Chapter Twenty Three

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It was about midnight when I found myself standing on my balcony with a blanket around my shoulders, sipping on a cup of chamomile tea. It wasn't could outside, but the breeze added a slight chill.

Scrolling through my camera roll, I look at the pictures of Luka and I. Adrien was still asleep in the Livingroom, and I couldn't sleep so I came out here. I needed to organize my thoughts and feelings.

Looking back at earlier in the hallway, I remember the pain and fear in Luka's eyes, the way his voice broke when he realized what Adrien and I had been doing, the way he gripped me like he was afraid I'd run away the second he let go. None of it made sense, and to make matters worse, I have no idea why he went after Adrien when he did.

"Hey," I hear a voice behind me, I know who it is without having to look. Adrien noticed I was gone. "I started getting cold and noticed you weren't there, but I didn't expect you to be out here." He walked over and took a seat next to me, "What's going on?"

I looked down at my phone, a picture of Luka and I hugging with cake on our faces at his fifteenth birthday was displayed, and I could hear my voice break as I replied, "I don't want to hurt you." I stare down ashamed.

"Why would you hurt me?" Adrien placed his hand on my shoulder, confused as to why I said what I did.

"I can't get him out of my head. I want to move on, I really do, but after what happened earlier, I'm just so confused! I don't want to lead you on but-" I feel the tears threaten to spill, I feel horrible after how sweet he's been to me. Adrien grabs my hand with his and cuts me off, "Y/n, Let me ask you this. Do you have feelings for me? Regardless of how you feel about anyone else, do you feel something for me?" his face was serious, he turned my head so I was looking at him. I nodded, "Yeah, I do."

Adrien smiled, and set my hand on his chest right above his heart. "Then, let me be here. I care for you, I have feelings for you, so please," I felt his heart rate increase, "Let yourself love me, I'm not going anywhere, and I don't mind being with you while you are trying to get over him. I want to love you, can I?"

His expression that night is one that I will never forget. His green eyes were full of warmth and adoration, his heart was pounding in his chest, his smile was one of love. He looked like the picture perfect guy that any woman would yearn for, and I gave in.

He moved my hand from my chest and placed it on his cheek, leaning into my touch, all while moving his own hand to my cheek. "I want to see you happy. I'll do whatever it takes to get your smile back."

"Thank you Adrien, I don't know what I'd do without you." I felt a tear escape and land on his hand, "I want to love you, and it'll take time for me to move on from him fully, are you okay with that?" I asked, hesitant, afraid he'd change his mind.

"I'll be here for as long as it takes, my angel." And with that, I hugged him, burying my face in the crook of his neck.

For a moment, we sat in the comfortable silence, listening to the sounds of crickets and the breeze. Even though I had decided to try with Adrien, I couldn't help the doubt creeping into my mind. Could I really move on from Luka? Especially after he essentially confessed his feelings for me. Yeah, we had been friends for years but does that mean his feelings are actually real or was it just a fear of not being the center of my attention anymore?

And what about Adrien? Despite him saying that he didn't mind and that he wanted to love and be with me regardless, a part of me couldn't shake the fear of leading him on, of hurting him in the process of trying to heal my own shattered heart.

Noticing that I was lost in thought, Adrien gently brushed his hand against my cheek before he spoke. "Y/n," He murmured, his voice a soft whisper against the silence of the night. "I know this won't be easy, but I'm here for you, every step of the way. I swear it."

Taking a deep breath, I replied, my voice muffled by his chest. "I'm sorry for all this mess, I never meant for things to get so complicated."

Adrien pulled back slightly, his hands gently tilting my chin up so that our eyes met. "Y/n you have nothing to apologize for," his gaze soft yet unwavering, "Life is messy, and love even more so. But I'll stand by your side as we figure it out."

I felt a small smile tug at the corners of my lips as I nodded, "Okay." I whispered, leaning forward to press a tender kiss against his lips. It was a small and quick gesture, but it was my way of showing him my thanks and my feelings.

Adrien's hand found mine, and he intertwined our fingers before he spoke up. "We should probably head back in here soon. I don't want you to catch a cold, and we do have school in the morning." I nodded in agreement as I stood up and lead him inside, walking towards my bedroom.

"Woah, getting bold now are we?" Adrien chuckled, teasing me. I turn to shoot him a playful glare, "I mean, I figured sleeping in a bed would be more comfortable than trying to squeeze us both onto the couch, but if you'd prefer to sleep there I can have the bed all to myself."

He raised his hands in defeat, "Nope, I'm good. The bed sounds nice. More space." I smirked and continued to my bedroom, and plopped down on the bed, letting Adrien get settled in. "Goodnight, my angel." He kissed my forehead and pulled me into him. "Goodnight blondie." I replied, drifting off to sleep.

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