Chapter Thirty Two

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I opened the door to find Adrien and Luka standing there, a pizza box in Luka's hands and a mixture of excitement and nervousness in their eyes. My heart skipped a beat at the sight of them together. "Hey, come on in. You can put the pizza on the coffee table."

"Cool, thank you babe." Adrien steps in and kisses me on the forehead before taking the box from Luka and putting it on the table, Luka followed him in, glancing at me and him.

"The pizza was a good idea, I was starving." Adrien announced, grabbing plates and handing us all one. I smiled at him and giggled, "I figured it'd help make the conversation easier."

The boys smiled, before Adrien took a deep breath, exchanging a look before turning to me. "Look, Y/n, we've been talking, and we realized that... well, things are complicated. But they don't have to be in a bad way."

I looked between them, my mind racing. "Go on."

Luka leaned forward, his expression sincere. "What we're trying to say is that we both have feelings for you. And instead of fighting over you, we thought maybe... we could all be together. If you're open to it."

My heart pounded in my chest. I set down my slice of pizza, trying to process what they were saying. "You guys mean, like, the three of us? Together? I thought you two hated one another."

Adrien nodded, reaching out to take my hand. "Yes, we don't want to lose you and have come to realize that it wasn't that we hated eachother. We think this could work, if you're willing to try."

I looked at our hands, then up at Luka, who was watching me with a hopeful, gentle smile.

"We know this is a lot to take in," Luka said softly. "But we want you to know that we care about you. And each other. We just want to make sure everyone is happy."

My eyes softened as I looked at hem. "You guys really thought this through, didn't you?"

Adrien chuckled. "We've been talking about it for the last hour, we just want to be honest with you."

There was a moment of silence as I took in their words. Then, I nodded slowly. "Okay. Let's give it a shot."

A collective sigh of relief escaped both men, and they shared a smile before turning their attention back to me. "Thank you." Luka said, his voice filled with gratitude.

Adrien squeezed my hand gently. "And now that we've gotten that out of the way..." He leaned in, his lips brushing my ear. "How about we make this evening a bit more... interesting?"

My hear skipped a beat at the seductive tone in Adrien's voice. I felt Luka's hand slide up my arm, his touch sending shivers down my spine. "We've been waiting to show you just how much we care." Luka murmured, his lips grazing my neck.

I found it harder to breath as both men leaned in closer, their hands exploring my body with a mix of tenderness and urgency. Adrien captured my lips in a deep, passionate kiss, while Luka's mouth trailed down my neck, each touch sending a shock of electricity through me.

My breath quickened, my senses overwhelmed by the dual sensations. Adrien's hands moved to my waist, pulling me closer, while Luka's fingers deftly unbuttoned my shirt, his lips never leaving my skin.

They worked in perfect harmony, their movements synchronized as they explored my body. Adrien's kisses grew more demanding, his tongue exploring my mouth with a hunger that matched my own. Luka's hands roamed over me, finding every sensitive spot, making me gasp and arch into their touch.

My hands tangled in Adrien's hair, pulling him closer, as Luka's mouth found my collarbone, sucking gently before moving lower.

The warmth of Adrien's breath on my neck mingled with the gentle pressure of Luka's lips tracing a path down my collarbone. My pulse raced, a thrumming beat of anticipation and excitement. The room seemed to fade away, leaving only the three of us in our own little world.

Adrien's hands were firm on my waist, guiding me closer as his kisses deepened. His touch was both possessive and tender, a blend of passion and care that left me breathless. I could feel the heat radiating from him, matching the fire that Luka's fingers ignited as they traced patterns on my skin.

Luka's lips paused just above my breasts, his breath hot and tantalizing. "You're so beautiful," he whispered against my skin, his voice a husky murmur that sent shivers down my spine. "We want to show you just how much you mean to us."

Adrien's fingers slid under the edges of my shirt, taking it off me in one smooth motion. His eyes roamed over me with a mixture of adoration and desire as Luka worked to remove my bra. Adrien leaned in to capture my lips once more, his kiss deep and consuming.

Luka's hands moved to my hips, his touch gentle yet insistent. He guided me to lean back further onto the couch, positioning himself beside me while Adrien knelt in front of me. The intensity of their combined attention was overwhelming, a heady mix of tenderness and passion that made my head spin.

Adrien's hands slid down my sides, his touch leaving a trail of fire in its wake. "We want you to feel how much we care," he said, his voice a low, soothing rumble. His fingers found the waistband of my jeans, and he looked up at me for permission, his eyes filled with a mixture of longing and respect.

I nodded, my breath hitched as Luka's lips found the sensitive spot just below my ear. The two of them worked in perfect harmony, their touches and kisses intertwining to create a complete sensational overload that left me gasping for more.

Adrien slowly removed my jeans, his hands caressing my legs as he did. Luka's hands slid up my torso, his thumbs brushing over my ribs before finding my breasts and his lips curved into a smile against my skin.

"You're amazing." Luka murmured, his voice a soft caress. He pulled back to look into my eyes, his expression filled with love and lust. Adrien's hands joined his, their touches reverent as they explored my body together.

The intensity of their combined attention was almost too much to bear, but it was also exactly what I needed. Their touches, their kisses, their words; All of it combined to create a sense of belonging and connection that I had never felt before.

Adriens lips found mine again, his kiss slow and deliberate. Lukas hands roamed over my body, finding every sensitive spot and coaxing soft moans from my lips. The two of them moved in perfect sync, their touches complementing each other in a way that left me breathless.

As the night wore on, we lost ourselves in each other, our connection deepening with every touch, every kiss, every whispered word. The boundaries that had once separated us dissolved, leaving only the pure, unadulterated joy of being together.

By the time we finally pulled back, breathless and flushed, the room was filled with the soft glow of dawn. We lay tangled together on the couch, our bodies entwined and our hearts beating in unison.

Adriens fingers traced lazy circles on my back, his touch soothing and reassuring. "This feels right." He whispered, his voice filled with contentment.

Luka nodded, his hand resting over mine. "Together, we can make this work. We just have to trust each other."

I looked into their eyes, seeing the love and determination reflected there. "Im ready," I said softly. "Lets see where this journey takes us."

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