Chapter Three

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Marinette hurriedly walked over to her desk, "Hey! What are you doing?" She yelled at the boy. "Oh, uh... I..." Adrien tried to respond, just as Chloe and Sabrina start laughing.

"Okay. I get it. Good job, you three. Very funny." She grumbled, "No, no, I was just trying to take this off!" He scrambled to try and explain himself, without mentioning it was Chloe who did it. Admirable, but pointless.

The girls continue to laugh, and I hand Marinette a tissue to cover the gum so she can sit down. "You're friends with Chloe, right?" The angry bluenette asked him.

"Why do people keep saying that?" Adrien questioned, I placed a hand on his shoulder and shook my head, trying to give him some comfort before going to my desk.

"Now do you see what I mean about respect?" Chloe asked, Adrien shook his head and turned his attention to Nino. I'm not sure what was said, but they are actually talking and seem to be having a pleasant conversation now.

About fifteen minutes later, Miss Bustier walked in and began roll call. "Agreste, Adrien?" She called out, looking around. After some whispering, Adrien finally jumps up with a raised hand. "Uh, Present!" I laughed at the outrageousness of his actions. Nino and Adrien fist-bump as he sat down.

Miss Bustier continued her roll call after we quieted down. "Bourgeois, Chloe?" "Present!" "Bruel, Ivan?" Suddenly, the door is broken down and we hear a 'Present!'. "Mylene?" Ivan grabs Mylene, holding her in his fist.

"Let go of me, Ivan!" She shouts, trying to wriggle out of his grasp. "I'm not Ivan anymore. I'm Stoneheart." Stoneheart spoke, pulling her closer to his face. "Why are you doing this?" Mylene shouted at him. "So you and I can be together forever!"

Chloe is on the phone and is being obnoxiously loud, I tried to hush her and get her to hide. "Chloe! Crouch behind your desk!" I whisper shouted to her, she pushed me back with her foot, practically kicking me into Ivan.

"Daddy, the monster is back!" She cried into her phone. "You!" Ivan grabs Chloe, and takes her with him. "Please, my hair!" She screams.

I wipe myself off and stand up, Alya turning to look between Marinette and I. "Com on! Let's follow him!" Marinette backs away, "Uh... oh, no. You go. I'm finding myself a safe place to hide.

"Girl, you're gonna miss Ladybug in Action!" Marinette picks up Alya's bag, and holds it out to her. "Well, if she won't go with you I will. We have to help out as much as we can. We have to help Mylene and... you know... Chloe." I pause, "Well should we even," "Yes, Y/n. We can't just leave Chloe, no matter how tempting the thought would be." Alya responded, "Aw man..."

"You and Ladybug will both be better off without me." Strange, why is Marinette trying to get Alya to take her bag? It will only get in the way.

"If you say so! Come on Y/n!" Alya runs out of the room, pulling me along with her.


Alya and I finally catch up to Stoneheart, and see Chat Noir fighting him on his own. Ladybug no where in sight and Chloe complaining and screaming.

"If you can hear me, Ladybug, I could use a little help!" Chat hollers out, struggling to hold off the monster. Alya is following the monster and I see a stone being begin to move, it unknowingly knocks over a car. Before I could call out to her, Chat Noir threw his stick to save her and she ends up getting trapped and Chat gets kidnapped by another stone being.

"Let go, you rockhead!" Chat struggled to get out of the stone beings hands as Alya begins to scream, "Help!" I rush over to Alya.

"Hold on Alya! Ladybug will be here any second! I swear it!" Panicking I try to move the car to help my friend.

"Stand back, let me handle this!" I hear a young woman call out from behind me. I turn to see Ladybug and I sigh with relief. "Thank god you're here Ladybug." I move back and help Alya away from the car when we hear Chloe screaming again.


"You can't stay here. It's too dangerous." Ladybug follows the trail of stone beings. Avoiding each one, she sees Chat Noir and throws his stick to him.

"Chat Noir! Extend it!" She hollers out to him. Chat does as he was told and manages to free himself from the stone being.


Watching as Ladybug helped Chat Noir free himself, I help Alya steady herself and pulls out her phone.

"Alya, seriously. Put that away, that's what got us in this situation to begin with." I gently push her phone down, she just as quickly pulls it back up.

"It'll be fine, girl. Ladybug is here, and besides, we have to go! To the Eiffel Tower!" She marches over to a bike and motions for me to hop on.

"Fine, but your peddling the whole way there." I chuckle and hop onto the back of the bike and we rush over to the Eiffel Tower.


The following morning, Alya, Marinette, and I were walking to school together and Alya had shown Marinette the video she managed to get yesterday.

"So, by the time we got to the Eiffel Tower, it was all over. I'm way bummed." Alya announced, filling Marinette in on our adventure.

"Don't worry. You'll get your scoop eventually." Marinette laughed, Alya continued. "You're right. Next target: Ladybug, and exclusive interview!" "Ooh. Sounds exciting."

"Oh, Wait! Even better: finding out who's really under that mask." Alya excitedly said, Marinette and I both laughed and Marinette encouraged her. "Uh-huh. Good luck with that one."

I see a Limo pull up to the school and see Adrien step out. I turn back to the girls and let them know I'll catch up with them later, then rush over to the blonde model.

"Hey, it's Adrien, right? I'm Y/n, I'm in your class. I'm a friend of Marinette's, and I'd like to apologize for yesterday. She's not normally like that; it's just when it comes to Chloe, she can get a bit... upset, if you catch my drift. Chloe's left quite the sour taste in the class's, well, everyone's mouth. I'll back you up if you decide to explain things to Marinette, so don't worry. But if you need anything, don't be afraid to ask. We are more than happy to help you," I reassured him, sticking my hand out for a hand shake.

He looks at my hand confused, but quickly shakes my hand, and I could see relief rush over his face. "Thanks, I want to apologize for Chloe. She's had a hard time, but she's the only friend I've had. I know she can be extra. I hope that doesn't cause any issues."

"I understand, it's hard to make new friends so you stick to what you are used to until you get comfortable." I smiled at him and he let out a light chuckle. "Plus, I think we could be good friends." I playfully punched his arm, and we exchanged numbers.

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