Chapter Twenty

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~~~ Luka's POV ~~~

I was on a pizza delivery when I saw them together, walking into her house. Y/n's eyes looked puffy, and she was visibly upset; I had the urge to run over and ask her if she were okay, instead I clenched my teeth together and rode off back to the shop. Duty calls, she'll be okay. He is with her after all, so I know everything will be okay.

As I continued my ride back, an uneasy feeling started to gnaw at me and gradually grew stronger. According to Marinette, Adrien's father rarely allowed him out of the house for anything other than shoots and school. So, why was he with her? Why was he so confident entering her house, did Mr. (l/n) know about this? Why wouldn't she talk to me? If she had feelings for me, she would have told me. Gah! God damn it, Y/n! I just got with Marinette and now you are all I can think off.

I rushed through my remaining deliveries and quickly cleaned up before clocking out. As I walked out of the doors, I pulled my phone out and scrolled through my contacts so I could call Marinette but paused when I saw Y/n's contact. Her picture was of us last summer, I sat on a bench next to me and scrolled through my photo album of her and I last year, smiling softly to myself. That's when I landed on a picture of the four of us that Juleka had taken, and a million thoughts raced through my mind.

In the picture Marinette and I were sitting on the couch while I showed her my latest song I worked on, and on the other side of the room Y/n and Adrien could be seen. Y/n mocking Adrien's modeling poses, and him laughing, his gaze filled with warmth and love while looking at her.

I had another wave of uneasiness wash over me, and I looked at her Instagram and see more pictures of them on it. Fuck. That's when it hit me- the sudden invitation from Adrien, him always being seen around her, his eyes following her throughout the day, him blushing when he spoke to her, as if it was all he ever wanted. Like a lost dog who finally found a home. Fuck, fuck, fuck! How could I have not seen it sooner?!

Adrien Agreste has feelings for Y/n! I felt my emotions begin to bubble up until a raindrop falling onto my shoulder snapped me out of it. Wait, Why does that bother me? I pinched the bridge of my nose and let out a groan. My mind raced through every idea of why, and I came to the conclusion that it was just because she was my best friend and I just didn't want her to replace me just because I got a girlfriend.

I sit up and scroll through my main page on Instagram and come across Alya's post. It was a picture of Adrien and Y/n holding hands and the caption read: "These two lovebirds joined us for a double date today." and there was a comment from Y/n saying: "Just wait till I tell you these "Lovebirds" are having a movie night and sleep over. btw we aren't dating lol."

He's staying over? Over night? Panic began to take over and I rushed over to her home. The rain was hitting my face and soaking my clothes, my breathing uneven and my heart racing. I parked my bike and ran up to her door, taking a minute to try and calm down before I knocked. I heard movement inside, and I knocked softly. I needed to remain calm, I was just checking to see if she was okay, to convince her it wasn't a good idea for him to stay.

No response. Damn it. I knocked again, this time I spoke. "Y/n, I know you're home. Can we talk, please? It's important." Come on, Y/n, don't ignore me. I need to make sure you're safe. I needed to talk to her. What would I even say? I wasn't her dad, nor her boyfriend. Would she even listen to me? With that final thought, I hear her open the door and her voice, "Hey Luka, what's up?" I looked up, hopeful to see her alone. I felt a little relieved to see she was okay until I noticed that her hair was slightly tousled, face was flushed, and behind her was Adrien. He wore a mischievous grin, as if he had just pulled off some elaborate prank.

Anger bubbled inside of me and before I could think, I punched him. He stumbled back into her Livingroom and I followed grabbing the collar of his shirt with both of my hands and pushing him against the wall.

"What in the hell do you think you are doing Agreste?" I yelled at him, as Y/n stood back at the door, frozen in place.

"What do you mean Couffaine? I'm spending time with the girl I like." He smirked at me, barely attempting to get out of my grip.

"Alone? Does her father even know you are here with his daughter?" I growled out, "And what if any of your fans saw you walking in here with her?"

"Are you saying I should hide her from everyone as if I'm ashamed of her, that's harsh man." He mocked me.

I pulled him away from the wall just to slam him back into it, "That is not what I meant and you know it! Your fans are crazy and she can get hurt!" He let out a cough before speaking up.

"LUKA! Stop it!" Y/n pulled me away from him, and went to make sure he was okay. Hearing her voice brought me back and I realized what I had done. "Y/n..."

"Luka, you, me, hallway, now." She said, her tone as hard as steel. I really fucked up.

"Look, Y/n, I was just worried-" She grabbed my arm and led me out of her apartment into the hallway, closing the door behind me.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" She yelled at me.

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