Chapter Six

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I jumped onto Luka's back like a monkey and held onto him for dear life. "Y/n? What are you doing?" He asked trying to regain his balance. "Nothing, just felt like jumping." I spoke honestly.

"What do you think?" I peeked out from behind him and showed him my hair.

"It's beautiful, you're beautiful." He smiled ruffling my hair.

"Wow, what a unique compliment you had." I feigned an upset pout and crossed my arms, huffing and turning away.

"Well of course, there really isn't very many unique compliments a guy can say to his best friend before it sounds like flirting, right?" He smiled, walking away to TV and selecting a movie for us.

"Oh... Yeah, that's true." I replied and walked over to the game cabinet and grabbed the game that destroys families...Uno.

I sat the game down on the table and began to deal the cards to everyone, this peaked Rose's interested and she pulled Juleka down to the table with us.

"I love Uno! Juleka let's play all night! I can't believe we haven't played it tonight!" Despite her loud demeanor, I have to admit I have a fondness for Rose and her energy.

"I'm gonna show you all how to really play, as I am the reigning undefeated boat champion." I joked and set the deck in the center of the table.

"Sure you are, but not for long." Luka chimed in.

"Sounds like the long reigning loser has found some confidence." I teased him, as Juleka placed the first card.

"Oh it's on!" He challenged.

~~~ A few games of Uno later ~~~

"Oh come on! How the hell do you keep winning? What's your secret?!" Luka begged, upset he lost every single game.

"There is no secret, just skill home boy." I smirked

Rose's stomach growled signaling it was probably time for dinner. I looked at my phone to see it was 7:30.

"Oh shit, it is getting late. What's the plan? Sleepover or nah?" I asked the group, Juleka and Rose were down for a sleepover and Luka soon agreed, after much (Not really) convincing from the blonde girl. She kept trying to explain how it would be so much more fun with four people instead of just them three.

"Dope, let me tell my dad so he doesn't worry." I pulled out my phone and texted my dad. "Now onto the serious topic..."

The other three turned to look at me, a look of confusion crossing their faces. "Dinner? What are we thinking?" Juleka nodded, Luka just shook his head, and Rose celebrated at the mention of food for her starving tummy.

"Should we order some pizza? I think pizza would be great!" Rose asked, with her phone ready to call the pizzeria. I put my hair into a bun so that it wouldn't be in my way while I cleaned up the cards that had "Somehow" gotten thrown around, and by somehow, I mean when Luka threw the cards up into the air when he ended up having to draw sixteen cards.

"Let's do it! Pizza would be pawsitively delicious," I joked, stealing a pun from Chat Noir's extensive pun collection. "No. Y/n, just no. Do not start with these puns again." Luka said sternly, covering my mouth with his hand to stop me. I attempted to move his hand but failed miserably, deciding to talk anyways, mouth covered or not.

"Buu Lookuhhh, uhyy aaahh duh cah zay-" Before I could finish he moved his hand. "What?"

"But Luka, why can the cat say it, but I can't?" I faked a hurt expression. "Because he's the cat." He said with an annoyed tone.

He turned to the others, "Rose, I can go pick up the pizza real quick if you don't mind keeping an eye on this pun thief." He chuckled while standing up and slipping on some shoes.

"What?! That's so not fair!?" I whined. "I'm just as cool as he is, if not cooler!" I announced, crossing my arms once again.

"Sure you are, wanna walk me to my bike, Ms. Delusional?" Luka teased. I walked him out to his bike, but declined the offer to go with him. To be honest, I wanted to stay and look at the stars for a bit since the rain stopped and it wasn't to bad outside, that way I could enjoy the calm sound of the water lapping the side of the boat.

I got settled against the wall of the boat, enjoying the chance to unwind and take in the smell of the fresh air. It had been a long time since I had been able just enjoy a quiet moment like this. Leaning against the side of the boat, my arms found a comfortable spot on the cold railing, and I closed my eyes. The gentle breeze caressed my face, tenderly lifting strands of my hair. Standing this close to the water, I immersed myself in the serenity of the world. A soft hum escaped my lips, adding a melodic touch to the stillness around me.

After about twenty minutes, I heard footsteps approaching the boat. As I opened my eyes, I saw Luka walking on board, carrying pizzas, with Marinette trailing behind him. I was puzzled when I saw her behind him.

I stood there, watching them as they walked over to the door. "Hey, we got the pizza. I ran into Marinette on the way back, so I brought her along for movie night. Jules said it was alright." He motioned his head towards her, I thought they were on bad terms after the whole kitty section having their music stolen and Marinette started to avoid Luka whenever possible.

After all, she did say that earlier she was hanging out with the girls. He turned to look at her and handed her the pizza so he could get the door for her. Just seeing how he looks at her made my chest feel tight and it was getting hard to breathe.

"Oh yeah, no problem at all. I'll be down in a minute, just taking a moment to unwind," I replied, turning back to the water. As I heard them walk down the stairs and the door close behind them, I let out a sigh and rested my head in my hands, trying to process when and how they started to get along again and began to try to figure out what I was lacking to catch his eye.

I sighed, muttering into my hands, "Of course, it had to be her..." I fought the urge to start crying as I felt the pain in my heart as I remembered how he looked at and talked to her, his eyes sparkling with life.

"What had to be who now?"

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