? Did he...?"

I shook my head, before I could say anything, Juleka tapped Marinette on the shoulder and let her know that Mrs. Bustier needed her help real quick.

With that, we waved Marinette goodbye and Juleka turned to me. "Sorry, I thought you looked uncomfortable and-" I smiled and set my hand on her shoulder, "Thank you, Jules. She was starting to ask some weird questions. It was making me feel uncomfortable."

Juleka smiled and quickly gave me a hug, holding me tight, "I'm sorry for my brother, I'm glad you're happy with Adrien. You deserve someone who could give you the attention you deserve."

I just hugged her tighter, "Thank you." I looked around and noticed that Nathaniel and Rose weren't here today, "Do you want to sit next to me today?" She silently nodded and set her back next to me.


Throughout the school day, Juleka and Adrien helped me keep my distance from Luka while I hung out with everyone. Any time Luka would attempt to get me to talk to him privately, Juleka would ask him a question, or Adrien would get my attention. At the end of the day, I waved to everyone and began my walk home. I put some earbuds in and started to play some music, excited to go home and work on my school work. I needed the distraction.

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