Chapter Nineteen

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He stopped when our noses were touching, then he whispered to me, his voice having a different ring to it that I've never heard before. "I couldn't even imagine losing you, losing the opportunity to be yours. I know he's your friend, your best friend even, but damn, seeing the way he hurt you frustrates me. The fact he had your attention and didn't notice irritates me." His voice came out in a low growl as he continued, "You are the best woman any man could ask for. The way your (e/c) eyes shine in the sun and the softness of your lips," Adrien ran his thumb over my bottom lip gently, "It makes me want to be selfish. It makes me want to show him what he could have had."

Now barely an inch apart, our lips slightly brushed together. "Your smell is intoxicating, Y/n." he continued, his eyes focused on my lips. Adrien glanced up at my eyes as I began to speak.

"Adrien... I..." I looked into his eyes, seeing a look of yearning. In that moment, I caved. I gave into my own selfish desires, and gave him the permission he had been silently begging for.

I glanced down at his lips, and within seconds, I felt his lips crash onto mine. He tasted of vanilla and chocolate, a mix of his chapstick and cocoa. Adrien's kiss was careful yet aggressive, as if he was holding himself back. Succumbing to the sensation, I wrapped my arms around his neck. One hand on the back of his head and tangled in his soft, golden locks, the other placed on his back. He leaned into the kiss, gently pushing my back flat against the couch cushions.

I propped my knee up as he brought his underneath it, creating a more intimate position. His kisses started at the corner of my lip, then trailed along my jawline, sending shivers down my spine. Moving down to my neck, I couldn't help but let out a gasp as his lips explored.

Hearing me gasp, Adrien smirked to himself and began his assault on the sensitive spot on my neck, just above my collarbone, lavishing it with a series of fervent kisses.

~~~ Adrien's POV ~~~

I marked her as mine, each hickey I left serving as a visible declaration of ownership. With every carefully placed mark, I was making a bold statement: Y/n belonged to me, and I won't allow anyone else to claim what is no undeniably in my territory. In the depths of my possessive passion, I was determined to ensure that Luka, or anyone else for that matter, understood the consequence of losing her.

I made sure my actions conveyed an intense possessiveness, a primal desire to protect what I considered rightfully mine, shielding her from any potential harm and asserting my dominance over anyone who thought they had a chance.

I placed my left arm over her head as I slipped my right hand under the hem of her shirt. My fingers brushed against her side, causing her to let out a quiet moan as I continued to explore her neck.

~~~ Y/n's POV ~~~

I moved my hand up to my mouth to stifle my moans, then I heard him speak, taking a brief break from leaving hickies on my skin.

"Don't, please. Don't hide them from me; you sound lovely," he whimpered, as if pleading with me. I nodded in response as his cold hand move higher, reaching my chest, and eliciting another moan from me. "Good girl," he praised me, kissing me again, his hungry kisses conveying his insatiable desire. I felt him rub his knee against me, adding to the intensity of the moment and causing me to moan louder.

The pleasure was intoxicating, and I didn't want it to end. As my mind went blank, enjoying myself and the sensation of Adrien on me, we were abruptly interrupted by a knock on the door. Adrien looked up at me, awaiting instructions, and we went silent as we listened. The other person on the other side of the door spoke, their voice was filled with urgency.

"Y/n? Are you free? It's me, Luka." He sounded out of breath, we stayed quiet, Adrien didn't move an inch. His hand on my chest, his arm holding him up, and him looking up at me from my neck; He seemed annoyed, hesitant to move.

"Y/n, I know you're home. Can we talk? Please? It's important, please." Luka pleaded with me through the door. Adrien glared at the door, angry we were interrupted and that it was Luka of all people. I set my hand on his chest and signaled for him to sit up so I could fix attire. I started to quickly fix my hair and my outfit. Trying to hide the hickies on my neck with my hair.

"You don't have to answer; I can answer it for you. I'll get him to leave you alone." Adrien spoke up, concerned. He noticed I was trying to hide the hickies and he let out a whine and tried to move my hair away from my neck so that they were on full display for the world to see.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry. I promise," I reassured him, fixing my hair again. I stood up and walked over to the door, I opened it and greeted Luka, who kept his gaze lowered. Adrien approached from behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder. "Hey, Luka, what's up?" I greeted, and when Luka looked up, his expression seemed to become aggressive when he saw Adrien wrapped around me. The tension between the two was so thick you could cut it with a knife, with Luka glaring at Adrien and Adrien smirking in response.

The atmosphere crackled as the two stared at eachother, Luka looked as if he was ready to kill Adrien meanwhile Adrien enjoyed getting on his nerves.


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